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Yes, there are some that we have already seen from the UK magazine, but there are also some new ones and some that compare the game to GTA III on PS2.


One guy on the forums that knew spanish stated these important facts he found in the article:


* No Planes or helicopters

* you control toni with the analog stick

* you change the camera with the select button

* you can change clothes

* better graphics than GTA:III

* new landmarks in liberty city

* R3 missions

* All the cars from GTA:3 plus the bikes from Vice City

* Rockstar had a PLAYABLE VERSION OF LCS ON THE PSP @ E3!(Inside the bus)

* Better Drawn Distance

* Cars with better reflections than in SA

* The Storyline is going to be as long as VC

* Unique Jumps

* Hidden Packages

Edited by .::Burnout
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In one of those pictures there is a cop whose feet go through the bottom of the car... lol Flintstones.



Also what does the pic in the bottom left say. Something about Toni in Vice or something like that.



EDIT: Never mind it says something about changing clothes.

Edited by GTAFool12
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Brown Streak RR

Sweet. It is looking good.


I'm hoping that there will be aircraft, but it isn't looking good. I wonder if Francis will be included, just no dodo... confused.gif


As long as the L and Subway are still there, I'm set. *Crosses fingers*


Thanks for the info.

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I just translated a bit,using Bable fish,and I noticed this under the pic with Toni near Paulie's club.



In case somebody still has doubts of the PSP capacity, aside from putting in screen the city, the traffic, the pedestrians and demas, also it will offer climatologic effects, the passage of time (night and day)...
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Click here to view new screenshots of GTA: LC


Yes, there are some that we have already seen from the UK magazine, but there are also some new ones and some that compare the game to GTA III on PS2.


One guy on the forums that knew spanish stated these important facts he found in the article:


* No Planes or helicopters

* you control toni with the analog stick

* you change the camera with the select button

* you can change clothes

* better graphics than GTA:III

* new landmarks in liberty city

* R3 missions

* All the cars from GTA:3 plus the bikes from Vice City

* Rockstar had a PLAYABLE VERSION OF LCS ON THE PSP @ E3!(Inside the bus)

* Better Drawn Distance

* Cars with better reflections than in SA

* The Storyline is going to be as long as VC

* Unique Jumps

* Hidden Packages

damn it. analog stick? hat sucks, that bloody thig is way too low down on the psp to get at comfortabley

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Yeah, you're going to play as Tony Cipriani now. That's awesome, after all this time playing San Andreas I missed the classy mafia. What I don't know is how they are going to do the R3 Missions without an R3 button, and how the aiming will work out. Besides the controls and the lack of aerial vehicles (which would probably be a bitch to control, anyway), this game looks like it's going to be a killer app for the PSP just like the PS2 GTA games are for the PS2.

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As long as the L and Subway are still there, I'm set. *Crosses fingers*

The L-train doesn't really go anywhere, so it'll probally get the "Why bother?" just like the trolley in San Fierro. The subway will most likely work, though.



They've recently only been dubbed "R3 Missions". They mean those little side missions you do in the firetrucks, ambulances, police cars, taxis, Mr. Whoopie, and whatnot.


The community has called them "R3 missions" for as long as I can remember, but this is the first time I've seen the term used officially.


PS. Am I the only one with the words "LCS:PC Total Conversion" going through the back of his mind already?

Edited by [4D]Outback
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Its a pity im so lazy, as I would translate all of that for you.





Just read it all, here are some main points.

• Rockstar have not confirmed nor denied the inclusion of Helis or planes.

• Rockstar have also not denied or confirmed a "Wi-Fi Multiplayer Mode"

• The Mag says the only thing we have to worry about is the Battery duration on the PSP as loading, playing and sounds from the game could cause a "serious problem"

• Theres a slight mention of the CIA. (The CIA were in GTAIII for one Mission)

"You can expect barricades, Lorrys and the CIA" - Dome Piece

Edited by Dome Piece
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