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Madden 06 Help


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I just got Madden 06 and Im in Superstar mode. Im doing the training camps right now. How do you end the practices and keep the points you get? Ive gotten big scores....Ive done mass amounts of repititions but I cant figure out how to end the practice. I always end up having to quit the practice and then simulating the practice I just did resaulting in poor scores.


The hell?

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You have to play a minimun of 10 reps and then just quit the practice using the start menu. If that doesn't save it then you might have a bad disc or something.
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The points only add at the end of every week(reg season), and at the end of training camp. It's done so that it's an average, and not just one good round.


All you have to do is quit after 10+ more for the practice to count for ya.

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Once you quit it'll save the points, if you do 10 or more repititions.


The only thing I don't like is that offense and defense are on the same grading scale, and it's VERY hard to get an 11 point average on defense, unless you run the same play over and over.


Also if you sim it, you only get like 1-3 points.

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Does anyone know if the PSP version ocming out will have the superstar mode and the passing thing???
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