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I heard from a source close to R*...

Just wanted to know what this new rumour is about. Glad that you (once again) confirmed it with your "sources" Emmi. You've been right so many times and never tried to bullsh*t the forum before. Now I can definitely look forward to Bully 2!




Emmi is the Chris Broussard of GTA Forums


7:30 lol

Edited by Zello
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If there is another Bully game I wonder what era It'll take place in the original bully was kinda unique as it looked like the 80's/90's but they never really said the year though some people have said it took place in 2006.


If they do another Bully game I'd like to see it set in the early 00's I just can't see it being set in the 2010's but that's just me. Maybe they can pull it off though who knows.

R* was going for an early-mid 80s feel with the first game. They wanted it to feel both timeless and nostalgic to the playerbase's youth, and more specifically the Brothers Houser's youth.
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Yeah I was getting vibes that it was like that TV show Freaks and Geeks which took place in the 80's. Everyone in the game pretty much drove some old looking cars, and the clothing didn't look very modern. Which makes the thought of having a new Bully set in the 2010's would be kinda weird you'd have smartphones and whatnot and all the kids would be suffering from ADHD and a lot of the charm from the first game would be kinda lost.

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The first game is set in 2006 tho, you can find some HDTVs, LCD monitors and modern laptops


Edited by M0rk
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Don't worry about it, Emmi. We'll back it up. (unless you do have proof it's fake)


Someone supposedly says they have some Bully 2 art and that it'll be released by 2019/2010.





Could be all fake, probably is, but still well made, at least the concept sketch.

Edited by Spider-Vice
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Don't worry about it, Emmi. We'll back it up. (unless you do have proof it's fake)


Someone supposedly says they have some Bully 2 art and that it'll be released by 2019/2010.





Could be all fake, probably is, but still well made, at least the concept sketch.

Reason to believe it's fake ... posted March 31st 2016 ... one day before April Fools.

Reason to believe it's not fake ... my trusted sources close to R*.

Personally I think the logo and this concept sketch is fake.

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It's a hell of an effort for an April Fools still. The sketch I mean.

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It's a hell of an effort for an April Fools still. The sketch I mean.


It's a hell of an effort for an April Fools still. The sketch I mean.

That's what I was saying, maybe the arts may be fake, but apparently the information corresponds with what was said by yan last week

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Look at the post date, it's from 2016. Considering Take Two made no big announcement at last year's E3 it's safe to say the post is bogus.


A little thing to notice though. It still is pretty well made though.

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Look at the post date, it's from 2016. Considering Take Two made no big announcement at last year's E3 it's safe to say the post is bogus.


A little thing to notice though. It still is pretty well made though.


Well yeah..they want it to sound credible

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I hope the details from that latest "leak" turn out to be false. I play games to get away from real life problems like drugs and racism. On a lesser note, stop cramming agendas into gaming, it's all muh raysism this, not enough equality that... hate to break it to folks, but world wars weren't fought with the power of equality lol.


I would just hate to see R* pandering to the outrage culture cause dejour of the moment, they would lose cred in a lot of the loyalist's books.

Edited by AUScowboy
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That sketch means nothing. It looks like they literally took some sketch from an architect's portfolio and sloppily added a blurry CANIS CANEM EDIT 2 thing in the corner.

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The sketch being 1406 x 1080 leads me to believe it's been cropped to stop reverse image searches. Really, what kind of image has one dimension being 1406 pixels long apart from an edited one?


I mean, apart from the overdone "I has leak here are a couple low-quality blurry images as proof believe me thx" thing that they're doing, but where's the fun in that ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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I actually had no idea reverse image search engines were tricked by dimensions. That's odd.

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Google's reverse image search is mostly good for finding similar images in terms of content and colour, or the same image with different sizes and hosted by different sites - transforming or cropping the image makes it a different one as far as reverse image search is concerned, which is a shame for stuff like this.

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Google's reverse image search is mostly good for finding similar images in terms of content and colour, or the same image with different sizes and hosted by different sites - transforming or cropping the image makes it a different one as far as reverse image search is concerned, which is a shame for stuff like this.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but TinEye can reverse search cropped images.

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Yes it is well made but one thing that bothers me is the fact it says canis canem edit 2 instead of bully 2 in one of the photos.I know thats what it was called in the UK but still bully scholarship edition was released there as well with no need to change the name. But still it has an awful lot of detail in it to be just for an April fools joke.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but TinEye can reverse search cropped images.

It's advertised like that, though still possible to edit an image enough such that it doesn't get found ¯\_(ツ)_/¯



Yes it is well made but one thing that bothers me is the fact it says canis canem edit 2 instead of bully 2 in one of the photos.I know thats what it was called in the UK but still bully scholarship edition was released there as well with no need to change the name. But still it has an awful lot of detail in it to be just for an April fools joke.

Not really, quick edit of a bully title screen then pulling a sketch from some random portfolio, a couple edits and slapping some text on it is like a 2 minute job.
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