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[WIP|SCR] Corvette Split-Window

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colgate.gif Woow! This one HAS GOT to end in the game!... Especially in MY game! Upload! Upload! Can't get enough american muscle! cookie.gif


Out of sheer curiosity, what car will be replaced?

(And will the lights open and close like the original?)

Edited by jadehorus
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That was fast blink.gif Looking great! You need to put a texture on that engine, too.

is already biggrin.gif

my first attempt of photoshopping a texture, doesn't look too bad. Lights wont open like the original, because then i would have to replace the zr350, and this sounds like sh*t.


IÄm away till sunday, son no updates till then suicidal.gif





by the way, @jadehorus: this is no muscle car. this is a sports car (muscle cars have 4 seats) biggrin.gif

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by the way, @jadehorus: this is no muscle car. this is a sports car (muscle cars have 4 seats) biggrin.gif

blush.gif Ouch, you're absolutely right!

I was overwhelmed! Too bad for the lights, but I still think this is great, can't wait to try it ingame!

Not bad at all for a first attempt.


Oh wait, still, what car will it replace?Or You don't know yet?

Edited by jadehorus
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I gotta give props to you for paying attention to a car which hasn't gotten alot of that in SA. Good Job!


For a future project, how about a C4 Model??? (84-96). A few low quality ones have been done for VC, but to my knowledge, noone's attempted to make a good one for SA yet smile.gif

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