CygnusX Posted July 20, 2005 Share Posted July 20, 2005 (edited) Golds @ All schools movies + FAQs *********UPDATE********* Movies & FAQs completed! Boat School FAQ added Very Fast DL mirrors added Boat School movie added! New Flying School Movie, 7 minutes long + sound! *********UPDATE********* Download Table Flying School (23MB) Download from: -Fast!- Bike School (5MB) Download from: -Fast!- Driving School (16MB) Download from: -Fast!- The Gamers Alliance Turbo xs4all (NL) Boat School (18MB) Download from: -Fast! The FAQs All movies were recorded with the registered version of GameCam, downloadable from All objectives were completed with Mouse and Keyboard. Don't bother with gamepads, they're not as precise as M&K. Flying School There's 10 objectives in Flying School, all fairly easy to complete if you know what to do. Getting used to the controls might take one more time than another though. General Tips: 1. TAP the controls, DO NOT PRESS AND HOLD! 2. Try not to use the rudder in the air, only on the ground to taxi. 3. Set the Camera mode to your favorite, some camera angles are better at certain objectives than others. I used these controls, I'll refer to these in the rest of the FAQ. I advise you copy them to make things easier. Planes 2 - Retract / Extend Landing Gear W - Increase Speed S - Decrease Speed Q - Turn Rudder Left E - Turn Rudder Right ARROW KEY LEFT - Roll Left ARROW KEY RIGHT - Roll Right ARROW KEY UP - Move Nose Down ARROW KEY DOWN - Move Nose Up Helicopters LCTRL - Fire Machine Gun LSHIFT - Fire Missiles CAPS LOCK - Level Helicopter W - Ascend S - Descend Q - Turn Left E - Turn Right ARROW KEY LEFT - Move / Roll Left ARROW KEY RIGHT - Move / Roll Right ARROW KEY UP - Move Nose Down ARROW KEY DOWN - Move Nose Up Parachute LMB - Activate Parachute The objectives Takeoff Hold down W the whole time, takeoff & retract landing gear as soon as the tail rises. Then just gently tap UP and DOWN and fly through the coronas. Land Plane Hold down W 'til you fly through the first Corona, then extend your landing gear and release W. When you're about halfway there hold down S and gently guide the plane into the corona Circle Airstrip Hold down W for the length of this objective. Takeoff as in the first objective, then gently TAP A, D, UP and DOWN to bank around the corners. Do not use the rudder! Just practice banking and you'll get it right. Circle Airstrip & Land Hold down W 'til you flew through the last corona. Takeoff as in the first objective, then gently TAP A, D, UP and DOWN to bank around the corners. Do not use the rudder! Just practice banking and you'll get it right. After the last corona bank towards the airstrip and descend quickly, extend the landing gear and land in the target area. Helicopter Takeoff This needs no explanation, just watch the video. Land Helicopter Remember to just TAP CAPS LOCK, otherwise you're risking damage. Practise timing on this one and you'll be fine. Destroy Targets Maintain speed 'til you're right above the end of the airstrip, then release W. TAP UP to keep the nose down and use LCTRL to use your machineguns to destroy the trucks. Don't come in too fast. When you destroy the trucks, Turn around and kill the two remaining cars, try hovering a bit or changing to first person view if all fails. When you destroyed the trucks land in the target area. Practise timing and TAP CAPS LOCK. The helicopter should be aligned with the Airstrip when you land. Loop-the-Loop I strongly advise to use first person view here. Press and hold W for the length of this objective. This one isn't too hard, watch the video for further reference. Barrel Roll Again, I strongly advise to use first person view here. Press and hold W for the length of this objective. This one isn't too hard either, watch the video for further reference. Just keep the plain level and you'll be fine. Parachute Onto Target Before you do anything, DO NOT I repeat DO NOT rotate or move left / right. CJ is headed perfectly straight towars the landing zone, moving sideways would screw it up. Press and Hold UP right at the start, release it when the timer says 0:20. Just let yourself fall until you are under the clouds. This is usually at 0:23 or 0:24. Then click LMB, and use DOWN to guide yourself towards the center Mission Passed! Driving School There are a total of 12 objectives to pass in driving school. Most of them are easy, some require much practice and some require pure luck. This school has the most frustrating tests of all, so be prepared for it if you so want that gold medal. General tips: 1. Turn down your detail level and lower your resolution if possible, it really helps at some objectives to reach it within the time limit. 2. Practice makes perfect, I didn't get all golds in a row either. If you're getting frustrated, do something else and try again later. 