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moderator abuse lol

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Those with access have already seen here that ashdexx is willing to take a difference of opinion personally. We also see in the shambles that he's allowed to remain here that he's not ready to let it go.


What's he doing in that last thread? Who could say? It LOOKS as if he was checking my post history and found a way to stab at me, thought that's pure speculation. However he arrived there, we see again that he's not ready to tolerate people having a different opinion than him, resorting to trying to belittle sombody for suggesting an alternative path than he himself would choose. Two of my posts were deleted there under the guise that I was posting off topic. Seeing as how I never commented on a single thing that wasn't already brought up, it boggles the mind how it could be off-topic. More like off-ashdexx, but that's not a crime. I know I'm not the only person to see this because before ashdexx further covered it up, another member posted this:

Suckup != fan, something Demarest has a lot of now days, considering the remarkable amount of people he helps every day. And I couldn't help but to notice the irony; would it not be more logical to suck up to a moderator then it would a regular member?


So you decide to call someone a suckup for liking Demarest, threaten all posts in reply to your statement to be deleted, then go as far as having the last word - without even locking the topic? That's awful ambigious and arrogant of a moderator.

Take personal animosities to PM, don't demand someone who doesn't share your exact opinion not to reply to your last word just because you disagree - despite how wrong you may or may not be, patching or nonpatching is a completely opinionated concept and is hardly worthy of an argument.


Now just to add onto the massive pile of irony in this topic, my personal opinion is to not use the patch for nearly the same reasons most others dont. The shipped SA executable had absolutely no noticable problems; the patch merely limits things and fixes a list of bugs nobody cared about, letalone noticed.


As I stated in one of my deleted posts, ashdexx is an accomplished modder and a moderator on these forums. For that alone, I respect him. That said, I'm not sure who he thinks he is taking karma away from me. Not only am I a highly karma-worthy member, but the 5 twinklies was originally made for me. I've been through enough bullsh*t with a bogus demodding, a bogus banning, no public reparation, restricted posting, stripped privileges, etc. Yet I continue on, helping the community that once forsake me in part because I love the games and I love working with them, helping others with them, encouraging others to rise, etc. Under no circumstances should my karma be altered, let alone as part of one begrudged staffer's personal issue and poor attempt to cover up what was NOT off-topic, but in fact simple disagreement with him. You'll notice that nobody else was effected by this storm.


So I'll have my karma back thank you. Don't worry. I'll still have a begrudged mod watching my every move and some personal vendetta bullsh*t warning to follow me around, so not a total loss for staff hate on the whole. That's assuming this topic survives his totalitarian grip long enough to see the light of day sly.gif

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Would not a rose by any other name smell as sweet? If I modded just for karma, then why did about 80% of my "contributions" take place after I had it maxed out? I don't know of a single modder who does it for the karma. That doesn't mean the accounts of GTAF are for staff to wipe their ass with whenever it suits them. I think even you of all people could admit that you understand that I earned and continue to earn each and every last one of them.


Not that ANY of that has anything to do with HOW they were stolen. Which means that even if I did just do it for the karma and called by every name other than that which sits well with you, they don't get taken away for disagreeing with somebody.

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I didn't say you didn't deserve your karma. How I perceive you as a modder and how I perceive you as a human being are COMPLETELY different at the moment. What do you plan on doing if this topic is unsuccessful in reinstating your karma?


btw: I didn't really see anything wrong with ash's responses in either of those topics. Maybe I'm not very good at picking up insults disguised in long quote battles, but I thought he carried himself at a reasonable level.

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What do you plan on doing if this topic is unsuccessful in reinstating your karma?

I guess you're not seeing the level of cover up going on just because somebody's disagreed with him. What am I going to do? What CAN I do? I've been staff pinata for some time now. The epitome of a grudge.


Oh and I thought about your ligual suggestion and I agree with you. Because my input isn't limited to modding and involves many counts of spreading info, making pictorials, guides, services, etc. Thanks for the correction.

