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I just realized that Bully is a rushed game


-Sometimes lips don't match with the words during cutscenes, for example when Jimmy meets Gary, Jimmy calls him loser but Jimmy's lips are actually saying dickhead (the game was planned to have stronger language)


-You can still see unused buildings from a far distance (just take a look at the boy's dorm and you will see a second floor)


-In wrong part of town Cornelius mentions a pizza parlor (but the goddamn pizza parlor was removed from the game)


-When Gary pushes Algie during "This is your school" he's actually using Johnny's beta kung fu fighting style (used by Johnny too during wrong part of town


I can't really blame Rockstar considering that they originally wanted to make a game where you are the bully but... this game is really rushed

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That doesn't mean that the game was necessarily rushed though. Stuff gets cut all the time, that's just how game development works.

Yeah i know stuff gets cut all the time but these are things that you can easily notice, you don't have to do a weird glitch or look at the game files to find them


Rockstar did a better job at hiding unused stuff in other games

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All of the stuff that you mentioned is pretty minor if you ask me, they are just simple oversights. Maybe the game was rushed, but this doesn't prove anything really.

Well it wasn't really rushed


Rockstar did some last minute changes to the game, maybe that's why these oversights exist

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  • 4 weeks later...

If they really care about one of their most beloved games, then they'll release the game on Android and iOS...But it's highly likely that they'll just release stuff related to it for Online, probably a Bullworth school uniform...

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I think I used to play this game when I was younger because my father had the original copy of the older Bully game and after playing it for so long at his house he gave it to me as a present when leaving. After that I haven't touched the game for a long time until I got the new game on my old Nintendo. I have never been able to unlock the story line and I think I only came as far as the Halloween missions but I really enjoyed the lessons on school and all the other new things that I could try out. I wouldn't say it was better than Grand Theft Auto though..

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The Time Ranger

I still remember trying to unlock the nerd safehouse by beating the high score in ConSumo I think it was called. It took forever and you couldn't lose your concentration for a second. Still though the nerd safehouse was the best.

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He was joking. Not like he'd be allowed to say that even.

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He was joking. Not like he'd be allowed to say that even.

A GTA 6 joke would have been better


I think even Red Dead has a bigger fanbase than Bully so it's a bit of a dick move from Rockstar to troll us like that

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Canis Canem Edit's 10 year anniversary is tomorrow, Highly unlikely anything will be posted about it since R* just posted that Red Dead teaser on the newswire :/

Announcing Red Dead in Bully's 10 year anniversary


It feels like a kick in the balls for me

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Whoa, I didn't realize. 10 years? Damn.


Well, maybe we can hope for a Bully+RDR+GTA IV trilogy CG remaster then? :)


If not, oh well, shame. At least Bully has the only proper PC port out of these 3.


Edit: Ok so I misread and the anniversary is today. So happy birthday Bully! One of the greatest games ever and the best R* game :beerhat:

Edited by RogerWho
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  • 2 weeks later...
Sunrise Driver

Never finished it. Couldn't pass that f*cking stupid arcade game for the nerds.

You can save that game for very last. After it there's only 1 small mission for Comic book store. Both you can finish after the storyline.

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