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This is a new project (well, based on an old one) and I think we should have a new game mode...


Personally, I think the best thing would be putting 2 game mode's - RPG and DM. Cuz co-op sounded very hard and not-promising, since the beginning I thaught it will be ruined... And yes, I was right.

So here's what I thaught of, to be simple but good.



DM(team-DM). You will have to fight anyone you see, or do skinwars. It's decided by server admin.



skins to choose from, spawning at certain places in each city (i think DM will be better - divided in 3 cities and you are also free to go in country side and desert.)




1 - Balla skin (with 3 Balla models that you randomely get when you spawn). Weapons: baseball bat, 500 9mm's, 300 mini-smg, 100 AK's, 10 Molotov's. Spawnpoint: Idlewood basketball court/Downtown around Transfender. Life: minimal (100%) + 50% BP Vest. Cars: Magestic, Blade. (spawned around spawnpoint)


2 - GSF skin (with 3 fam's models that you randomely get when you spawn) Weapons: knife, 500 tec9, 50 M4, 10 Satchel charges.

Spawnpoint: around CJ's house or inside CJ's house/Santa Maria Beach - around the boughtable property.

Life: upgraded (150%). Cars: Greenwood, Savanna.


3. - Vagos skin (with 3 vago models that you randomely get when you spawn) Weapons: Chainsaw, 50 silenced 9mm's, 90 S.P.A.S., 5 grenades, parachute. Spawnpoint: Around Big Smoke's crack fortress/on top of Downtown's tallest building.

Life: minimal (100%). Cars: Tornado, Glendale.


4. - Actecaz skin (with 3 acteca models that you randomely get when you spawn and maybe Ceasar) Weapons: Brass Knukles, 50 desert eagle, 50 sawn-off shotgun, 5 bazooka. Spawnpoint: Union station. Life: minimal (100%) + BP Jacket (50%) Cars: Pimpmobile, slamvan.






5. - San Fierro reefa skin (with 3 reefa models that you randomely get when you spawn) Weapons: basbeall bat, 150 9mm's, 50 mini-smg, 45 mini-gun(!). Spawnpoint: Pier 69, San Fierro/Jeezy mansion. Life: Average (200%). Cars: Stallion, Huntly.


6. - Triad skin (with 2 triad models that you randomely get when you spawn and maybe Woozie) Weapons: brass knukles, 200 9mm's, 50 teck9, 250 AK's, 10 grenades. Spawnpoint: Around Woozie's track betting. Life: minimal (100%) + BP Jacket (100%). Cars: Sultan, Mesa Grande.


7. - Da Nang Boiz (with 3 nang models that you randomely get when you spawn) Weapons: 300 9mm's, 200 tec9's, 50 AK's, 10 grenades. Spawnpoint: Docks, Airport/Doherty. Life: Average (200%). Cars: Sparrow, Idaho.


8. - Drug dealers (with 1 guy with an afro and a basketball vest, T-Bone mendez skin and the beach guy with a mask over his face that you can randomely get when you spawn) Weapons: Chainsaw, 100 9mm's, 100 tec9's, 90 mini-gun, 10 Satchel charges. Spawnpoint: around Doherty garage/police station, downtown. Life: bad (50%). Cars: Boxville, Remington.






9. - Mafia guys (with 3 mafia models in Liberty City, that... bla bla bla) Weapons: Cane, 200 SMG, 100 AK's, 10 molotov's. Spawnpoint: Caligula's palace/Four dragons casino. Life: Max (300%). Cars: Hustler, Turismo.


and all the other skins spawned all around LV.





Now a description of RPG mode... What i would personally like, is GTAMP team giving us 3 types of RPG servers for every city - LS/SF and LV, sync'ing all the mini features in SA and our skills (so more you play - better u become). Also maybe doing a little modifyable text script and the rest will be added/changed by server admins.






In RPG mode you:


1 - Choose your spawn place (opens a screen and you just fly around Los Santos/San Fierro/Las Venturas - RPG is also devided in 3 cities - choosing your spawn point).


2 - Spawn as a normal CJ in white tank, blue jeans and black shoes. And player is customizable.


3 - Money is earned by selling cars, properties, dealing drugs, working as police and catch wanted players. So ingame script is sync'ed with message script (!buy, !sell, /me, etc ... all the BS u write in message chat). So if you have enough money and you go to the ammunation, type !buy SMG 10 - you will pay like 500$ and you will have 10 SMG's. If you go to a place where you deal cars, or some parking lot, you choose, you can sell a car that YOU own (before all spawned cars around city are bought by members, they are owned by i.e. Wang Autos and you buy your car from the NPC corporations). If you bought a car - you can check it by typing !infocar and it will say your name. You also can customize it.


4 - Eating and all the mini-features are enabled and sync'ed for the game. So more you train at gym, better you will fight...


5 - If you registered your nick (with script - /msg register Nick Password), all your stats and money will save everytime you quit the game.