3. Change the camera mode to your liking, you don't necessarily have to use the modes as shown in the video. IMPORTANT NOTE! Where asked I did all objectives Counterclockwise! My Controls I recommend you copy these, as I will refer to them in the rest of the FAQ. Accelerate - UP Brake / Reverse - DOWN Steer Left - LEFT Steer Right - RIGHT Lean Forward / Move Camera UP - W Lean Backwards / Move Camera DOWN - S Handbrake - SPACEBAR Look Left - Q Look Right - E Look Behind - Q&E The 360 Press and Hold UP, DOWN and RIGHT for about 6.5-7 seconds, that's pretty much the perfect circle. Practice it a bit and you'll get it right. The 180 Press and Hold UP 'til you reach the point where you need to turn. Release UP and hold down SPACE and RIGHT to do the 180 degree turn. Quickly press and hold UP again and speed towards the ending point. You need to stop the car exactly in the middle of the cones. Whip And Terminate Watch the movie closely and try to learn the point where I brake and speed around the corner. I recommend using the regular brake (DOWN) when cornering, using the handbrake might slow you down too much. Pop And Control Press and hold UP until you cross the spikestrip. DO NOT press UP when you cross the spikestrip, your car will spin out of control and hit the cones. You must release UP for a short time, when you crossed the spikestrip you can resume accelerating, but don't do it too fast. The back of the police car might slip when you brake too sudden. Smoothly guide the police car to the end of the cones and you have your gold medal. Burn And Lap The key to Burn and Lap is to be good with the handbrake. I strongly recommend lowering Detail and Resolution for better performance. While I was recording I noticed a clear lag, about half a second. How to corner: 1. Watch the movie. Observe at what point I handbrake around the corner 2. Repeat step 1 3. Repeat step 2 The actual cornering isn't hard, all you do is release UP while doing it and hold down SPACEBAR and LEFT to make an 180 degree turn. The key to this one is to learn WHEN to corner. Again, practice makes perfect. That's all there is to say about this one. Cone Coil Watch the movie, use the handbrake technique to corner along the cones halfway and end exactly in the middle of the cones at the end for gold. The '90' This one is a bitch, it's not that hard, but it's based on luck. What you do is speed a bit towards either the right or the left car and use the handbrake and the regular brake to end up in between them. The first time I ever did this, it took me 45 minutes to get this a gold, which is about 300 tries. Luckily I'm patient. You should be too if you want gold here. Wheelie Weave This objective is rather random in terms of the damage percentage you get. What I've found is that you shouldn't scratch the car in the first few seconds, otherwise you'll get a damage penalty. This is still rather random. There have been tons of times that I was 100% sure I didn't damage the car and had both a 100% position and heading score, but was still penalized with 1 or 2% damage. Steer to the right when you think you're going to roll over. You can also try to tap UP a bit for more stabilty. The randomness of this test is quite frustrating and because of that, there are no sure-fire tips I can give you. Good Luck. Spin And Go The taxi is great for spinning, so this shouldn't be much of a problem. Watch the movie to see the point where I spin. Be sure to spin far enough or you'll end up hitting the cones. I repeat: practice makes perfect. P.I.T. Maneuver Watch the movie, no further explanation needed. Alley Oop Hit the ramp as seen in the movie. As soon as you're in mid-air, let go of UP and hold down LEFT or RIGHT -depending on where you hit the ramp- to spin around quick enough. After a few tries this should be a piece of cake. City Slicking This test is also frustrating because of the randomness. Traffic can be a real pain in the ass in this one. On top of that you get a car with bad grip. You need to be a pretty good driver to not let the Super GT slip. You also need to be lucky. Traffic is a very decisive factor for getting gold. If you hit something once, you have to start over (if you're going for gold, that is). Drive in the middle of the tram tracks, on pavement and sides of the road to avoid traffic as much as possible. Be sure to press W often too, as it makes the camera go up enabling you to look ahead and anticipate. That's it, good luck with getting golds! Bike School Together with Boat School, Bike school is arguably one of the easiest to pass. Only the last few can be a tad tedious, but they're very do-able. General Tips: 1. Turn down your detail level and lower your resolution if possible, it really helps at some objectives to reach it within the time limit. 2. Practice makes perfect, I didn't get all golds in a row either. If you're getting frustrated, do something else and try again later. 3. Change the camera mode to your liking, you don't necessarily have to use the modes as shown in the video. My Controls I recommend you copy these, as I will refer to them in the rest of the -short- FAQ. Accelerate - UP Brake / Reverse - DOWN Steer Left - LEFT Steer Right - RIGHT Lean Forward - W Lean Backwards - S Handbrake - SPACEBAR Look Left - Q Look Right - E Look Behind - Q&E The 360 Press and Hold: UP, DOWN and LEFT to start the burnout. End a little over the starting point and you'll be awarded gold. The 180 Handbrake around the corner by using DOWN and SPACE, for timing, watch the video. End perfectly in the middle of the cones to get gold. The Wheelie Hold down UP and TAP S a couple of times until you passed the coned section. Holding down S will make you fall off the bike and tapping too fast wont make the bike lift up enough. Practice the tapping and this one should