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XBOX Screenshot Inside!

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all pics taken from my xbox dev kit smile.gif


user posted image

night in las venturas


user posted image-

Bug Parachute? dunno... maybe a new version of parachute ^^;


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Damn Ballas... He Shoot me!!


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Die u Ballas!!


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Ambulance sign bug.... ^^; but in San Fierro & Las Venturas theres no ambulance sign bugs


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storm in san fierro


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yes this is my customize CJ ^^


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Las Venturas View


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Los Santos View


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Los Santos View at Night


Other Screen


What kind of console is this?? monocle.gif



Just Hangin around...



hahahaha this is really make me fat! devil.gif





last word: I LOVE THIS GAME!!!! inlove.gifinlove.gifinlove.gif

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The Xbox is known to not look that much better then PS2, so yeah its actually a step back from the Xbox version of Vice City and even GTA3. Lots of Xbox owners are pissed off at this and rightly so. In the end the PC version is the better version out of the 3.


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I have to agree, the graphics on the X-Box suck, since I saw all the other pics of the PC version I expected it to be quite the same on the X-Box, but they really aren't that great. Not that I care because the PC version probably wouldnt have even run on my computer, but I had also high expectations for the X-Box version.


But hey, It's still a great game be it with less graphical fireworks than on the PC.

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What's with the pc fanboydom... I mean the xbox is a $150 system ffs. Of course console isn't going to look as good as pc, some people can't afford PCs powerful enough look a billion times better than console games. Not that I don't agree that PC owns consoles, and I do have a pc of my own that is a lot better than xbox, but give it a break with all these "PC IS BETTAR" posts... That is a well-known fact, we don't need reminders every post after a console version of the game's screenshots are posted.

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That looks horrible. Not that the Xbox version is horrible, it looks far better than that. When I rented SanAn on Xbox I wasn't expecting very good graphics from what I heard, but I was pleasantly surprised. I took over 50 snapshots of SanAn while I rented it, each one beautiful, so don't be too turned away from the Xbox because the pictures here look horrible, because it doesn't represent the Xbox version very well.

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I was want to know how exactly R* botched the lighting on the superior hardware...... once in bringing to the xbox and pc..... and the xbox has been dealt the blow.


Headlights light up CJ, Headlights light up CJ on a bike, or in a car......Headlights do not light up cars.


Street lights show their colour on CJ, Streetlights show their colour on CJ on a bike (or in a car if you can see it)........ Streetlights do not light up vechiles at all.


The only thing that changes a cars lighting or shading is the ambient light.... going from a dark area into a bright area and vice versa.


The effect of noticing each light you went under on the ps2, carried onto the PC version fantastically (i have to agree it's the top dog), but someone forgot to drag it from the desktop and into the xbox folder.


So we're left with a game with no source lightmapping. Only ambient lighting.


God knows how they blew this.


Don't get me wrong, it's a not a huuuuuuuuge deal, but it's very noticeable especially if you've played the ps2 version.....and extremely noticable if you've played the PC version.


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For me, the Xbox version is far better than PS2 version, not than PC, but it's normal, a PC is more powerful than an Xbox.

But all the reflects, the sun effects, the new gameplay etc... make this game better than PS2 version smile.gif

I play to it 24/24 and i don't really care of the graphics, in a screen, it can be awful, but in the game, we can't see that ^^

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What's with the pc fanboydom... I mean the xbox is a $150 system ffs. Of course console isn't going to look as good as pc, some people can't afford PCs powerful enough look a billion times better than console games. Not that I don't agree that PC owns consoles, and I do have a pc of my own that is a lot better than xbox, but give it a break with all these "PC IS BETTAR" posts... That is a well-known fact, we don't need reminders every post after a console version of the game's screenshots are posted.

yea I know it's dead annoying, I don't see the point of them stating the obvious all the time, omgorz pC versi0n pwnnzz c0ns0l3 versi0nz, damn idiots, anyway it's gameplay > graphics for me, that's why I play the ps2 version but some people just want perfection but i wish the morons would just stop obessing about what other people play gta games on.

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I would only agree with the whole Xbox is better than PC overall thing....... if the lighting on the ps2 didn't make the xbox look like the PC version with lighting=off.


Xbox version has horrible lighting.


Without a decent computer to run the pc version, and due to it's faults at the moment.


PS2 is easily the better one..... at the moment.


(officially the pc version kills it, but audio glitches are a problem for me)


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