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Everyone Stop Whining!


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Everyone on here is really starting to piss me off. Your all complaining about the most retarded little things in the game. This game is not Vice City! It's a Whole new game, so stop complaining about it not being like Vice, and move the hell on and accept it as a new game. San Andreas is an amazing game, let go of Vice and move the hell on, Jesus! Secondly, everyone complaining about graphic problems and running the game good. Read the damn recomended specs, you need something close to that to play it smooth, you all expect it to run just like Vice. Its a much bigger, and more graphicaly advanced game. I can run it at 60 frames with all the goodies up, but thats because i meet the recommended specs, and this is why they are what they are. Thirdly, Rockstar is going to release a patch and fix all of the major problems, this kind of sh*t happens, just be patient and wait for the patch. Enough with all the Complaining! This is not VICE! It's San Andreas! Who cares if the damn cars dont turn completely black when they expload, enjoy the gameplay. I have no complaints with it except for the sound glitches that Rockstar WILL fix. Play the damn game and you'll learn to love it! God!....lol


My Specs:


AMD 64 3500+

1024mb Ram

Geforce 6600gt


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Where's the Tubbs dude?

Edited by deftron
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Some people with the recommended specs (or even better specs) are getting a lot of problems... they have the right to whine all they want if they waited for so long and got such a buggy game in return... dozingoff.gif

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Sucks there's no Ice Cream truck



VICE CITY had an ice cream truck angry.gif

Actually there are mate.


As for you complaining about others who complain, ain't that just as bad. If you don't want to hear people whine then simply don't reply or read those topics. People are entitled to make complaints, heck there will always be at least one person who will complain even about the most perfect game made.

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if people don't draw attention to all the tech issues then do you really expect R* to know about all those issues and thus fix them? if they knew about all the problems then they wouldn't need to issue a patch, but obviously they don't know about many problems otherwise those problems would have been fixed before the game was released. it does more harm than good when people do NOT draw attention to tech issues.

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Enough with all the Complaining!


Oh, the irony.


Did you post this topic just to post your computer specs? That is the only thing in you're post even remotely useful, and even at that I don't care what your computer specs are anyways.

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