be easy. Jump & Stop Just press UP and end perfectly in between the cones at the end to get gold. This one is undoubtedly the easiest objective. The Stoppie This one can be a little tricky, but once you get the hang of it, it's fun to do. What you do is quickly accelerate by pressing UP and tapping W to lean forward and gain some more speed. When you have some speed, release UP, press DOWN and W. When your bike has an angle of about 45 degrees, quickly press and hold UP again. This was hard for me to get perfect too, when you've mastered this it's great fun to do on highways. Jump & Stoppie There are 2 ways to complete this objective: One is to quickly accelerate jump all the way to the ending place and hope you land perfectly in the coned section. The other is to not go so fast, and perform a Stoppie towards the section. As you can see in the movie, I did the second option. It is hard to find the perfect speed and angle, but it's best to do the following. Do not bother leaning forward a bit to accelerate quicker, you don't need it. You can even let go of UP just before the jump. Anyway, try not to go too fast and jump over the ramp. While you're in the air, press W and angle at about 45 degrees. When you land, you must quickly hold W and UP to maintain the stoppie. If you go too slow or don't angle enough you won't be able to perform a stoppie. If you go too fast or angle too much you will fall of your bike. The point here is to find the perfect speed. Good luck! Boat School Getting all gold at this school should be a breeze, when you know what to do it should form no obstacle. General Tips: 1. Especially in the first objective, high detail might be bottlenecking your result. It is advised to turn down the visual detail settings if you're going for gold. 2. Practice makes perfect, I didn't get all golds in a row either. If you're getting frustrated, do something else and try again later. 3. Switch the camera mode to your liking, you don't have to stick to the one I used. My Controls I recommend you copy these, as I will refer to them in the rest of the -short- FAQ. Throttle - UP Brake / Reverse - DOWN Steer Left - LEFT Steer Right - RIGHT Tilt Vortex forward / Move Camera UP - W Tilt Vortex backward / Move Camera DOWN - S Look Left - Q Look Right - E Look Behind - Q&E Basic Seamanship Anyone with lower-end machines be advised to turn down your detail level to an absolute minimum. The Framerate is a very decisive factor here. All you should know to get that 100% score is where to brake. Press and hold UP 'til you reach the 0:06 on the timer, then let go and press DOWN to brake. The time of the point where you should brake may vary a bit, but doing so right after the 6 seconds on the timer pretty much guarantees that gold medal. Plot a Course This one is very easy, hold down UP for the length of the objective and steer through the buoys. Watch the radar to see where the next pair of buoys are, so you can anticipate and steer a little more to the left or right when you pass a pair. Fresh Slalom This is almost identical to the previous objective except you get a different vehicle and a longer course. Hold down UP for the length of the objective and steer through the buoys. Watch the radar to see where the next pair of buoys are, so you can anticipate and steer a little more to the left or right when you pass a pair. Flying Fish This one is also easy to complete, provided you know when to tilt the Vortex. Here's what you do. Hold down UP the whole time, that is essential. Make sure you face the ramp perfectly straight, as that results in the longest jumps. When you're on the ramp, TAP S a couple times for about a second, then just HOLD it. That's the best tactic to complete this objective. If you can time and TAP well, you could get a jump of 80m! Land, Sea and Air This one is also much like two other missions in Boat School. Again it takes a little longer and you get a different vehicle. Hold down UP for the length of the objective and steer through the buoys. Watch the radar to see where the next pair of buoys are, so you can anticipate and steer a little more to the left or right when you pass a pair. When you go over a ramp, hold W to get back on the water more quickly, which can save you a second or two in the end. Be sure to gently press the controls, the Vortex is quite responsive. Well, that's it. This FAQ is complete. Hope you found it useful. Edited August 12, 2005 by CygnusX Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Onanist Posted July 20, 2005 Share Posted July 20, 2005 damn! eight minutes? i can only imagine how it looks cause 218mb is too much for me i'm doing random medals in around 30 minutes, but gold in 8? omg Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kippers Posted July 20, 2005 Share Posted July 20, 2005 can you stick the vid on TGA please? coz Rapidshare doesn't work for me Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CygnusX Posted July 20, 2005 Author Share Posted July 20, 2005 It's just 21.8MB, not 218MB. And yeah I'll put it on that site. Will post link in a moment. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CygnusX Posted July 20, 2005 Author Share Posted July 20, 2005 Ok here's another download location. Signup required though. Movie It's just over 17MB, zipped. Enjoy! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kippers Posted July 20, 2005 Share Posted July 20, 2005 Man, that's awesome you only made one slight mistake and that was on the loop the loop where you lost control of the plane but you did it this is cool. This topic needs to be pinned this would be a great help for anyone who is having trouble with the mission. well done Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Onanist Posted July 20, 2005 Share Posted July 20, 2005 (edited) look here: Edited July 20, 2005 by Onanist Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
