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CheatDevice v0.8 for LCS


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does anyone think it might be because i have the 2.50ver and not the 2.00 ver?  I think thats my proplem sad.gif

Yes indeed. Edison said he'll make a v2.5 compatible cheatdevice after he upgrades is PSP.

please don't stop developing things for fw 2.00, edison. i don't want to upgrade to 2.5, because i want to be able to run homebrew smile.gif

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EDITED: nevermind I didn't realize that the cheat device has a different control scheme saved. I thought there was a problems with the controls but I just had to change it back to Control type 1.

Edited by optimolife
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Its a fail here too, on psp vers 2.00 and 2.01. loads halfway then stops waits a while and turns off, or if you start a new game then try load it waits and turns off. no luck im afraid, hopefullt this is just a small bug and we will have it soon.

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The menu comes up automatically and all on mine, and the regular cheats that are allready implemented in it work, but when I put in the spawn cheat it says "cheat activated" and makes the confirmation noise, but no vehicle appears. Usually a few seconds later though I'll hear a vehicle explode, leading me to believe it spawned somewhere completely different, but I can't find out where. Any help? Thanks in advance.




Okay, I found out where they spawn but why do they only spawn at that one location? It's behind the hideout in staunton island.

Edited by ChevyTrucksFan
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The menu comes up automatically and all on mine, and the regular cheats that are allready implemented in it work, but when I put in the spawn cheat it says "cheat activated" and makes the confirmation noise, but no vehicle appears. Usually a few seconds later though I'll hear a vehicle explode, leading me to believe it spawned somewhere completely different, but I can't find out where. Any help? Thanks in advance.




Okay, I found out where they spawn but why do they only spawn at that one location? It's behind the hideout in staunton island.

The vehicles spawn at the nearest road. Not at only one location.

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Spawning heli 198 crashes and spawning heli 199 drops an invisible thing that explodes. Anywhere I need to be 2 make this work?


Just figured it out WOW this is the greatest thing you can do on this game I LOVE THIS THANKS EDISON!

Edited by dylr91
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In Your Nightmares
when I spawn the dodo and I get in it I can't drive it

Noru. If you wouldve searched you wouldve known that Edison had stated that it had no throttle at all.


Also edison, I tried playing mulitplayer today with some friends and the save file made some problems with it. It was like i was trying to enter a room were my friends was and it was exiting all the way out of it, like someone was pushing the buttons for me. Any Ideas whats wrong?

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I pm'ed edison. When I got a reply from him, he said that he was gonna buy another psp, upgrade that one to FW2.5, then work on getting the cheat device to work on FW2.5. When he will get the psp he doesnt know.

Edited by GTA456
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I have a question:


It says that you can set the weather, so can you make it snow? monocle.gif

The Snow isn't part of the weather system its part of the mission script for the car salesman mission meaning its a no-go for the weather cheat thing.

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I just uploaded version 0.1b. You can get it here:



This is a minor tweak to try to get it so it doesn't sometimes crash when loading another savegame.


Also, I took out the following spawns that crash:

197 TRAIN (I'm assuming this crashes)

198 HELI


201 DODO

I labeled some others with (crash) that might have some potential. Someone said if you try to spawn a boat near water, it at least doesn't crash.

Edited by edisoncarter
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edison you better edit the first page, many people had hotlink to the first page.


anyway the previous link doesn't work

Edited by arowana_guy
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Very nice edison, you do too much for us!


The spawn codes only spawn on roads, so is there a way to have it spawn right in front of you no matter what? Like change X, Y, Z coordinates or something? I would love to know how you are doing this and potentially help, I have a question I will adress in a PM. Anyway, thanks again for all your hard work!

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I have a question:


It says that you can set the weather, so can you make it snow? monocle.gif

The Snow isn't part of the weather system its part of the mission script for the car salesman mission meaning its a no-go for the weather cheat thing.

there must be a way to enable snow

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edisoncarter, thanks for this wonderful mod!! biggrin.gif


It's bad for me, 'cause I alreasy upgraded it to v.2.5..........I hope you can make that cheat device mod on v.2.5 soon, I can test stuff for you, just PM me, i'll do mostly everything you ask, plus I copied my safe files to my computer just in case something happens......


in your cheat device mod, when you have the time, could you make that you can do any cheats without pressing any buttons, like there's a list of cheats, you select one, you press "X" (or a button) and it activates the specific cheat, that would be awesome!


can you also put in your mod, if possible, for the "Change Pedestrian" cheat, you can make a list of all pedestrian you can change into, then you just choose which pedestrian you want to be, then you do the "Change Ped" cheat to change to that ped, if you do that, can you also make that the controls don't get screwed up when you do the "Change Ped" cheat?


Once I get the Cheat Device mod on my psp, I'll try every vehicle spawns to see which freezes, and i'll post 'em in a list.


If possible, can you also add coordinates when you have the time?


(I hope someone can make homebrew on psp firmware version 2.5 soon........)


I've tried your download link, it didn't seemed to work, but I'm sure you can fix it.......

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I hope that there is a version for 2.5.



edisoncarter said that when he gets one (V.2.5), he'll make it......

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What's happening?


I have 2.01, and it worked just peachy.


Good work.


Just a heads up, to let you know it worked.





If you need someone willing to brick a PSP for a test/has 2.01, just give me a call. (Or IM/PM/Or E-Mail. Whatever you prefer.)

Edited by gir489
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Great work, EC. You rock!


One question, though.....what the the one marked as something like "Tiny Invisable Helicopter"? Is that like the RC cars and Sanch2, but just invisable?

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