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[WIP] Chiliad Express

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Hey all, you may remember that a while ago, I started making a mod for GTA san andreas, that would involve a cable car, travelling back and forth from the top to the bottom of mount chiliad.


I stopped working on this mod, because I did not have the time to do it, but now I have started working on it, from scratch. The model is going to be based on the Vanoise Express, which links La Plange and Les Arcs in France, This Means, that the Chiliad Express, will be a double decker!


VIDEO Made by Prince-Link:

DOWN MIRROR 1 (hosted by megaupload)


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Ok, I have a Person who can texture! BigRazzer!


Here is the logo for the cable car (designed by BigRazzer):

user posted image


Oh, and i almost forgot, if someone can import my models into GTA:SA please PM me. Thanks!



I almost forgot, me and Prince-Link are discussing the coding as I write this tounge.gif



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I am working with Bigrazzer at the moment, creating the textures, he has made one rough copy, but only as a plan, and is now working to a final!


A main trouble I have had, was deciding on a path to take the cable car up Mount Chiliad. Here's The Choices:

user posted image

Ok, I have narrowed the cable car's path, to 2 places. (Red and Blue)

The Red path

This Path, stretches across the valley, much like the real Vanoise Express. It is stationed at the carpark, near the big red and white pylon. A downside of this path, is that there are a lot of trees up this side of the mountain, which means either, removing the trees or trying to go above them.


The Blue path

This Path, stretches from the bottom of the mountain in Angel Pine. An advantage of this, is that this side has no trees whatsoever! but, a main route to top the of Mount Chiliad, goes up this way, meaning the cable car, may interfere with you traveling up the dirt path.


For those who post after this, please state which path that you would prefer.




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i think the cable car looks cool great job. Do you know when this mod might be finished by just to give us a ruf estimate.


Also while i'm talking about the mods what programs do you guys use to do the basic model, then texutre, cods etc. I've always wanted to try my own mod that i could make from scratch and be proud of.


Please tell me!!!

thanks BCDownloads

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A small update, the textures for the station are almost finished! Bigrazzer said he may beable to get them complete by tomorow! I would post a picture, but I don't want to spoil it!


Anyway, Prince_link has two ideas, for the coding:


Idea number 1

He has suggested that he can code the lift, for it to move back and forth, and allow you to walk about in the car, and if you want, you can jump out the door tounge.gif


Idea number 2

He has also suggested that he could code it, so that you just either stand or sit in the car, without moving at all, except for moving the camera with the mouse.


ok thanks bye!

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First off, thanks to whoever moved this, as it has now recieved more feedback!



I assume this will involve a main.scm edit though to work?


Yes, it will use a main.scm edit, but i may ask Demarest if we can use his Darkpacter, which will save having to start a new game.


Another idea by Prince_link was to make the cable car a vehicle, like the tram, which would could have scripted paths.


I haven't spoken to Bigrazzer as of yet, to see how much more he has left to do.

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