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[WIP|MOD] Easter Bay Aircraft Carrier Boat Convert

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I don't usually post WIPs.... I'd rather save the surprise for the release, but this one's so obvious a necessity, I was scared someone would take the idea while I was working on it, so here goes..




Newest, with all the bitz:

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A little earlier, before I had the SAM launchers on:

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First shot, just after I first got her in game:

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Easter Bay Aircraft Carrier tropic replacement boat - Beta 2.


Updated, improved handling (apply these edits to handling.cfg after installing):


TROPIC 4000.0 8000000.0 0.9 0.0 -0.1 -9.5 50 0.30 15.0 0.55 5 265.0 2.5 170.0 4 P 0.00 0.00 0 25.0 0.11 45.0 0.0 0.01 0.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.20 73000 8000408 1000000 0 1 0 % TROPIC 0.60 0.59 0.0 2.0 0.30 0.0 20.0 0.89 0.999 0.997 0.90 0.99 0.97 7.5



Thanks to Cerbera for his awesome handling help as well as his wicked handling editor that debugs the columns!!!


Done so far:

Access from runway and wet dock - yes you can land planes on it now with the handling updates in the beta 2 package.


Access all levels and safe stairwell use, col file at poly limit, placed the map parts using the map ipl so they line up perfectly, and managed to keep the texture and models identical to those in the map objects.. even the distance model is at full pollies so it doesn't look crap when you back up a bit on the camera (thanks to Racer_S for camhack cookie.gif).


New in Beta 2:

Imported the pipes, stair rails, AC room and a winch into the hirez model... now most of the interior of the ship is there, though still very empty - I already have all the parts for the missiles etc, but we have reached the limit of the pollies for the vehicle, so they're gonna have to stay out for now.


Fixed the back of the col file - you can now drive up in a boat and climb aboard via the rear ramp.


Placed the dummies better. At this stage he still sits in the stairway, but now a little lower so you can exit via the door. Still isn't his home for the final... I was thinking it'd be cute if he sat on a beanbag in front of a games console inside the ship as an alternative to the bridge, which is empty/not modelled inside.


Ambient light... hmmm.. I removed the omni-lighting from the model deliberately while I was getting everything together so I could better see the model... but looking at the original during testing, gotta say I hate it being dark in there... I might even leave it like this.



I'm taking this one slower than usual, trying to make it as perfect as it deserves... I feel this would make a great battleground for multiplayer (modding) servers. Expect up to a month for release (or as little as maybe a week), but the time taken will be well spent.

Edited by [DRuG]NikT
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adam schiller

Seems like a good mod especially like that you open up the back which annoyed me rockstar didn't do I'm going to definitely download it

cookie.gifcookie.gifcookie.gifcookie.gif btw did you change the colour???


wait a min is this a boat next to the carrier or replancing it both are cool colgate.gif



Just what ive dreamed..This will fit perfectly with my osprey and chinook biggrin.gif, great work so far!


where did you get those?link plz



nice ship btw,but if it replaces the tropic,arent there gonna be loads of these sailing around?

nice one...


you say it will actually replace the carrier in game though or the tropic boat...


Anyway, looking good and since you seem to be so good at converting aviation stuff... why don't you make the Harrier for it as well?


Looking good and I will have to talk to you once I guess.


Good luck with the .col file... cookie.gifrahkstar2.gif


@Dazla... i know about the Chinook, but what is the osprey?!

Edited by Ducati996

All coming along nicely so far... col file working out so well that it looks like we'll be able to land on it.


For those still unclear on if it's a boat (vehicle) or still just a scenery mod, it's a BOAT... replaces the tropic... yes that's right, you can zap about in the water with it, and no I'm not being sarcastic...



nah I spent about 20 hours on the handling - she handles pretty much like a ship, though I have (at this stage) been forced to make it very light to give it convincing handling that also gives you enough control to get "unstuck" easily... it seems peds can get it unstuck too from what I've seen so far..


BUT being that it is light, when you hit things, you really do kinda feel the bump.. meaning, it really rumbles a lot as you mow over the little buggers... you will note, however, that I am not reporting it to be jiggling and bouncing all over the map, as most large vehicle mods seem to... that was what took 20 hours... to find that balance.... PLEASE if anyone can do it better, I'd love your help... I aint pushin any ego here - just the DRuGs tounge.gif


It will still spazz out and spin up high in the air if you really bash it about, but it's at the point now where it's pretty hard to get it to do it, and fun when you do happy.gif This, my fellow modder, is why I encourage your help - it aint perfekt.


Tonight I'm working on the col some more, and considering getting some of the interior filled up n ready for your GaaAngsta parties to begin.


apologies for my O G Loc outburst.



You will find that the launch is situated only 100yds from the carrier, although there is only the one of them.

It's docked in the central sub pen.


Back on topic: Will the carriers' deck be able to hold aircraft without them falling off while you move the carrier about?

adam schiller

Things I would like to see

1: At least planes stay on it

2:There arnt like 50 on the map bt only 1 in open water

3:Cars dont blow up (dont mind about boats)


The cental Sub pen is the building next to the Carrier Ship



I dont mind if a jet spawns on it or not

keep up the good work cookie.gifcookie.gif




My two cents


Have the carrier spawn west of LSX

If possible have a couple military aircraft spawn on it


I think that it'd make sense to access the ship via boat or aircaft only, I ain't too keen on fighting the military in order to drive the thing

I'll have a go at attaching it into a boat that only spawns one of... nice ideas... keep em up & thanks for the positive feedback blush.gif. Landing on it... we'll have to see, I'm pretty sure you will be able to, yes... Dazla, who is making the Osprey

suggested the surface type in the col file defines this, and I see there has just appeared a hydra replacement carrier that is going to be capable of carrying vehicles, as the screenshots show in SLeonhart's Air Carrier "Suances" WIP thread




I've been having a rest on the boat tonight... couldn't bring myself to it, so I've been working on CZ3's train - the boat is not forgotten, I'll get to it again tomorrow.


*edit* I won't be removing the original scenery one, as I assume people won't always want my boat replacing theirs, so it will be an additional carrier... for realism, you could call it a rogue imposter carrier run by CJ's private army as an attack trick. (ok, so I let my imagination go sik, sue me)



Edited by [DRuG]NikT

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