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OPM2 scans and info

The Dogs Bollocks

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I've added the rest of the points now...



Here are the main points I pulled from the article (if you run a website, please give planetgta.com credit if you just copy and paste these points) :



- Direct quote from the magazine: "[1984's] Vice City isn't quite the neon-drenched holiday destination (with the high crime rate) that we all know and love. While many of its landmarks are in place, large numbers of buildings are still under construction - little more than skeletal frames wrapped in plastic sheeting."


- Victor Vance is "a stublle-headed powerhouse, marching around in a fetching combo of dog tags and fatigues. Rockstar isn't saying why Vic ultimately rejects the army in favor of helping his naughty lil' brother (Lance) out, but a new Vice City location making its debut in VCS might provide a clue..."


- "Rockstar has hinted that the boys have grown up poor, and you start in Vice City's previously unseen trailer park. There's no word on whether you'll be able to BBQ road kill or laze about on cheap garden furniture yet, but you will be able to interact with a whole new cast of characters, most of whom will be dirt poor and have manky teeth. Given the story's emphasis on the city's construction, we wouldn't be at all surprised if evil developers trying to shut down the trailer park and evict its residents were the catalyst for the boy's misadventures."


- The Phoenix and Stinger vehicles have been confirmed to be in the new game.


- "Helicopters are included this time" as opposed to the PSP version of Liberty City Stories.


- "A whistle-stop tour of the VCS world showed some other surprises too, the most impressive being a funfair, complete with a ferris wheel." Does this mean there will be more rides, or just maybe some small vendors?


- Rollerskating pedestrians will return.


- "The water has been greatly enhanced, with a choppy-looking surface and weather now playing a big part."


- Big Mitch Baker's biker gang will make an expected return for VCS. Kent Paul used to be some part of the biker gang, so expect his return.


- After Lance and Victor kill a bunch of bikers in a gang (the bikers stole one of the Vance's cocaine shipments), they get separated. But, after they re-unite at the end of the mission, Lance re-appears on a huge Harley and says, "I landed on a few soft bikers. Now I got me a new bike!" Then, Lance jumps a huge ramp into the beautiful orange sunset and Vic looks at the camera and says "I don't even know why I bother sometimes."




Edited by Jordan
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Thank you! I just saved the pics and now I am reading them. I hope you don't have to take them down! (Why rahkstar2.gif, Why?confused.gif)


Have a cookie man! cookie.gif

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Looks like there's one new screenshot, Vic standing infront of a Pheonix and it seems a few screenshots are bigger like the Infernus.

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Very nice, thank you for scanning and posting them mate icon14.gif. Theres some new information in here that sure is interesting. Pictures look great icon14.gif.



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Wow this is great. Thank you R*. We all love you. I really like the boxart with Lance Vance holding the PSP.

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Looks like there's one new screenshot, Vic standing infront of a Pheonix and it seems a few screenshots are bigger like the Infernus.

there acctually are two new screens.If you look to the top right of the first page there is a car there that we havent seen in the previous VCS screenshots.i think it looks like a cheetah a little

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Just posted my delightful little summary on GTAVice.com. Rawr.

Nice work Tsuroki, god you and adamcs are fast at getting the latest news up for everyone to see icon14.gif. Keep it up guys cool.gif .

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Some intresing new info starting to pop up here and there now.



Does this mean there will be more rides, or just maybe some small vendors?


Im asumming it will proably be like the SA "fun fair" at the beach, on a smaller scale. Mostly vendors, but the ferris wheel is obviously the main attraction.


Hopefully the buildings from VC that are "yet to be constucted" in VCS, dosent leave the city as a giant construction site.


Edited by ATK
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This is awesome, jet skis and you can SWIM!!!!


God, I am in love. inlove.gif


Anyone notice when they make the main character black, he can now swim?

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This is awesome, jet skis and you can SWIM!!!!


God, I am in love. inlove.gif


Anyone notice when they make the main character black, he can now swim?

Nice observation!

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This is awesome, jet skis and you can SWIM!!!!


God, I am in love. inlove.gif


Anyone notice when they make the main character black, he can now swim?

lol nice catch. its probably because black people are awesome biggrin.gif . no offense jar-jar but these scans are a little bit better than yours (quality wise).

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Looks like there's one new screenshot, Vic standing infront of a Pheonix and it seems a few screenshots are bigger like the Infernus.

there acctually are two new screens.If you look to the top right of the first page there is a car there that we havent seen in the previous VCS screenshots.i think it looks like a cheetah a little

Yeah you are right, well its actually a Stinger tounge.gif

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The caption on the sandking says that it's new to the road of Vice City. We all know it's not.


Just a nit.

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Ya the Sandking caption was the first thing I caught... it irritated me but not that much when I kept reading and nearly wet myself in glee.


Basically... I'm waiting hopefully for the port.


Rown rampage_ani.gif

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The caption on the sandking says that it's new to the road of Vice City. We all know it's not.


Just a nit.

Yeah it seems most Official Sony and Playstation based magazines get things seriously wrong or very biased, extremly wrong in this case.

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wow, now I'm just wondering, why as soon as I Loaded up this topic, ACDC's Big Balls came on right in the middle of TNT?

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holy sh*t man the more news that comes out for the game makes me more anxious on getting. From what i'm hearing the gameplay should be kick ass. I wont be surprised if it gets a 10/10 for sure. I cant wait. rahkstar2.gif

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The Ice Cube "It Was A Good Day" reference in that article is wicked.

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The more news the better. One thing though, why does the artical claim that the Sandking is new to the game? (See scan four)

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Very nice, thank you for scanning and posting them mate icon14.gif. Theres some new information in here that sure is interesting. Pictures look great icon14.gif.



Now you know how we felt jarjar biggrin.gif


Great work TDB!

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The caption on the sandking says that it's new to the road of Vice City. We all know it's not.


Just a nit.

technically, it is on the streets of vice for the first time....

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original gangster

I bought the magazine today, good article. icon14.gif


Mmmm, the Stinger is back. inlove.gif

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