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CheatDevice v0.8 for LCS


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Well, here is my sob story to go along with the others! lol


I had just went to the psp forums on my psp and saw all the threads about the RSS thing and about a new update, so I went and read what was in the update. I saw that it also had WMA music so I went ahead and updated... I went to GTAPortable on my psp to see if they had an RSS... I then went back to the psp forums to see the ones people were listing (also slowly learning it was only audio RSS)...


When I got to the psp main forum there was a thread at the top named "CHEAT ENGINE NOW COMPATIBLE WITH 2.00, 2.01, 2.50, AND POSSIBLY EVEN 2.60!" and I went in to read... Learning about the loader for the first time.. and about all the great things Edison has done for GTA games before this. and also learning that people had tested on 2.60 and it didn't work!

I wondered why GTAportable didn't have anything about it on there site? So I decided to visit the site again but my psp needed charging so I did it on the computer... needless to say they had not updated the psp viewable version of the site since the Jack(ass) Thompson story! I was upset! mostly at myself for not looking at the site on the pc sooner! It was not more than 10 minutes after the update had installed that I learned about the loader.. and the fact that it didn't work... cryani.gifsuicidal.gif


If edison DOES at some point change his mind for us 2.60 user that is great... But if he doesn't It is his perogotive...I won't be mad.. Not at him at least...


... maybe someday!


P.S. I have frequented these forums too but it has been a while since I've had a chance to look at anything... haden't even played my psp for a week or so!

Long time reader, first time poster and all that crap! tounge2.gif

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edisoncarter, which file (in your save files) did you used to put the cheat device mod (PSP V2.5)? I want to try something............

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I don't know if anyone found this out out already but if you spawn a bike blow it up and push it into your garage and then you can drive it

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I don't know if anyone found this out out already but if you spawn a bike blow it up and push it into your garage and then you can drive it



I thought about that once, but didn't thought it would actually work and I didn't felt like pushing it to my garage......


Great job for finding it!!!

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I was able to spawn a DODO but it just sits there when I try to go

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Ever expierienced the strange controls of edison´s Cheat Device?

The heli and all other vehicles steer like on the ps2 and the PSP´s shoulder buttons behave like the L2 and R2 Button on ps2, meaning you can´t use your handbrake anymore also it´s very tricky to control the camera, when in a heli. But if you load your game (not the cheatdevice) what happens then? I never tested it.

All I know is when you unload ed´s device by pressing L1 R1 and UP and then load your game, this controlmess goes away, but the change SpawnCheat effect stays, so your able to spawn a Hunter or

anything else.Is this an Improvement of Version C or did you all already know, PLZ tell me.


One Last question: Is it possible to use any cheats in multiplayer???I am talking about normal ones,

not things like spawing a hunter, but while we are at it: Is this somehow possible or at least imagineable?

PLZ someone with codingknowledge tell me.


BTW:what happend to Skiller, seems like he ownes no psp sigh.gif

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That is because the MOD is based on edisons savefile and he has changed the controls to setup 2 were the shoulder buttons act like the PS2 versions wink.gif Just go into the options menu and change it to "setup 1" to get it back to normal smile.gif

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That is because the MOD is based on edisons savefile and he has changed the controls to setup 2 were the shoulder buttons act like the PS2 versions wink.gif Just go into the options menu and change it to "setup 1" to get it back to normal smile.gif

or load the Cheat Device and go to your file

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That is because the MOD is based on edisons savefile and he has changed the controls to setup 2 were the shoulder buttons act like the PS2 versions wink.gif Just go into the options menu and change it to "setup 1" to get it back to normal smile.gif

or load the Cheat Device and go to your file

Already got it, where´s the handbrake in the other controlsetup?? cry.gif

THX I didn´t remember the post where it says this, so sorry


Has ANYONE tried ordinary cheats i multiplayer?

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i havn't read much of the topic but is there any way of getting a mission selecter on this cheat device download thingy?

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I think a 2.0 user should try to download the 2.5 version and se if it works for you! that would mean if it worked edison would have to make on for every version... I think someone should try it .~Rela82me~
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0.1c works on 2.0, 2.01 and 2.5. Only the US/Canada version of LCS.

Edited by Sektor
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Yes thanks edison..is there anyway i can add you to some sort of friends list soo i can get info on anything you find ...right away!!!


Cause, Dude your awsome... You make games fun again' with all the cool things you find







Three Pages of Drawings


Can anyone Build the cars i made in 3d for san andreas pc?



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hi im new to the forums but im just need to know a few facts s there ognne be auk version cos youve cracked thhe 2.5 now all you need to do is crack the uk 2.5 and as the frence chef from lcfr says"eh voilar, magnifique!" biggrin.gif

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I spawned a "Dodo", and the only way it can make a vehicle movement is if you try to do a donut with it (Hold X+Square and move Left or Right), it moves slowly.........


I spawned an "RCBandit" (Small RC flying helicopter, NOT the small RC military flying one) and pushed it to my garage in Shoreside Vale (I also blew it up) and when it was in my garage, it got repaired, and when I went in it, I was flying it, Toni's body was going thru the helicopter, in a sitting position, and later when I landed it, and when I tried to leave the helicopter, the game froze, but I'm not sure if this will happen again.........


It's a fun mod to use! Thanks edisoncarter!

Edited by Jérémie Blanc
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I spawned a "Dodo", and the only way it can make a vehicle movement is if you try to do a donut with it (Hold X+Square and move Left or Right), it moves slowly.........


I spawned an "RCBandit" (Small RC flying helicopter, NOT the small RC military flying one) and pushed it to my garage in Shoreside Vale (I also blew it up) and when it was in my garage, it got repaired, and when I went in it, I was flying it, Toni's body was going thru the helicopter, in a sitting position, and later when I landed it, and when I tried to leave the helicopter, the game froze, but I'm not sure if this will happen again.........


It's a fun mod to use! Thanks edisoncarter!

the RCBANDIT is a RC monster truck


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Why does he keep posting in red, and always have that stupid rampage.gif on there?

I agree... that "shocking" red makes my eyes bleed... I never read his posts because it's too painfull...

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Something happened to the game save. When I as using the cheat device, I spawned a bunch of things, then I spawned the campaign van and the RCChopper wqhich landed on top of the van. when I got in the van the game crashed. Now whenever I spawqn a vehicle with cheat device and get in it, my game crashes. What happened?

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