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World's First Vice City Stories Hands-On

Chris Stead

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Chris Stead

Hi Guys,


Just a heads-up to all you Aussies/Kiwis on this forum. I was lucky enough to get the world's first play session with the upcoming GTA title, Vice City Stories. The latest issue of my mag, Australian GamePro, has a huge feature in it about my experience and includes an interview with RockStar about the series. The mag goes on sale tomorrow (Wed 2nd Aug) so check out www.gamepro.com.au for more info and get into it!




Chris Stead

Edited by Chris Stead
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Didn't Gamepro do one of the major San Andreas previews? I have it somewhere but I can't remember what mag it was.

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Vice City Stories - The Brothers Vance - That's right readers - not only was Australian GamePro the first in the world to play Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories, but we also got to put the hard questions to RockStar themselves in our world exclusive interview!


Chris, please say that any Vance wont return as in the leading role. The game will be a failure if you are about to play a character who will die in the sequel.

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Here's what I typed up for my website:



The first details for GTA: Vice City Stories are just coming out now. Stay tuned as I update this news post.


Update 1: GamePro magazine in Australia says the following about the new issue:



GTA: Vice City Stories - The Brothers Vance - That's right readers - not only was Australian GamePro the first in the world to play Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories, but we also got to put the hard questions to RockStar themselves in our world exclusive interview!

user posted image


Does "The Brothers Vance" refer to Lance and his brother (who was dead during Grand Theft Auto: Vice City)? If so, this game will take place pre-1986, and too not much before either. We are looking at VCS having a 1980's theme, as expected!


Update 2: On the magazine cover, it says that there will be an article, or possibly an interview entitled GTA IV: Fact or Fiction. Stay tuned for more!





@ GTA3Freak-2001: The biggest preview for SA came from Game Informer who had the very first preview of it.

Edited by Jordan
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Yeah the Vance thing has me curious, I see Chris is still here so I gather he's going to keep the truthfulness of that comment to himself. wink.gif


@Jordan - It wasn't the first but it was one of the good preivews, infact it was the only one I bought lol

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Yeah the Vance thing has me curious, I see Chris is still here so I gather he's going to keep the truthfulness of that comment to himself. wink.gif


@Jordan - It wasn't the first but it was one of the good preivews, infact it was the only one I bought lol

The Game Informer issue was the one that was released at E3 2004 and was the first one, no doubt. It didn't come out in stores for a few days after that, but I think it was the first.


However, that's a thing of the past. GamePro Australia is now the most awesome mag on the face of the planet tounge.gif

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Hmm... The brothers Vance. Seemes intresting. Possibly leading to a pre VC setting. But Anyway hope later today(err tomorrow) well hear more info on the article. happy.gif
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dam 11 members... with or without lance as the main characther cant wait



thank you rahkstar2.gif

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When does this mag come out?


edit:oh my bad its out already.No1 posting scans?

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Yea I remember Game Informer had the first preview in June 04, then all the others came in July/August.


I was thinking, could "The Brothers Vance possibly mean that will can play as 2 characters?



When does this mag come out?

Today in Australia Tomorrow The rest of the world



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When does this mag come out?

Well basically its out, he said from today.

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I hope someone gets this mag soon. We want to post all the juicy details on our sites smile.gif

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I hope someone gets this mag soon. We want to post all the juicy details on our sites smile.gif

yea me too


Can wait cool.gif

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Chris Stead

Quick note - as stoked as I am to have all of you waiting on scans confused.gif - I have just been informed that the mag will be with subs today and on newsstands tomorrow. Sorry, I know that was a lame stuff up but hopefully I caught anyone planning on heading off to the newsagent in time: tomorrow is a better option.


Also, I am unable to answer any questions, all the information I know is in the article and I am sure you'll find the facts you need hitting these forums soon enough.


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Hey no problems lets hope some subscribers are around, I know where I'll be heading tomorrow though tounge.gif

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Damn that's a shame, well surely someone must be a subscriber...

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Quick note - as stoked as I am to have all of you waiting on scans confused.gif - I have just been informed that the mag will be with subs today and on newsstands tomorrow. Sorry, I know that was a lame stuff up but hopefully I caught anyone planning on heading off to the newsagent in time: tomorrow is a better option.


Also, I am unable to answer any questions, all the information I know is in the article and I am sure you'll find the facts you need hitting these forums soon enough.

Thats a damb shame, i guess we'll just have to wait another day. Thanks for the info though pal icon14.gif.

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Cool, sooner than I had anticipated. I thought the first coverage wouldn't start until mid-August.

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This is great omg now i cant sleep lol but one ? um..... this is an article ofm vcs will it have pics or no ?


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Seems pretty pointless seeing as that info will be out in a few hours anyway. If this mags release was weeks away then you could understand, but when it's just hours, I don't see why they've removed it.

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Seems pretty pointless seeing as that info will be out in a few hours anyway. If this mags release was weeks away then you could understand, but when it's just hours, I don't see why they've removed it.

There must be some reason, maybe it gave away to much information. Dunno. confused.gif Anyway, i'm gonna go and see just incase it is out today, you never know you luck smile.gif .

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i can really care less about the info for now i just hope that there are some screenies of the game%**gets down on knees and prays**

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