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Hi there! This thread is for the announcement of new PEDS episodes. I talked this over with a mod, and decided to give the users of GTAFourms exclusive "first-looks" at all first run episodes. The episodes are released approximately every two weeks, and I'll post them here first. It's just my way of saying "thanks" to the community for all of the help and support since this project was started.


You guys get direct links, and first looks. Lucky you! smile.gif Don't repost the links; just point people to our homepage (in my siggy).


Here the list; from Archive.org (Hi Res and Streams), Pawfect Films (Lo Res) and GTAUnderfround.com (mirror).




Get the DivX Codec here.


Season 1



Episode Title Hi Res DivX Link Stream Link
PEDS Episode 1 - Are we the ghosts? Or the Machines? Hi Res DivX Stream
PEDS Episode 2 - Ouchie Hi Res DivX Stream
PEDS Episode 3 - Hammer Time! Hi Res DivX Stream
PEDS Episode 4 - (not) A Date Hi Res DivX Stream
PEDS Episode 5 - Loves not wisely, nor too well Hi Res DivX Stream
PEDS Episode 6 - PINK Hi Res DivX Stream
PEDS Episode 7 - Dropping In Hi Res DivX Stream
PEDS Episode 8 - What A Load Hi Res DivX Stream
PEDS Episode 9 - Recycle THIS! Hi Res DivX Stream
PEDS Episode 10 - Mis-Matchmaker Hi Res DivX Stream
PEDS Episode 11 - Fallout Hi Res DivX Stream
PEDS Episode 12 - Homestretch Hi Res DivX Stream
PEDS Episode 13 - All Good Things (Part 1) Hi Res DivX Stream
PEDS Episode 13 - All Good Things (Part 2) Hi Res DivX Stream
Season 2





Episode Title Hi Res DivX Link Stream Link
PEDS Episode 14 - Welcome To Liberty City Hi Res DivX Stream
PEDS Episode 15 - Mission: Improbable Hi Res DivX Stream
PEDS Episode 16 - Quick Change Hi Res DivX Stream
PEDS Episode 17 - Something Old, Something New Hi Res DivX Stream
PEDS Episode 18 - The Wacky, The Wild, and The Wife Hi Res DivX Stream
PEDS Episode 19 - Interrogation Games Hi Res DivX Stream
PEDS Episode 20 - Drive Hi Res DivX Stream
PEDS Episode 21 - Missed Direction Hi Res DivX Stream
PEDS Episode 22 - S.A.M. Plan Hi Res DivX Stream
PEDS Episode 23 - Showdown Hi Res DivX Stream
PEDS Episode 24 - Revelations Hi Res DivX Stream
PEDS Episode 25 - Endgame Hi Res DivX Stream
Season 3



Episode Title Hi Res DivX Link Stream Link
PEDS Episode 26 - Welcome To San Andreas Hi Res DivX Stream
PEDS Episode 27 - Images and Words Hi Res DivX Stream
PEDS Episode 28 - Base Jumping Hi Res DivX Stream

Shorts and Other Goodies



Episode Title Hi Res DivX Link Stream Link
Just a Short 7 - Antics Hi Res DivX N/A
PEDS Season 3: San Andreas Teaser Trailer N/A
PEDS Trailer (Original) Hi Res DivX Stream
PEDS Season 2 Teaser Trailer Hi Res DivX N/A
PEDS Season 2 Full Trailer N/A N/A
PEDS Season 2 Podcast Ad N/A N/A
PEDS Music Video: Beer, by Reel Big Fish Hi Res DivX N/A
PEDS Music Video: One Day More, from Les Miserables Hi Res DivX Stream
PEDS Just A Short 1 - Getaway Hi Res DivX Stream
PEDS Just A Short 2 - Save The Drama For Your Llama Hi Res DivX Stream
PEDS Just A Short 3 - Ped Vs Blue Hi Res DivX Stream
PEDS Just A Short 4 - Hot Coffee Hi Res DivX Stream
PEDS Just A Short 5 - Festival Hi Res DivX N/A
PEDS Just A Short 6 - Seasons Beatings Hi Res DivX N/A
PEDS San An Studios Demo: Where's Zero? Hi Res DivX N/A
If you happen to be a member (or if you're not, sign up!) of Digg.com, head over to these addresses:


Season 1 Podcast


Season 2 Podcast


Just Some Shorts Podcasts


and give us a digg, mmkay?


Thanks for the support! mercie_blink.gif

Edited by ceedj
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Haha, they are freaking awesome. Love them, and hope to see many more. It's so simple and creative, really good work to everyone involved.