simps Posted July 20, 2005 Share Posted July 20, 2005 Hmm never noticed the Flight School Link. Learn something new everyday. Edit: Wait, that's this thread!! Cool Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kippers Posted July 20, 2005 Share Posted July 20, 2005 yeah. i pmed Adamcs and said that the topic was worth pinning and he said that he would stick it at the top of the page yes, yes. Thank you, thank you, I'm here till 2064 according to deathclock Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sergeant Posted July 20, 2005 Share Posted July 20, 2005 I`m not movies but i completed 10 - 12 minutes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CygnusX Posted July 20, 2005 Author Share Posted July 20, 2005 There'll be more, extended videos on other difficult missions soon. For now, check out these preview versions: Stowaway & Freefall Hydra Battle Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kippers Posted July 20, 2005 Share Posted July 20, 2005 seeing as this topic has been put at the top of the page for reference to the flying mission only, i think it would be best for you to stick those vids in another topic Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
p13.m4n Posted July 20, 2005 Share Posted July 20, 2005 I think I maybe could do that if I tried hard. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mr. Coffee Posted July 20, 2005 Share Posted July 20, 2005 Not bad. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CygnusX Posted July 20, 2005 Author Share Posted July 20, 2005 **Updated** FAQ included Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ErikMitch Posted July 21, 2005 Share Posted July 21, 2005 Is there a movie for ps2 flying school? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Onanist Posted July 21, 2005 Share Posted July 21, 2005 it's same as on pc, isn't it? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kippers Posted July 21, 2005 Share Posted July 21, 2005 it's same as on pc, isn't it? Yes it is so urm....well basically just follow the same things as he's said but just use the ps2 buttons to corraspond with the computer keys . isn't too hard Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
suicider785 Posted July 21, 2005 Share Posted July 21, 2005 I wanted to ask you something about the mission with the heli: destroy targets... It took me 3 whole minutes to destroy the moving cars and you did it in 20 seconds, can you tell me how your heli aimed automatically on the last car? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
suicider785 Posted July 21, 2005 Share Posted July 21, 2005 something wrong with forums Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CygnusX Posted July 21, 2005 Author Share Posted July 21, 2005 Point the heli nose towards the cars and fire the machineguns with LCTRL since they auto-aim, you don't have to perfectly point straight at them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
suicider785 Posted July 21, 2005 Share Posted July 21, 2005 YES i know but the last car u destroyed wasnt towards you? is that a bug or something? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CygnusX Posted July 21, 2005 Author Share Posted July 21, 2005 It was already on fire, it blew up from that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lamase Posted July 30, 2005 Share Posted July 30, 2005 can't download Forbidden You don't have permission to access / on this server. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CygnusX Posted July 30, 2005 Author Share Posted July 30, 2005 There will be more mirrors fo this one soon. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lamase Posted July 30, 2005 Share Posted July 30, 2005 If you make a rapidshare mirror, I can upload it Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CygnusX Posted July 31, 2005 Author Share Posted July 31, 2005 **Mirror added** Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
watchcap Posted August 1, 2005 Share Posted August 1, 2005 Sir, I respect you for getting gold on destroy targets, which is the worst part of flight school, as I am stuck on 95%. Although Circle and Land was mocking me with the 99 I had with 100% position point but 2 seconds too slow. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lamase Posted August 3, 2005 Share Posted August 3, 2005 CygnusX: Don't you want to make a Boat School movie? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
simps Posted August 3, 2005 Share Posted August 3, 2005 CygnusX: Don't you want to make a Boat School movie? I think he posted that he is making a Boat and Bike School Movie in his Driving School topic. Can't wait! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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