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New Screens from IGN


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The Water. Well, let me weigh up the facts, it's on a hand held system, that isn't as good as a PS2. Also, you're not going to be swimming in it, and when you're boating you'll be concentrating on where you're going, not how the backwash looks in the water. smile.gif
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the water's slightly off putting, but it hasn't drawn me away from LCS, i wont be bothered about 1 or 2 bad looking things as it is on a handheld. Ohhh i see Salvatre gets arrested in LCS. Naughty, naughty

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He's being arrested by the Gruppe Sechs. Naughty Naughtier.

lmao lol.gif




Anyway I do wonder why the don is being transported in a commercial armoured van instead one of their own Enforcers. I guess times were tough for the LCPD financially back in '98.

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He's being arrested by the Gruppe Sechs. Naughty Naughtier.

lmao lol.gif




Anyway I do wonder why the don is being transported in a commercial armoured van instead one of their own Enforcers. I guess times were tough for the LCPD financially back in '98.

Obviously breaking out the don will become a mission smile.gif i hope it is anyways it would make sense. I still can't get enough of that black suit though its really cool, although it has an uncanny resemblance to tanner in driver 2 for those that can remeber that far back smile.gif

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You really want to see how good these are?

Put them on your psp, the images look so much better and it really is astonishing.

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I wonder who the guy in the second pic is and who is being chased by


Also the tree look different... more cartoony

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Brown Streak RR

Gruppe sechs. lol.gif


Those screens look awesome. The water doesn't bother me, since you won't be swimming in it. The graphics look drop-dead amazing for something on a 4" screen.

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King of Liberty City

I wonder who the guy in the second pic is and who is being chased by...



That's the Mayor. He owes money the the Leones, and I believe Toni will do a mission involving the resignation of him, so O'Donovan can become the new Mayor. The guys chasing him look like Feds, so I assume said mission will have you catch him in a scandal or that kinda bull.


Also, just incase you new guys don't know, the last screen is Toni in his "Avenging Angels" outfit, a spoof of the real life, New York based "Guardian Angels".

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I wonder who the guy in the second pic is and who is being chased by


Also the tree look different... more cartoony

I don't think they are chasing him. Looks more like he's running for exercise and the two guys running behind are security.

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Perfect size pics for the background on the psp... Anyways, pretty good besides the water, which isn't a biggy as long a everything else is in working/visual order...
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I wonder who the guy in the second pic is and who is being chased by


Also the tree look different... more cartoony

I don't think they are chasing him. Looks more like he's running for exercise and the two guys running behind are security.


Besides I don't think that's the mayor I think it's suppose to be Avery Carrington.

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Nah, I think it is the mayor because the e-mail from Avery Carrington (on the LCS website) was talking about the mayor.

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Besides I don't think that's the mayor I think it's suppose to be Avery Carrington.

I know Avery should have aged a bit, but it still doesn't look like him. Though, it is a bit hard to tell from just that one picture.

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Sorry for the bumb but IGN has new screenshots from "Liberty City Stories: The Players" article that weren't shown there. In case you missed them I'll post them here.


user posted image

user posted image

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I'm gunna state the obvious and say. I guess those last 2 screenshots are from the same cutscene


Good find thatnks for the new screenies, although the last one has been seen before.


and now another question arises. Who is this guy?


user posted image

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user posted image


Think the buildings in the background on that pic is what was where the constriction sight was in GTA3?


I dont remember those high rise buildings being at that location in GTA3.

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user posted image


Think the buildings in the background on that pic is what was where the constriction sight was in GTA3?


I dont remember those high rise buildings being at that location in GTA3.

I can't tell... Though, is that the stadium right there???

Very good pics too, thanks for posting them...

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user posted image


Think the buildings in the background on that pic is what was where the constriction sight was in GTA3?


I dont remember those high rise buildings being at that location in GTA3.

That's the stadium. The contruction sight might now house a buidling, though.

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Seems I was wrong with what I first thought.


This seems to show a clear picture of what was in place of the construction site in GTA3:

user posted image


This one is not a new screen shot btw.



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