6 - You spawn and re-spawn with NO weapons at all, to prevent deathmatching on RPG servers. The weapons, you can get from ammunations or pick ups around the town.




RPG is role playing, and using your imagination. What is done in RPG? (as an RPG player on MTA, Ankeborg's server i know) Hot cop chases and pursuits. Drug deals, battles between big gangs... Just free roaming around city with your friends. Buying, selling stuff, like cars, properties. You always can go stunting if you want smile.gif.

If you have some people that can organize it well, you can do some single player-like missions. When someone who has money can give jobs to people, like bring this car or assasinate this guy, etc... The possibilities are ENDLESS! just use your imagination. smile.gif


So what we need for RPG? Script that works in game too. And some coding maybe...


... that's all i can think of. So if you play RPG - you can customize your character, make your own gang, mod your cars, earn money, respect and have fun with all the other players... biggrin.gif



RPG script used on best RPG server - Ankeborg's playground on MTAVC. (will post it in some time... 'cant do now)




So those are my ideas fdor game mode's... Are they good/not? I think these 2 game mode's are the best ones for the first releases of the game (or just DM for the first beta... And then you guys will script RPG).

Post your ideas and what you think should be done.[/b]

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Spookie said in IRC that this project will indeed be gamemode based, but that users create their own gamemodes through the SMALL/PAWN scripting language. So it's just a case of one or two default modes that come with the server, and then it's up to others to create their own.
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Ide like a tag/hunter type of game-mode.




One person is 'hunted', or 'it', and the others are 'hunters'. The object of the game, is to kill the person who is 'hunted', or 'it'. Once that person is killed, the person who killer him/her is not 'hunted' or 'it'.


Socring should be determined by how long a person is it, and the ammount of kills accumulated while they are it, as well as how many kills accumulated while 'hunter', and how many times the person who was 'it' was killed.


person who is hunter, killing another hunter, 1 pt.

person who is hunter killing person hunted, 5 pt.

person who is hunted kkilling hunter, 2 pt.


in addition to total time as hunted.


just a thought

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Ide like a tag/hunter type of game-mode.






Spookie said in IRC that this project will indeed be gamemode based, but that users create their own gamemodes through the SMALL/PAWN scripting language. So it's just a case of one or two default modes that come with the server, and then it's up to others to create their own.



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Ide like a tag/hunter type of game-mode.




One person is 'hunted', or 'it', and the others are 'hunters'.  The object of the game, is to kill the person who is 'hunted', or 'it'.  Once that person is killed, the person who killer him/her is not 'hunted' or 'it'. 


Socring should be determined by how long a person is it, and the ammount of kills accumulated while they are it, as well as how many kills accumulated while 'hunter', and how many times the person who was 'it' was killed.


person who is hunter, killing another hunter, 1 pt.

person who is hunter killing person hunted, 5 pt.

person who is hunted kkilling hunter, 2 pt.


in addition to total time as hunted.


just a thought


Uhmm no... I dont mean these little game modes... because these ones - you will play for 30 mins... ok 1 hour... ok maybe 1 day, but there's no need to create a server for these.

What I mean is principle game modes (like Stunt or DM in mta vc).



and that's cool that we'll be able to set up our own gamemodes thru a scripting language... But i think this applys to the sub-gamemodes like the 1 above... What I meant is the basic ones...



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wow.gif u mean like CTF or destruction derby?


typpa general gamemodes


o btw, i wouldnt know how to script my own gamemodes cuz im kinda dumb like that dozingoff.gif

Edited by AlphaCueUp
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CTF and Destruction derby are sub-modes... I mean the modes where you can do and CTF and Destruction derby, and Tag, etc... Like DM or RPG. You just have to organize it.


Another gamemode would be, is stunt mode... But this can go with RPG or DM...


And scripting skills will only be needed if you want to start a special server wink.gif if you're admin of it.

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but i think if there are to much players how can u organise things than u have 1 or 2 players per minigame that inst good make yer ideas a bit smaller like a ctf-rpg game or a what u said a rpg server with minigames not all in one that shud be better cookie.gif

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no i mean organising will never work u need to have apart server 1 rpg not one rpg-ctf-race whatever but take 1 pg 1 ctf 1 race server or u get few peoples fo each part of ur "super server" and that will take people aways and go play in a server with only ctf or with only rpg do u get me? maybe u think i am crazy but i experienced it with more games so its uppon u....

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he makes sense and Drizz theres really no point to go dissing eachothers ideas coz they can still be made in SMALL programming later on


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well i think whatever the server gamemode is, free roam should always be available, and people can interfere with the gamemodes if they choose.....like blowing up racers, or stealing a flag or some other fun chaos-factor thing that free roamers could do devil.gif

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he makes sense and Drizz theres really no point to go dissing eachothers ideas coz they can still be made in SMALL programming later on


didnt diss.. confused.gif u might have taken it the wrong way..




yeh, and Freeroam its a good suggestion for a server gamemode smile.gif somewhere u could just do what u want... but it doesnt have a big difference from DM. cuz in DM u still can free roam smile.gif

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