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[SA|WIP|SCR] Digger (JCB 4CX)

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Oh btw..Yes I do plan on putting a huge bucket on the front so you can lift people and bikes off the road tounge.gif...Also another great drive by vehicle come MTA...Guys in the bucket drive by shooting with protection from the bucket...fantastic!


PB. Its losely based on a 4CX, im gonna name it "Digger"

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Within the next week..Im going more for gameplay then detail. Model is about 90% complete. Texturing is very simple as im using existing SA textures, and testing and handling will prolly take a few days...So not long, thats only taken me 5 hours though so far.

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Couple more days work..The model is finished apart from creating the brakelights. Texturing is around a good 80% complete now. Im gonna add a few extras (Different buckets and some hire firm decals)..haha and btw there bloody funny "Dude" is a great template to create jokes around. Ive gotten hang of the wheel size and handling now too smile.gif

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Also another great drive by vehicle come MTA...Guys in the bucket drive by shooting with protection from the bucket...fantastic!


No mods for MTA. Otherwise you need a dedicated server for every configuration of mods people are using. A lot of people make vehicles in the hopes of MTA, no use unless a server supports it. I think. Unless it is just a replacement, and I have no idea how that will work, because altered data in anyway will cause a kick.

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When released I will replace DFT30 or Cement Truck with this one!!!

It won't work very well though, the Dozer is the only vehicle that has a moveable front end.


Looking much better Dazla but yeah fix up those wheels need the biggies at teh back.

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A "driven" wheel is one which carries the power from the engine. BWM cars tend to have rear wheel drive, so the rear wheels carry the power from the engine. A "steered" wheel is the one which turns the vehicle. In a BMW, they tend to be the front wheels.


In GTASA, the setting for the driven wheels is in the DriveType setting. To change which wheels are steered is a little more complicated. I recommend using my CFG Studio program when editing handling because I've made it to be extremely stable, reliable and easy to use. Find the HandlingFlags column for the DOZER handling line. When you start editing the cell (double-click or press F2 or use the "Edit > Edit Cell" menu) a checklist of the features you can apply will appear. Turn off the STEER_REARWHEELS feature (normally called a "flag") and you will have normal front wheel steering. smile.gif

Edited by Cerbera
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Thx for the response. However that is not my problem. I can make the dozer FWD. However it still has turning issues. It seems it "turns" from the back rather then the front. Its hard to explain. Set the dozer to FWD in your game, then you will see what I mean, its as if its on ice as it were.
I don't understand how this is a different problem to the one my previous post explained and solved. Making it Front Wheel Drive will change which wheels are driven, not which wheels are steered. To stop it steering from the rear, you have to turn off the REARWHEEL_STEER flag. Just like I said. blink.gif


Post your current handling line here. It might be that you've modified it from the original Dozer line by giving it extremely low traction settings or an extremely rearward CenterOfMass.

Edited by Cerbera
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Yea I believe its related to CoG/M. It seems to be light at the front and heavy on the back. Anyways. Just change the dozer to FWD, you will see what I mean, it kinda "slides". Im at my GFs atm so I cant give you the exact line which I have. However try the DOZER line with the rearwheel steering flag off.

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FWD does not mean front wheel steering, it means front wheel drive. Why can't you understand that?



DOZER	10000.0	35000.0	20.0	0.0	-0.5	-0.5	90	0.85	0.8	0.60	5	100.0	35.0	150.0	4	D	5.0	0.40	0	45.0	1.4	0.15	0.0	0.25	-0.20	0.35	0.0	0.45	0.20	5000	308	340220	0	1	17

That is the original handling line for the Dozer. It does have a very rearward CoM and it has a very forward TractionBias. It also has rear wheel steering and four wheel drive, which is 4WD because "WD" means "Wheel Drive" and not "Wheel Steering" like you seem to think. tounge.gif



DOZER	10000.0	35000.0	20.0	0.0	-0.05	-0.5	90	0.85	0.8	0.48	5	100.0	35.0	150.0	4	D	5.0	0.70	0	45.0	1.4	0.15	0.0	0.25	-0.20	0.35	0.0	0.45	0.20	5000	308	340200	0	1	17

Try that. Mass is very slightly rearward, grip is quite rearward, front wheel steering and four wheel drive. Because the JCB would be faster than this massive bullzozer, you might want to reduce the DragMultiplier from 20 down to 15. Any lower than that and you'll need to reconfigure the Acceleration and EngineInertia settings. I drove it around the quarry and on open roads and it seems fine, even when doing the hairpin turns at the bottom of steep slopes and driving along the sides of cliff faces. smile.gif

Edited by Cerbera
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I know what it means...You know what I mean tounge.gif. Front wheel Drive is when the engine drives the front wheels. 4wd the engine drives all and rear wheel etc...I just use that as a bad example I suppose..But you get what I meant so..lol


Thats nice handling for the bulldozer. However my JCB is different, perhaps I can send you a model to work with? OFC credits will be in the readme for this smile.gif

Edited by Dazla
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Back on the handling topic, I don't know if you guys have discovered or not that altering the Chassis dummy alters a vehicles handling without even editing the handling code.

I found this out while messing with a large transport aircraft (inspired by Dazlas Chinook) I am making to replace the Hydra, I think the dummy is the vehicles actual center of gravity or some sort of pivot point for the movement.

The only alterations I have made in the handling file is the animation groups.

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