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[WIP] San Andreas Audio Toolkit (SAAT)

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Hi, I have replace 4 songs on K-DST, i've done that they have exactly the same name as the song I replaced it with, like Running Down a Dream, I replaced it with an Avantasia song I renamed to Running Down a Dream. but when i'm gonna save i get this error: "SAAT returned the following message:

Error opening lookup file D:/Program Files/Rockstar Games/GTA San Andreas/audio/streams/"


what did I do wrong?

Thx in advance biggrin.gif


to fix this, just download this drag and drop: http://www.gtagaming.com/downloads/download/11008

  • 2 months later...

Is anyone out there knows how to put NEW song to the radio station? I guess if I just put new song on radio splitting it to three parts, it won't be playing on the radio, so I replaced some DJ quotes whith new songs, but when they're about to start playing in-game, radio remains silent and I have to switch radio for song to play. Sometimes I even got all sounds disappeared, except radio and CJ's voice. So I'm looking forward for any help on this problem.

  • 6 months later...

hi friends. I want to change cj voices in SFX\SPC_PA file. I know how do this but I need SFX directory. there is an old link for FSX directory but the link is broken. please help me give me FSX directory. I need to know which one of banks and audio in SPC_PA are for what situations.


the broken link that know as FSX SFX directory is it: http://pdescobar.home.comcast.net/~pdescobar/gta/saat/sfx_dir.html


please give me FSX directories :sui::sui:

Edited by Persian22
  • 1 month later...

I think this tool is abandoned:


First: tool's official website is no longer accessible (doesn't exist anymore);

Second: No way to contact author @pdescobar - he has NO ACTIVITY on forums here since April 2008 (that's a bit above 8 years!).

Three: Author might be no longer working on this anymore.

Edited by 65536

I think this tool is abandoned:


First: tool's official website is no longer accessible (doesn't exist anymore);

Second: No way to contact author @pdescobar - he has NO ACTIVITY on forums here since April 2008 (that's a bit above 8 years!).

Three: Author might be no longer working on this anymore.


Oh, well. Nevermind. Though, surely someone else on here still has it! They could re-up it! :p

  • 3 months later...
Kleiner-Jay Crimes


Hi, I have replace 4 songs on K-DST, i've done that they have exactly the same name as the song I replaced it with, like Running Down a Dream, I replaced it with an Avantasia song I renamed to Running Down a Dream. but when i'm gonna save i get this error: "SAAT returned the following message:

Error opening lookup file D:/Program Files/Rockstar Games/GTA San Andreas/audio/streams/"


what did I do wrong?

Thx in advance biggrin.gif


to fix this, just download this drag and drop: http://www.gtagaming.com/downloads/download/11008


hey! can you help? i have problems to change stadium event, strip club, pleasure domes, casino, schools, dance club etc. medleys! even mission complete and property brought music!

  • 3 months later...
  • 1 year later...
On 11/3/2009 at 2:45 PM, arpan251089 said:

I got the solution to the lookup file error


goto the folder where you extracted the frontend

there you will find the configuration.ini file

open it with notepad or preferably notepad++

then you will find the difference between streams and sfx

and thats the reason why sfx are saved but streams are not


so add the below text in each line of streams



this line will let the frontend know the location of lookup file for streams

Sorry for taking this up again, but after I did what you said, it did said saving archive but nothing changed in the game... So basically the Saat doesn't work...

  • 1 year later...
El 3/3/2008 a las 11:42, Ash_735 dijo:

Oye, perdón por golpear esto, pero estoy trabajando en la conversión de estaciones de radio GTA anteriores a San Andreas, puedo convertir los espacios en blanco muy bien, pero cuando se trata de las estaciones reales, aparece este mensaje de error "Error al escribir el archivo de entrada despojado c: \ temp \ saat \ CH \ HEAD.ogg en el búfer de memoria: Error al escribir el flujo en la salida. El flujo de salida puede estar dañado o truncado ". Que alguien me ayude con esto.

Amigo creo que ya descubrí cuál es el problema y la solución. Lo acabo de comprobar hace un momento ya que yo estaba remplazando una canción que no me gustaba del "Radio X" por una canción mía. Los archivos de la música del juego están en formato .ogg así que la canción que yo estaba remplazando me encargué de convertirla de .mp3  a .ogg con ayuda de un programa llamado "Audacity" . Dado esto, cuando remplacé la canción del juego por una canción mía traté de guardar los cambios pero Alci's SAAT me devolvió el mismo mensaje de error como el que te apareció a ti. Y creo que la razón por la que aparece ese mensaje es porque estamos excediendo el limite de memoria del archivo que estamos remplazando. Creo que nuestro archivo de audio que vayamos a remplazar no debe ser mayor a 10 MB porque Alcis SAAT no lo permite. Entonces lo que yo hice fue bajar la calidad de mi audio a 8 MB, porque mi archivo originalmente pesaba 14 MB.  Entonces cuando hice esto de reducir un poco la calidad de mi audio, volví  a intentar guardar los cambios Y ESTA VEZ FUNCIONO!!. No me apareció ningún error. Todo se guardo correctamente. Espero haberte ayudado carnal 😎👍

  • 3 years later...

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