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Cesar Vialpando mission


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Hi. I'm having trouble with the hydraulics challenge.

I can do most of it just fine, last night I got 1260, but it was a tie.

However, I'm having a really hard time figuring out how to do the diagonal ones.

I tried Numpad 1, 3, 7 and 9, also 2+4, 2+6, etc.


Can anyone help me?


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It should work by pressing 4+2 etc at the same time. You can also use the right analogue stick on your controller if you have one, but left goes right and right goes left so it is easier with the num pad. If you have problems just do a low wager as this makes it easier. You also need to time it perfectly so the symbol is in the circle. You should be able to time it with the music.

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