Oh, and mirrored.








Keep 'em coming. biggrin.gif

Thanks guys!


Big ups on the mirror Dalpura; that ROXORS MY SOXORS!


A TON of stories to tell in Vice. SA would be cool, but there are some techinical limitations to get past first.


I see a LOT of people are reading and downloading, but some more comments would be nice.


If you check the episodes out, drop us a line here and tell us how we did!


Thanks again for all the support!

I got a good kick out of them, good stuff man. biggrin.gif


I have to ask though, is there any chance we will see a cameo from some of the story line characters in Vice City or will it be strictly peds?


I don't know if its possible, but I was thinking it may be funny to have one of the games missions going on in the background of one of the episodes and have the peds just sort of commenting on it.


...meh, anyway just thinking out loud. The show is great though, I look forward to the future episodes.

Haha those were great biggrin.gif Is burt going to try escaping the world? Might end up with a truman show/matrix type plot then tounge.gif


One thing that bothered me was the intro music, it was crying out for a chord change ^^;

Edited by QJimbo

Man I will never forget that little intro tune. Great work man. Funny dialogs and it really reminds me of those old series. Great camera work and grate casting to. All together : Great. Here is a cookie for you. cookie.gif (You get a whole box if you send the next episode before Friday.)

Thanks from myself and the cast for the wonderful feedback (Robyn is of course, on cloud nine!)


If you'd like to help spread the word among GTAForums users, how about adding a small text link to your signature? Dalpura's and my sigs are good examples. If you'd like to help, just add this code to your sig:



[b]PEDS Episodes for GTAFourms Users[/b]



You can of course, change the text, but make sure to leave the word PEDS (in caps please) and the link to the thread.


I'm glad everyone is enjoying the show; shooting on eps 3 and 4 are almost done!


EDIT: @QJimbo: There ARE chord changes, but it's a seriously weird four chord progression. It doesn't sound like it because the bass pedals a low E. (the song is something I jam on for fun; the theme is basically the intro looped and improvised over).


But I'm glad the music is sticking with everyone! lol.gif

Edited by ceedj

Episode 3 is UP!


Episode 3 - Hammer Time!


There WILL be High Res versions up on the new Peds website tomorrow night. It looks like DivX won the race, and you're looking at about 75 - 125MB files. They will be available ONLY to those that register at the new website, which I'll post here tomorrow (finishing touches). Anyone will be able to view the Lo Res files, registered or not.


@Luigi: Where's the damn cookies? tounge2.gif

Edited by ceedj
Episode 3 is UP!


Episode 3 - Hammer Time!


There WILL be High Res versions up on the new Peds website tomorrow night. It looks like DivX won the race, and you're looking at about 75 - 125MB files. They will be available ONLY to those that register at the new website, which I'll post here tomorrow (finishing touches). Anyone will be able to view the Lo Res files, registered or not.


@Luigi: Where's the damn cookies? tounge2.gif

I am sorry almighty Lord. Here be za cookies : cookie.gifcookie.gifcookie.gifcookie.gifcookie.gif

i am making a san andreas movie now and the first bit i have is a full motorway explosion, i have the pics but no videos yet sad.gif and i need an entrance video i've got the song i want, i need some tips. btw i'm using fraps


p.s. does anyone know how i can remove the map from the screen, i am flying around san andreas but the map is getting in my way, help

Edited by xspudx

PLEASE! Resize the pics or delete them. There's no need for this thread to be all sloppy looking.


It sounds like you want to record some video, but haven't done so before. First, you'll need something to record the game footage, like FRAPS. Second, you'll need some video editing software. I use Sony Vegas, but that goes about $500. I hear Windows Movie Maker is free, so you can try that. Once you have your video recorded and mixed with the music you want, render it all to a final file.


@Marklund: sort of. I have a modified SCM (which should be out next week; sorry guys) and a little bit of "movie magic" to make things look nice and (somewhat) cohearant. Glad you like it.


Guys, the PEDS website is up, but I'm having problems with the Hi Res movies, so they're not up yet. Also, I need to finish up a couple of graphics, but if you'd like to check it out, you can visit it at here: PEDS Video


Thanks for the comments guys!

Really good stuff, man. But, is there a source code? I need this just for my missions, not for video episodes. ( I can't create peds properly - they just don't do any objectives and simply go away like random pedestrians. They don't want even to stand still on their place... dontgetit.gif )

P.S. And just thanks for a cool and funny videos, I like it... biggrin.gif

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