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There was no argument. I think that's the problem. He takes (as linked) disagreements the wrong way. I have the right to post that I don't think the patch is worthwhile if that's how I feel. With it already brought up, it's not off-topic. That's just a label he's applying to justify his actions. And as I posted (I know you didn't read it because it was deleted), I WAS going to PM him. Right up until he showed he's more than willing to go to excessive lengths to impose his opinions on others. At that point PM/post... no difference as he alone is going to be the one to read it.


Delete my posts. Who cares? This is about my karma as if I've done ANYTHING to forfeit it.



Also wanted to add for those that can't be bothered to read through the topic (I don't blame you) that ashdexx was the one who turned a couple posts into the very discussion that I was supposedly off-topic by continuing.

Edited by Demarest
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Demarest...talking about mod abuse, grudges and taking arguments the wrong way? ROFLMAO! I was having a really sh*tty time working on a new file opening routine for one of my programs, but finding this has brightened up my day no end. biggrin.gif


Thanks Dem, you psychopathic moron, you. I'll be even happier when your completely justified permanent ban gets reinstated.



(EDIT) The fact that you have any karma at all when considering the blackmail, bribery, deceit and vindictiveness you demonstrated while on the staff shows that something is very, very wrong with the karma system. People have been permanently banned for doing things a hell of a lot less destructive that what you have done, so you should be counting your lucky stars that you are here at all.

Edited by Cerbera
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Not taking sides but cmon everyone shut up.. we don't need another 40-page debate/flame/crap about topic :\

And Dem, if you really (not taking sides again) got karma removed for such idiotic reasons, then karma doesn't really mean a thing & aint worth it, eh? wow.gif

also see: 'postcount'

@Raindancer: omg nub kthxe218 1ee7funny

Edited by Bigun
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I have no say in this, but I have to agree with Cerbera about the irony.




You should know yourself Demarest that creating a topic about Mods and their "abuse" of powers is a bogus idea. When has it ever got anyone anywhere ? It just creates more trouble for yourself.


I also could not see anything wrong with ashdexx's replys. - Dome Piece

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Not only am I a highly karma-worthy member, but the 5 twinklies was originally made for me. I've been through enough bullsh*t with a bogus demodding, a bogus banning, no public reparation, restricted posting, stripped privileges, etc. Yet I continue on, helping the community that once forsake me in part because I love the games and I love working with them, helping others with them, encouraging others to rise, etc. Under no circumstances should my karma be altered, let alone as part of one begrudged staffer's personal issue and poor attempt to cover up what was NOT off-topic, but in fact simple disagreement with him. You'll notice that nobody else was effected by this storm.


So I'll have my karma back thank you. Don't worry. I'll still have a begrudged mod watching my every move and some personal vendetta bullsh*t warning to follow me around, so not a total loss for staff hate on the whole. That's assuming this topic survives his totalitarian grip long enough to see the light of day sly.gif

Good GOD you sure are full of yourself.


Mods, please take away two of my stars and give them to this poor, underprivledged, suffering user.


Mostly so he'll STFU.


Cripes. yawn.gif

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Erm, let me get this straight. The topic was about washing cars, which requires the the patch. You suggested the patch was useless, in a topic about something which requires the patch to do, and suggested that people should forget about mods for patched versions since you assume nobody uses it since you don't. Ashdexx says that the patch does fix stuff, and you go into a luddite flavored tirade about how it's pointless to use patches. That wasn't just off-topic, but you went above and beyond the call of duty and invented a brand new new category of trolling by arguing about something which is a prerequisite for the subject of the topic.


Sure, it's your right to not use the patch, and to say you think it's pointless. But what purpose does it serve to argue about it in a topic about something which requires it? That's a bit like walking into a current events topic, and arguing that the dinosaurs shouldn't have bitched out and gone extinct, thereby subverting the whole discussion and throwing the topic out the window. Hence Ashdexx telling you to stfu. And hence him tugging your chain when you didn't. Cause. Effect.


