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[REL|SA|SCR] 10x increased view distance in GTASA

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replace it in ur /data folder



this increases ur view disntace a HELL lot, BEWARE low-end comps. (but still runs ~55 FPS, on that resolution with no AA on my high-end comp)


however, there are many many glitches, like invisible planes, maybe this will open doors for more advanced hackers, i'm a newbie smile.gif





vegas at night, see the whole strip, if u look closely, u can even see the downtown buildings in Los Santos

user posted image


http://gemini.redorchestragame.com/GTASAfar1.jpg <-- change 1 up to 7

Edited by gemini-
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wow works nice... you can see really really far. Although it makes the graphics get funky... buildings start flickering and its weird... (i have GeForce 6800gt) maybe its just me or a driver issue. Anyway great job/find!!!



[edited-removed image]

Edited by Stretchnutter

this is amazing!i don't think it slows graphics down because i have a gforce4mx and

it still works great.went to the top of the Big Pointy Building in SF and it a few seconds

to load but when it did i could see the whole state!!!


This is something I've wanted for a long time, ever since I went to the top of the tallest building in LS on the PS2 expecting the spectacular view like Vice City and instead there was only blue fade-out in the distance.


I like it with a little blue in the distance to keep it real looking. I've been using FarClp=4000 and FogSt=100. Not sure which of those two settings matters.


gemini asked me to make a batch file for generating timecyc.dat with customized settings. Here it is:



You can run it with 0, 1, or 2 parameters. Here's some examples:


C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas\data>drawdistance

TIMECYC.DAT written for farclp=4000 and fogst=100


C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas\data>drawdistance 3000

TIMECYC.DAT written for farclp=3000 and fogst=100


C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas\data>drawdistance 3000 50

TIMECYC.DAT written for farclp=3000 and fogst=50


C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas\data>



Is it possible to make like an EXE interface thing?


I mean, so you could choose between 2x, 3x, etc. all the way up to 10x, and test each and keep changing it until you got it right? confused.gif


That way people with moderate PCs could make moderate increases.

Hi, I'm new here so hello.


I have been tinkering around with the dat file myself. What I can't understand is why Rockstar didn't make the draw at the very least twice as far as it is normally. As far as I can tell, it runs exactly the same with x2. Even the x10 mod ran ok on my machine where 20fps is normal for me.


My slight tinkering makes me think x2 is probably the best bet. It makes the draw distance go from crap, to what you would have thought it would have been like on PC in the first place. It if far enough to make flying feel really great, which it never did in SA due ot the horrible draw on PS2 and even on PC as going up high decreases how far you can see. You can see all the tall buildings from CJ house! And it doesn't reveal too much in one go, which ruins the atmosphere of all the locations being far apart. To be honest the world of SA looks a bit strange when you can see a whacking great mountain from the middle of Los Santos.


As for the fogging, on the EXTRASUNNY_LA, I have it at x5. Doing it x2 like the draw makes practically no difference and x10 pushes it way too far. I have yet to mess about with the different fogging for different times of day. Right now I am thinking perhaps only the EXTRA sunny days need any fog altering at all. That is just my ill advised guess based on thinking with no actual doing tounge.gif


This is the single greatest mod ever (maybe), and it is foolishly simple but makes such an amazing impact on this game. Flying and parachuting is now as amazing as it should have been, not to mention driving off Chiliad in a VW. Now all we need is a mod to make Las Venturas non-crap!

ahh thnx for putting this on the front page. I relaly recommend u guys use edisoncarter 's batch file, it's VERY easy to use.. just run it. I believe his default settings are really good without losing the atmosphere as some people said.


ANd best thing is that you may lose maybe 5-6 FPS as most with his settings and still see very far, and also not alot of glitches.


get his here:




Admin: maybe u can update the front page with his tool too


thnx all!

ANd best thing is that you may lose maybe 5-6 FPS as most with his settings and still see very far, and also not alot of glitches.



Hm i'm confused, replacing a file with your mod oder click on a batchfile ist both easy, but the settings are different in this batch and not so high like your mod?


Btw i agree with garrett, a nice exe thing for testing and toggle all the possible settings would be great, like bokman i also have no idea how to set parameters in a batch, it seems we are the batch noobs. cool.gif


this mod is nice , but it causes some bugs in the game , when you fly very high , you see everything flickers white below you ... maybe it is , because the engine cant count all the textures at one time . hmm i like it , but its bad to play for me rah.gif

Does anyone know what EXTRACOLOURS_1 and 2 are in the timecyc.dat?


Also, in those bat files, are all the values for all different climates changed by the same amount? I noticed that the draw distance for Las Venturas is already much higher than in Los Santos. Is there any reason to alter these when just doubling how far you can see?

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