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CheatDevice v1.0d for LCS


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I have a simple question. Whenever I spawn a bike it appears without the basic components, you know, wheels, motor, etc. and whenever I try to ride said bike the game crashes. Is there anyway to fix the problem?


I have firmware 2.6

how did you get it to work on 2.6?


EDIT: OOPS MY BAD. i forgot

Edited by ITBTD
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The vehicel list will help. Its in the FAQ. All motercycles are spawned with SMALL parts. they are there, only small. The grage repairs your cars, motercycles, so by pushing it in via another vehicle or running, then the garage will fix te motercycles small parts and oyu will be able to ride it.


But yes, the mantion has the black pjc which is the only bike worth driving smile.gif (my opinion)

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  • 1 month later...


Do you think its possible to get cheat device working on 2.7+? I am asking this because of the new exploit found in all the current firmwares. Could it be possible to load like firmware 2.0 version of the save data prx and then load LCS? Hopefully if this is not possible then some one makes a downgrader.

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  • 3 weeks later...

no. simply no. ask someone else why or read around to find out.


I am guessing that another version of the cheat device is not coming because of vcs coming out and working(tho i don't know why) on gameshark for the ps2 version. i am still asking. can we ever hope to see a new cheat device out?

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Edison said a while back that he might release different versions from now on that replace existing options since all the space for the code data I guess is used up now.


But really what more is there to be done? We're gods of LCS now with this version of Cheat device....I wish the video recorder could be re-worked to access the usb port and write data to a computer hard drive instead of the ms though. Then we could do full motion video or something closer to that than we have now.


I wonder about what edison plans for vcs. After having fun discovering cheats and everything in the LCS game even making custom cars, I'm really not sure I'll be too impressed by what R* has in store for the next port of a GTA game. Those jet skis look fun though. But I'll only buy it if carter can crack it or if there's someone out there who finds a way to run a cheat device on it.


Of course when I found out that the tiff exploit was discovered for 2.80 firmware, I was pissed because that'd have probably been helpful in creating another cheat device and now of course with sony aware there's another exploit, they'll make it more secure for games that require the new firmware. Damn.


I mean what's better to do? Take a risk releasing information about a hack to the public for a little gain, new homebrew users up to 2.80 firmware. or saving it for later when stuff like gta vcs, the playstation emulator, gps, and whatever else is planned for 3.00 comes out, plus new homebrewers on higher firmware?


oh well... rant off. muppetmaster_karma.gif

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i have to agree with you on the exploit going public. the next fermware version isn't going to OPEN anything. i would have waited untill vcs came out to release info on the exploit. right now they are working on patching that, and then vcs is gona have no chance.

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  • 4 weeks later...

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم


Edison is there a CheatDevice for the patched version of GTA:LCS (Update ver 2.60)??


thank u

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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم


Edison is there a CheatDevice for the patched version of GTA:LCS (Update ver 2.60)??


thank u

No, there isn't.

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i have to agree with you on the exploit going public. the next fermware version isn't going to OPEN anything. i would have waited untill vcs came out to release info on the exploit. right now they are working on patching that, and then vcs is gona have no chance.

if VCS runs under devhook then I'll have cheats day one.

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i have to agree with you on the exploit going public.  the next fermware version isn't going to OPEN anything.  i would have waited untill vcs came out to release info on the exploit.  right now they are working on patching that, and then vcs is gona have no chance.

if VCS runs under devhook then I'll have cheats day one.

yeah i hope but i already know that vcs is gonna b 2.7 maybe 2.8 but i hope theres a ped cheat or a cheat 2 b other people

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  • 9 months later...
is everyone forgetting bout the people that were stupid enough to update to 3.51?
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  • 3 weeks later...

Edit: Edison... Do you have beta tester for patched UK/EU gta PRX.

If don't, then can i be beta tester??

I have patched UK/EU gta.