Besides, just because you're more than happy using outdated software (*cough* Firebird vs. Firefox) doesn't mean the rest of the world should stop at version 1.0. Perhaps there aren't many people using the patch yet, but that doesn't make your whole I'm-right-your-wrong opinion on updates into gospel. And it certainly doesn't make it any less grating.

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I don't know if ashdexx did anything wrong, I don't really read much when people use them as sources for their arguements. I might should start as I thought; "well why not, he probably did something bad moo moo".


Now, Demarest, I don't disrespect your loyality to the forums, but moderator abuse is what got you banned in the first place. And stating that you are a "karma worthy member", simply removes all my sympathy.


Why? If you want sympathy, then don't start to claim you are simply better than us, cause then we were the ones to get sympathy from you ( not saying we would like/want it ), also don't throw doggy eyes and other stuff at us. Get an objective perspective of situation.


I, myself is from the gang Propaganda Inc., even though it might be a name, I understand the use and advantage of propaganda. And you're using it too, you can simply claim that the moderator is breaking all the moral rules, because you're status, you might not be a moderator, but a lot of people might blindly agree with you, or at least that's what you're counting on.


Yes, there are blind people on these forums. These people are weak to propaganda, but those who can read between the lines have probably already noticed that you a simply trying to turn everything fact in your favour. Ashdexx kindly asked or requested that you should take the arguement elsewhere, such as PM. Then you claim there is no arguement.


Why? Don't you want to be right? Or is it the fact that you simply can't be wrong? So if it's not an arguement, then there is no need for a PM convosation between you and ashnexx, because that is your opinion.


How about talking to him kindly through PM stating your views on the situation, and perhaps get it through that there is no arguement. Maybe because you couldn't admit that you were wrong.


You want sympathy? You have asked the wrong people.


Note: I had some troubles typing this as I was trying to change my space pressing finger to my left thumb.

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Thanks Dem, you psychopathic moron, you.  I'll be even happier when your completely justified permanent ban gets reinstated.
Karma is not an indication of mental state. In fact, those who earn it often spend more time on the games than the average judgemental type would consider healthy. And the ban was far from justified as every single reason for it was either exaggerated or completely fabricated.



The fact that you have any karma at all when considering the blackmail, bribery, deceit and vindictiveness you demonstrated while on the staff shows that something is very, very wrong with the karma system.
The fact that somebody who's contributed as much as I have is sitting at 3 karma shows there's something very wrong with the karma system. Never blackmailed, never bribed, never deceived, and never took things personally beyond the normal bounds of privacy in methods that Tank himself has stated he would and expects his staff to. Know your material lest you embarrass yourself.



you should be counting your lucky stars that you are here at all.
1, 2, 3... you're right! 2 ARE missing!



Sorry i dont mean to get involed, but could not help myself.




Pot says to kettle "you are black"

Thank you. I was beginning to think I was the only one that saw that ashdexx was punishing me for what he was doing that I wasn't.



You should know yourself Demarest that creating a topic about Mods and their "abuse" of powers is a bogus idea.
Hence the lol in the title. Still have to bring the situation to light. Can't just let ashdexx think I'm somebody he can pick on. When you CONTRIBUTE to the forums instead of just hanging out spreading negativity *ahem*Dome Piece*ahem* you earn karma.



When has it ever got anyone anywhere ? It just creates more trouble for yourself.
lol.gif You're talking to somebody who was banned without warning and without reason. Trouble for myself hits me whether I speak my mind or whether I speak my mind. Hey, that's right! My karma was taken away for doing what I do every day; post my opinion on topics people are actively discussing!



Good GOD you sure are full of yourself.
I'm aware of who I am and that makes me full of myself? You should be on staff. I think one of the requisites there is to have negative prejudice for me and marginalize anybody who expresses gratitude for my contributions as a suck up, on my nuts, etc.



Mods, please take away two of my stars and give them to this poor, underprivledged, suffering user. Mostly so he'll STFU.
Who me? No, never. Frankly, I've never seen the draw of controlling the speech of others anyways. Way to post on the topic though... NOT!



