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Using Sketchup models in SA

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Using Sketchup models in SA


First step, you may want to model something.

Some details you should have in attention:



- Store the .skp model and .bmp textures in the same folder.

- The names of the .bmp's should be below 8/6 characters( not sure on the limit ).

- Everytime you create a new texture in Sketchup give it the name of the .bmp if not Sketchup will create one with

another name and then the other programs can't find it.

- Keep your model around 400/500 polys, most of the time when Sketchup exports your model to .3ds it will double

the poly count.



1 - Ok, now with our model finished. Open the Paint bucket>In model, and make sure there's only texture your

using and the correct names.


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2 - Now go to Export>3dmodel and click on the options button. Make sure you have this settings like in

the pic below:


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Save the .3ds in your model's folder. I'll be using seinfeld.3ds.


3- Now open 3d max ( I'm using 7). Goto File>Import and import your .3ds.


A popup will appear, Choose these settings and click Ok.


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Another one will , click No.

At this point you may check if all the textures are in the correct places.


4 - Click on the Select and Move tool on the top. user posted image

Make sure that in the bottom your model's coordinates are all at 0.0


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and change the name from model to the name you using.


5- Right click on the model: Convert to> and convert it to a editable mesh.


Now you will need Kam's scripts, you can get it here. ( Link from wauzie's topic).


Open DFF IO ( All version ), open the export dff settings and select this:


user posted image


Export your .dff as seinfeld.dff ( the name I'm using ).


6 - Now goto MAXScript>Run script and choose the COL_IO_2b.ms.


Below the replace button write your model name ( seinfeld ). Open the Surface parameters and

do Set Surface and the Create Boundigs, save your .col and close max.


7 - Now you need to create a .txd for the model, use Delfi's TXDWorkshop, I'm using version 3.7 and I have no

errors like the progressbar one.


Now goto File>New and create a 32bits texture. You will need to creat one of these for each one

of the textures your model have.


Double click on the "32 bit image". Now, on the name write the name of your texture. e.g: If is pic.png write pic.

Click on compressed and click Ok. Repeat the process for each texture you got.


Save it as seinfeld.txd (..).


8 - Open your gta3.img with Spooky's ImgTool 2. You can get it here[/ulr].


Do Commands>Add, and add one file at each time. Then Commands>Rebuild Archive.

Close the Imgtool.


open your SA's data folder and open gta.dat.


Find Object types, and below the last IDE line write:



IDE DATA\MAPS\lot1\seinfeld.ide



seinfeld and lot1 are just names I'm using.


Search SPLASH loadsc2 and do the same below the last IPL line:



IPL DATA\MAPS\lot1\seinfeld.ipl



Save it. Open your maps folders and create a 'lot1' folder.

Inside that folder create a seinfeld.ide and a seinfeld.ipl.


Open the seinfeld.ide and put this there:



objs8028, seinfeld, seinfeld, 250, 128end2dfxend



I'll be using 8028, you have to find a free id. Save it.


Open the seinfeld.ide and put this there:



# IPL generated from Max file countn2.maxinst8028, seinfeld, 0, 1680.37, 1861, 12.4, 0, 0, 0.69466, -0.719338, -1endcullendpathendgrgeendenexendpickendcarsendjumpendtcycendauzoendmultend



8028 - id

seinfeld - your dff

0 - if is interior or not.

1680.37 - X

1861 - Y

12.4 - Z

0, 0, 0.69466, -0.719338 - rotation

-1 - no lod


Save it. Now test it in game, you may want to see it first in the mapper. You can get MED at gtagarage.


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Edited by uni
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uhm ok i've downloaded the GMAX programme and it works fine, i've finished the model in sketchup and got it in GMAX, but when i run the DFFIO script and select the options as you've said... then i click on "export dff", choose a name, and save it, but when i click on "save" it says: "-- Runtime error: Feature not available: "fopen write mode" ".... and i don't know what to do...

here screens....




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Can you please help me????

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  • 3 weeks later...

Uni i dont understand how this works, as u well know i've been trying to do this for ages now and i still can't get it into max correctly. Maybe someone else has some knowledge. Here's my problem, it's like it loads the base colour but ignores the texture, it's so frustrating too.


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Please help me folks, i've been trying to fix this for months now with no success.

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