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[REL] Kam's Maxscript going over quick update!

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Since my job position changed, I have no chance to play around with MAX at work.

And my online home computer is 10years old P200 which impossible to run GMax as well. What a miracle GMax run on my computer! rolleyes.gif

So these should be last update for my scripts here! I should be able to bug fix the errors!


Thank you so much all you guys for support/suggest and bug report!

I will still hanging around here for a while, hope that I can help you out how to make these script works!



Here is Kam's All-in-one Mod Scripts:

These are actually a repack of all my GTA modding tools for MAX/GMAX.

I had updated the controller script(in Utility Panel) for you to easily access all my scripts


KAMS includes:

- DFF IO import/export all 3d models used in GTA game

- COL IO import/export all Collision used in GTA game

- IFP IO import/export all animations used in GTA game

- Map IO import/export all map data used in GTA game

- Modelling Helper

- Envelopes Helper for char/body part skinning


How to Install & Run:

Delete all my old scripts, you don't need them anymore!

Unzip this to your MAX/GMAX root folder with 'Folder' option on.

All files will go to the right place!

Read the included 'Must_Read' for detail


Last but not least, if you use my script to release any mod.

Please include a line saying that you are using this tools.

This will be my reward of it. Thanks




- SA Char. body part export added

- New envelopes helper tools added to ease the skinning job

- Added png selection for texture import

- GTA_Material updated to version 2

>added 4 color paintjob

*You must enable the section checkbox for reflection/Specular etc.

- All envelopes will set to 0 when using 'Auto Skin' to import Char/body part

*These changes help you to study how original char/body part skinned!

- 'White' material problem fixed

- Reflection export for VC fixed

*I did it worng from the beginning so now the reflection may be too

strong with the new script, use 'reflection tunning' from controller

script to tune all reflection up/down!

These new scripts only works with New GTA_Material, so you MUST replace the old one!


- multi-clump import error fixed

- vehicles light error should fixed

- reported wrong error in Animation IO fixed

- another 'white' material bug fix

- standardmaterial export bug in GMax fixed

- 'white' material problem should fixed

- Bug fix for the 1st time export bones/skins crash (Max version)

- Major bug fix for missing faces (GMax version)

- Minor bug fix for import problem (both version)



News for GMax User

Since AK-73 made a handy helper program 'GTAmax.exe' for auto grab and convert listener's test to DFF.

So there is not need to run t2b.exe manually for DFF and COL export any more.

for details on how to use it, read the included readme!

(If you don't want to use this GTAmax.exe, just goto 'about' rollout and uncheck to disable it.)



Download Max version (21Dec05)

Download GMax version (21Dec05)

Edited by REspawn
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I want the maxDFFscript to import and export the CJ Parts (and the clothes, hairs etc...). The Playermodel you know smile.gif

I'll send you files if you need colgate.gif


Nice to hear that things are going better for you smile.gif

mickarrow, I write all my scripts in Max3.1 so they should all work in Max3!

And new collision IO should do all COll/COL3 job!


deNULL, try create a new max file. Open material editor, assign/callout GTA_Material to see if it works?


MoeRonimoe, I wish I won't let you down. It's in my to do list!



PS: Actually I am not back! It the opposite way round. I am going to lose Max as well. When I am on my new position. I will have no chance to play with 3D at work barf8bd.gif

That way I said. Quick! Two week deadline!

deNULL, try create a new max file. Open material editor, assign/callout GTA_Material to see if it works?

Yes, it works fine and without any exceptions. And, by the way, materials from imported objects works too, although there is an error message.

Just one thing i have ...

The game uses the default plane muzzle if you convert a weapon and not the muzzle you put in there ....

if you fix that i would be very happy smile.gif


Glad to hear you got a job happy.gif dont know but lol.gif

Just a question, dunno if this will help you perfecting your script: I imported CJ's head.dff and altered it just by moving vertices and stuff, for our mod. (in my sig) I also moved the bones a bit so they would fir the changed model, but when I try to export it, I can't export the bones and the head model in one file, and I do think this necessary for the model to work. (Dunno if SA accepts my changed head.) Why is this and how do I get it right, I'd really like to see my new head ingame. smile.gif Not in a hurry though, other alternatives for player models can allways be thought up, but still...

My current script can't export correct SA bone/skin chars. It's broken. Even some people having trouble export VC chars!

I'm sure it works for VC and definately not work for SA!


If there is another program can export bone/skin chars. Go for it! Since I am not sure I can make it within next week and I have no SA!


I've opened countn2_4.col and a list appeared biggrin.gif

I've inserted 1,5 to the textbox to scale, selected des_savhngr and pressed Load!

Everything OK smile.gif (The previous script don't work devil.gif )

I've picked CM_des_savhngr in Collision mesh........

Selected All.......

I pressed Export......

Inserted filename.... Pressed Save and..... dontgetit.gif

I get this error: Unknown Property: "material" in Undefined dontgetit.gifnervous.gif

Can you fix it?

I use 3D Studio Max 7 sarcasm.gif

OK, lol, just wanted to know. Love your script though, it imports everything. inlove.gif I love changing characters, but is it for example possible to put my modded CJ head on Tommy's body, export it as a whole, and rig it?

Thanks, Kam! Now materials works absolutely correct.

And... I think I found bug in your collision IO script. After opening an original COL file I can't append new collision meshes to it (COL files, previously exported by your script, works fine). There is no error message and it looks like script works (there is a small pause after pressing "Append" button), but name of new mesh does not appear in the list (not ever after re-opening COL file).

A. DFF IO updated! Now you should have correct lock function and correct 'MMC' export!



B. Char test again. If these work, I will start rewrite the bones/skins export part!



C. GMax DFF IO version on the way. Will release tomorrow or friday!



Collision IO append function fixed!

Thank you, Kam! Now I can add my collision objects to existing COL files smile.gif


Um... Today I have tried to pick material from DFF model with just one material (not a multimaterial) and I have got a system exception again! sad.gif Please, fix it.


P.S. I think I'm too annoying... confused.gif

MMC = ModulateMaterialColor

In GTA, it's a swith to control you can use primary/secondary color or not!


And I will release a final all-in-one zip file contain all these scripts. Controller will work fine at last! Wait till next friday then.

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