Erm, let me get this straight.
Gladly. You're wrong...



The topic was about washing cars, which requires the the patch.
You're wrong. The topic WAS about washing cars and somebody had made a working version that was version independent.



You suggested the patch was useless, in a topic about something which requires the patch to do
You're wrong. Again, it had already been developed for a non-patched version. After which somebody decided they were going to make a mod that utilized that patch feature. I pointed out how making a mod that speaks to 1% of the population while a version independent method exists is not good modding. A couple posts ensue about the pros and cons. It was all but over until ashdexx decided to use it to display how much it bothers him that I don't find the patch useful. It was already a done conversation.



and suggested that people should forget about mods for patched versions since you assume nobody uses it since you don't.
You're wrong. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to understand the simple progression that you KNOW people using your mods have SA but you do NOT know they have the patch. Does that mean you make such a mod and be sure to let people know they have to have the patched version to use it? Absolutely. When a version independent method exists though, it's futility. I'm allowed to express my opinion on the subject and if I am on fact on the subject, I am exempt from any off-topic claims. Furthermore, if my perpetual contributions do not earn me additional privileges, then a one time occurance of my continuing a conversation the very moderator who raked me kept going in the first place, I'm additionally exempt from being punished for it. I was doing what he was doing, but from a far less push your politics on others stance.



Ashdexx says that the patch does fix stuff, and you go into a luddite flavored tirade about how it's pointless to use patches.
You're wrong. I expressed that if I have no issues, I have no incentive to patch. Something he couldn't hear, something he made sure to try and belittle me for (as if how I feel about anything and/or how I administrate my machine is any of his concern). Furthermore, I was one of 3 people that expressed that opinion while he was the only one who took up the opposing side. The fact that I was touched and nobody else was indicates that this is a personal item lacking objectivity. None of that even begins to address that I was doing exactly what he was doing.



That wasn't just off-topic, but you went above and beyond the call of duty and invented a brand new new category of trolling by arguing about something which is a prerequisite for the subject of the topic.
You're wrong. The topic was already satisfied in a version independent method. Even if it did require the patch, I can express my opinion on such things. Know why? It was on topic. Every step of the way. So instead of regurgitating warped portrayals of what's all right there to be seen for what it REALLY is, maybe explain how a person who contributes tons to the community gets karma stripped for being off topic when he was commenting on things other people brought up? I have an idea. Let's have a mod with a grudge stroll in bringing down fire so that in the future, a forum where we all post to educate each other is frequented by people too timid to post what they have to share because some guy with a stick up his ass might spank them because they don't agree with him.



Sure, it's your right to not use the patch, and to say you think it's pointless. But what purpose does it serve to argue about it in a topic about something which requires it?
You're wrong. If you were right, I would agree with you and you know that. The fact that a version independent method IS WHAT THE TOPIC WAS ABOUT made my every post as on-topic as could be. EVERYBODY was talking about what I was talking about and I only commented on things already brought up. This is just you again acting like you don't know me. My logic is highly evolved as you know and I don't cry abuse unless abuse is taking place as you know. However, I'm not surprised that you've thrown who you know me to be out the window once again just to keep your staff buddies off edge like you always do anymore.



That's a bit like walking into a current events topic, and arguing that the dinosaurs shouldn't have bitched out and gone extinct, thereby subverting the whole discussion and throwing the topic out the window.
So then why are you doing that here? Take another moment and actually read the topic as well as the one in the mod showroom that does the job without the patch. Not that any of that has any bearing on the fact that others brought up what I was talking about when I was elegedly trolling and the biggest example of trolling was when ashdexx walked in, opened up a closed conversation, and used the opportunity to hurl personal insults at somebody because they disagree with him. You can see several examples of him calling an apple an orange there and my (without effort) exposing that he was misspeaking was something he couldn't handle. Maybe that's because for him, it was personal from square one. Guess I'm supposed to be impressed that he can take karma from a highly karma-worthy member. I'm not.