Edited by Desick
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  • 3 weeks later...

yo i have a version 3.52 so iam screwed for getting a cheat divice. Could you make a saved game dowload with a hunter in the garage because saved game dowloads only work for my psp. i would really like it if you could make one please bacuse it took me weeks to find out why the cheat divices werent working when i dowloaded them. please! sad.gifsmile.gif please edisoncarter


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that might not work... if you try to play a save game that wasnt made on your PSP it throws a spasm at ya confused.gif


also, i have followed the readme countless times for the LCS cheat device and STILL cant get it to work! its odd because when i do the same with VCS its fine confused.gif


The game loads fine through DevHook 0.52 emulating 3.02 but CD wont load angry.gif


i put lcscheatdevice.prx in ms0:/dh/kd and added the line ms0:/dh/kd/lcscheatdevice.prx in ms0:/dh/302/f0/kd/pspbtcnf_game_dh.txt as it says in the readme...


anyone else had any similar probs?


EDIT: By the way im using the unpatched UK version

Edited by jaguaraxxemaster
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  • 3 months later...

Hi, I'm new, but I want to ask a really important question. I just got my PSP last month, it came with the firmware 3.80, and I just heard about v1.0d CheatDevice, so now I want to downgrade to 2.6, since it says it doesn't work with 2.70+, but I don't know how, so can you tell me if it is possible, and if it it, how can I do it? All i have is a 1GB memory card with about 780mb left and a USU cable. If it is possible, then don't tell me to buy anything else. PLease it's really important for me.


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Hi, I'm new, but I want to ask a really important question. I just got my PSP last month, it came with the firmware 3.80, and I just heard about v1.0d CheatDevice, so now I want to downgrade to 2.6, since it says it doesn't work with 2.70+, but I don't know how, so can you tell me if it is possible, and if it it, how can I do it? All i have is a 1GB memory card with about 780mb left and a USU cable. If it is possible, then don't tell me to buy anything else. PLease it's really important for me.

Sorry to say you can't downgrade just yet. There isn't a DG(Down Grade) APP that applies to 3.80. Give it a few weeks and you'll be golden.


After the DG is available you will want to DG to 1.50(1.50 is a start from scratch FW) then UP to a CFW(Custom Firmware) such as 3.03OE-C, 3.40OE-C, or the M33 series of CFW.


Hope this helps.

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  • 1 month later...

everytime you load up chaet device so chaets like infinate health and super jump turn on automatically when you load the game i was wondering if in vcs and lcs chatdevice when adding cheats from cheat sync if you can enable all your favorite cheats on at startup of game

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everytime you load up chaet device so chaets like infinate health and super jump turn on automatically when you load the game i was wondering if in vcs and lcs chatdevice when adding cheats from cheat sync if you can enable all your favorite cheats on at startup of game

Not that I have found. You still have to activate them when you start a new game.


What I did is add all my favorite cheats into their own TXT file, named LCS_BEST or VCS_BEST. Then I cycle through the available TXT files in CD and activate the whole list.



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  • 4 weeks later...
is everyone forgetting bout the people that were stupid enough to update to 3.51?

Yeah, what about me?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I see there is a way to use the cheat device for VCS on 3.03 OE-C is there a way to use cheat device for LCS on this firmware also?? I can get everything installed but L + Up dont do anything and if I try to load the save game file it says it is corrupt...also I have the greatest hits version of the game which is the patched version I believe...thanks for your help

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  • 2 weeks later...


Here ya go.





Please search next time:).


Oh, and Edison will not respond here, CD is almost 2 years old, he's on to bigger and better things.

Well he did recently reply in the VCS forum, and what do you mean by bigger and better things?


Wow, this place is empty.

Edited by elanman
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  • 3 months later...

Recently CFW'd my PSP (3.71 M33) and got the Cheat Devices for both LCS and VCS back. Thing is, does anyone still have the Telekinesis and Katamari cheats for them (LCS in particular)? Those are what I miss most from my pre-v2.80 days.


Even pointing me in the direction of the script code would help. Cheers.

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The Hunter save game is awesome. I have a high firmware, thus unable to use cheat device, so I use game saves instead. I looking for one that has a maverick or police maverick spawn like the hunter. Anyone know about one?

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  • 3 weeks later...

man does the LCSCheatDevice10gPRX work on firmware 4.01 m33-2??? cuz i have that firmware and i tries to put the cheatdevice and it didnt work confused.gif

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  • 2 weeks later...

Muhahahha, got a Pandora's Battery off eBay. The CD will be in the palm of my hand soon enough...


ZDSMaster: I have all the hacked LCS Saves, I'll send you the ones you need, in EU format.

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