Hence Ashdexx telling you to stfu. And hence him tugging your chain when you didn't. Cause. Effect.
Maybe look into it deeper. Cause and effect yes, but you can't punish the guy that threw R on the table after Q when the person saying "stfu" was the one who tossed E-K out there. Again, if perpetual contributions don't earn me the basic privileges every member with an email address can exact for themselves with a valid email address without staff intervention, then a one time misperceived occurance isn't grounds for something I've earned and continue to earn on a daily basis.



Besides, just because you're more than happy using outdated software (*cough* Firebird vs. Firefox) doesn't mean the rest of the world should stop at version 1.0. Perhaps there aren't many people using the patch yet, but that doesn't make your whole I'm-right-your-wrong opinion on updates into gospel. And it certainly doesn't make it any less grating.
EXCELLENT! First we see you off-topic bringing up things from the past (thanks for the grudge). If you'd like more ammo, I will be happy to give you tons more samples you can keep for a rainy day as I've always been quick to admit that I stick with what works. Just make sure you direct the I'm-right-you*'re*-wrong accusations to the person doing it. I wasn't the one spanking somebody who didn't agree with me. I wasn't the one forcibly halting a conversation I perpetuated. And most relevant to this topic, I wasn't the one spanking ONE individual for something three were in accordance on. That's proof it was personal. Anybody that doesn't even frequent modding will tell you I earn that karma. Oh and the whole "we can bank on SA mod users having SA but can't bank on them having the patch" is NOT opinion. It's mere observation of a very natural progression. Just as if a 2nd patch was released that required the first, we could say without fear of contradiction that those using patch 2 is less than those using patch 1.


I know you're good for creating a cloud around everything, but my vision and mind are clearer than that. Please discuss what actually transpired. It's not like it's not right there, all facts for the viewing. At least the ones he's left behind. Not sure how that one guy is still not banned, what with expressing a high opinion of my work and all.



Now, Demarest, I don't disrespect your loyality to the forums, but moderator abuse is what got you banned in the first place.
Elegedly, it was what got me demodded. It has since been cleared up. Sorry to disappoint those still carrying it on as if any of it ever concerned them anyways.



And stating that you are a "karma worthy member", simply removes all my sympathy.
No offense intended, but your opinion on the matter means little to me. You don't frequent the gameplay or modding sections, so you're really not educated on the subject you're speaking on. The fact that I'm capable of saying what others say to me doesn't make me full of myself as the one guy said.



Why? If you want sympathy, then don't start to claim you are simply better than us
Don't put words in my mouth. In fact, I didn't comment on ANYBODY's karma worthiness but my own. Say I'm not karma-worthy in the right places and watch as the people laugh their asses off at you. It's really no mystery.



don't throw doggy eyes and other stuff at us.
IF I understand you correctly, then you failed to see how futile I admitted this entire effort was from square one. This isn't puppy eyes. It's just that if staff is going to continue to treat me like their pinata, I'll maybe see if I can enlighten others as to what's going on. I can't do anything about it anyways, so why not put it out there to let others know too? Bottom line: ANY forum willing to mistreat a member that DOES contribute, DOES remain loyal and in turn DOES add to the traffic, quality, etc is clearly not interested in remaining #1. Now I know the haters are going to try and use that to say I feel I'm the only cause for people to come here. That's obviously nowhere near what I'm saying. I've recognized on countless occassions there were it not for the originals like Spooky, ODIE, illspirit, etc, there would be no community to further. Were it not for tool makers like Barton, Delfi, steve, I'd have nothing to mod with. And were it not for sources of information like GTAF in general, CyQ, Patrick, Opius, etc, I wouldn't be capable of what I do now. Having said all that I DO do things for this place others don't or didn't. Not just one or two either. So again, any forum set up to intentionally mistreat such people is clearly more interested in the sport of it and less in keeping it the #1 spot for GTA. If I was Tank, that would be cause for alarm. However, it's been this way for a long time, so no, I don't expect this to change a damn thing.



Get an objective perspective of situation.
Doesn't get more objective than staying on topics that others started, continuing a conversation the guy who said stop kept going, and then feeling wronged when spanked for it. Maybe you didn't see it, but the guy not only deleted posts, but then responded to them in his own post that remained. How cowardly. What could I possibly have to say that would tilt the world sideways that would justify him deciding that becasue he doesn't like me, I don't have a valid reason to participate in what HE perpetuated and that I don't suddenly deserve karma like I'm one of the genchat layabouts.



you can simply claim that the moderator is breaking all the moral rules, because you're status, you might not be a moderator, but a lot of people might blindly agree with you, or at least that's what you're counting on.
notify.gif By saying my karma is earned so it should be there, I'm banking on my reputation? When I was a moderator and more or less abandoned my modding hobby to moderate, MAYBE you'd then have a leg to stand on. But I HAVE been hard at work to the point of contributing more in terms of quantity, quality, and indeed barrier breaking than I EVER did before I was banned. That's a hell of a ratio. None of that has to do with the fact that I was on topic with my every post, doing nothing different from the very guy saying it should be stopped, etc. Those are facts and I laid them out there. Don't marginalize them just because my name is Demarest. I deserve fair treatment just like anybody else.



Yes, there are blind people on these forums. These people are weak to propaganda, but those who can read between the lines have probably already noticed that you a simply trying to turn everything fact in your favour. Ashdexx kindly asked or requested that you should take the arguement elsewhere, such as PM. Then you claim there is no arguement.
Kindly? You suck at reading between the lines. ashdexx going from another forumer just like myself to taking my presence, my words, etc personally is no subtle manner. I'll cut you some slack since you don't have access to where this all began, but don't accuse me of doing what he was doing. That's what he did with his bullsh*t control tactics in the first place.



Why? Don't you want to be right? Or is it the fact that you simply can't be wrong?
I'm human. The statement that I can't be wrong can never be a fact. Even if I did have that attitude (which I don't) that doesn't make times when I AM right any less true.



So if it's not an arguement, then there is no need for a PM convosation between you and ashnexx, because that is your opinion.
That's what I thought too. I even came here at one point just to PM and try to help him lose the grudge. By then, it was too late though. He was already tailoring the topic to suit his only personal agenda.



How about talking to him kindly through PM stating your views on the situation, and perhaps get it through that there is no arguement. Maybe because you couldn't admit that you were wrong.
Because I've responded to his taking things too much to heart from a peaceable stance before. It netted me unjust loss of karma. I didn't choose this fight, he did. He apparently thinks that I'm afraid or something. I continue to post there and make this topic to show him that I'm not one to silence. There's nothing to gain from it. I'm one of the people contributing. There are REAL rule breakers here and REAL areas of concern for keeping things in line. You don't pick a topic that's flowing naturally like all the others and dive in disrupting it just to pick a fight with somebody you've got a grudge against. And certainly not me. I'm one of the good guys when they let me be.



You want sympathy? You have asked the wrong people.
No kidding. But I wouldn't be me if I didn't speak my mind.



Off-topic OMG -karma!




To further make my point, this topic will get locked pursuant with the same reasons I was silenced in the first place. Heaven forf*ckingbid we actually express ourselves. Maybe if it's left open, we'll actually get somebody posting on what took place instead of some preconceived notions from the past that have nothing to do with it and only parallel the special treatment we're talking about. Dare to dream. confused.gif


@Tsuro: I'm well aware that when somebody comes in spreading "drama" it is overlooked because I am the target. But when my leg kicks out from the hammer to the knee, I'm the dramatic one. The drama is in staff acting like they're omnipotent and going to ridiculous personal lengths to prove it. I am yet unmoved.

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Heaven forf*ckingbid we actually express ourselves.



The amount of Irony in that one statement is stunning, what about the people you banned and "Silenced" for "Expressing themselves" whilst you were a Moderator? You done it to other members when you were on the Staff, and now you're on the other end and you don't like it.

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what about the people you banned and "Silenced" for "Expressing themselves" whilst you were a Moderator? You done it to other members when you were on the Staff, and now you're on the other end and you don't like it.
So you're saying that it's wrong, but not when it applies to me? Give this man a staff position! I only silenced those that had nothing better to contribute than trying to distribute somebody's personal info. Again, an act Tank said he would do and would expect his staff to do. It's his board, so get behind it. Note: The one time I did that, the person forgave me. But you keep still in your evolution as a human being and hold onto that as long as you can wink.gif


@MMMS: He asked "so let me get this striaght". For the record, he was wrong once. The rest of his post was sound, but built off a foundation that was incorrect. Once he realizes (as ashdexx should've) what the topic was about, then maybe what really happened will be more evident.


@gta_"king" lol.gif : Were it any other name attached to the post, you'd give the words a chance. Since it's mine, you discard their validity before reading them. That's called a preconceived notion and is exactly what I'm talking about. BE the cow manure!



I was also just made aware of my karma whore status. Just more proof that staff have a grudge and are willing to go to childish lengths to let others know about it. While SOME of you have barely ever touched the games, some of us are actually involved what this board is about. So keep polishing your badge and telling yourself you have any idea what's good for the board.


And my sincerest apologies to those on staff who ARE above toying with others simply because they can. I am well aware of how much it must piss you off to see me bad mouthing staff en masse. You're right, it is wrong. I make no excuse for it, but wanted to let you know that I have a pretty good idea of who you are and know that I don't let the grudge of some of the staff tarnish my opinion of you. I encourage you to voice your opinion to the others even if it is contradictory to all the fanfare they seem to enjoy over flogging me out of nothing more than personal opinion.

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Believe me, Dem's not the only one talking sh*t here.


Demarest: I believe you've done more for modding than most people posting in here are aware of, I also believe you should probably have your karma.

Then again, I don't think it's going to happen, and I don't think this topic's going to go anywhere. It's hardly buzzing with positive discussion and people seeing your side of things. You're probably causing more damage to yourself with this topic than you did with your 'discussion' involving ashdexx. Whether or not you care about that is your decision, but it seems rather pointless if you know this topic's not going to change anything.


Still, e-drama never gets boring eh? These forums would be boring as hell if no-one ever moaned excessive amounts.


EDIT: This post is neither pro nor against dem, in all honesty I don't give a sh*t. I'd say dem's probably not the only one at fault though.

Edited by Luke
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Just for the record:


I have nothing but respect for Dem's contributions and knowledge. He is one smart cat.


It's his G'Damned attitude that really sucks and makes it's difficult to like him.


If it weren't for the fact that he seems to think he's God's Gift to Modding, he wouldn't be so bad.


This whole being whiney about karma is quite ridiculous, and makes him look like the same thing he's accusing the mods for: being childish.


Dem, if you don't like it, leave. Seriously, if all you're going to do is spam threads with "look it up" or "I can't believe this is a topic" or "you obviously don't know what you're talking about, you obtuse jerk", then just go. All that great knowledge you have is fairly useless if you're just going to brag about how much you've done, whine about losing karma, and making pointless arguments. If you want to help, then please, by all means, help.


If you want to continue as you are, then don't go away mad. Just go away.


My final word. blink.gif

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If they had a 'grudge' you'd still be banned, big boy.
That logic suggests that every single staff wanted me unbanned and are happy that I'm back contributing. If you are jallar as I believe you are, then I'm certain I don't have to take that logic to it's next step. The truth on that matter is clear.


@Luke: Always keeping the level head. I admire that. You're probably right. My disposition is that they're going to sh*t on me regardless, so no harm in letting others know. I was quiet for a while but things have gotten so out of hand that it's embarrassingly obvious. They won't live and let live so I shan't either.


@Canoxa: I was again eluding to the way many staff cling to items of the past--even those that are untrue--to justify their present day disposition towards me. Most of those guilty have shown it. And since "king" expressed a similar willingness, I made that sarcastic remark.

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