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Cant open GTA SA


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I just bought GTA SA yesterday and i got it home and installed it with no problems then i went to play it and it starts to load then stops and goes back to desktop. There are no error messages or anything. I uninstalled it and reinstalled it then this time during the install i got a crc error. This error doesnt happen everytime i install the game. Would the game crashing have something to do with my video card or something else in my computer.


My computer is only 3 months old gig of ram, nvidea 6600 gt video card, samsung dvd/cd drive combo, windows xp home, 150gb hd, just an on board soundcard.


Any help would be appreciated since i have been wanted to play this game for a long time..

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I have the same problem, I installed it yesterday and it ran great, no crashes or anything, I shut the PC off for the night, come back today, and this started happening, reinstalling does nothing.


I've got a gig of ram, a 6600GT, AMD 2800+, XP pro.


Is there a support E-mail for Rockstar?


I've got the latest video drivers, Directx, etc. Everything is up to date.


Possibly a rare bug?

Edited by sooki
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I have sent my problem to rockstar games last night, you can find their support email in the san andreas section or i think even on the main page. I thought i would be problem free with this game but i guess not, you were lucky enough to have a bit of game time mine hasnt let me run it yet.

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Just sent off an email, hopefully they can figure out what's wrong, or at the least, fix it in a patch.

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ok now i feel so dumb, i had a friend come over and take a look at my problem and it turned out to be my alienguise desktop and icons etc, i might still have other bugs but it plays now so im happy for the moment.

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I switched over to Windows' explorer shell from Litestep to see if that was the cause, but still no go.



Anyone else have any ideas?

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I had this problem as well. After installing the game, it ran fine, but only the first time. I closed the game that evening and shut down my computer, and the next day it had the same problem as you just described, but after several attempts, it loaded. That was last night at 11:30pm, and today, since 8am, I have been trying to get it to load. The time now is 2:34pm.


I've gone so far as reformating my computer, and even if this doesn't work, my computer did need a good cleaning. smile.gif

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Sir Kampalot

Anyone have any ideas?

need help can't install gta sa going crazy need help. game is saying DemoShield Player as encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience. can anyone help me dieing over here

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Okay, I found a solution. After reformating and installing everything again, I found very simple fix. You just need to delete the folder "GTA San Andreas User Files" that is located at "C:\Documents and Settings\Kyle\My Documents\". But make sure you backup your save files, the .b extension files.

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I bought the game today, installed it fine, and now can't get past the 'New Game' loading screen. My computer should be perfectly fine and I've tried the most recent drivers for everything. I've emailed Rockstar support but don't know how quick they will respond.


I just tried the user files folder delete suggestion and it didn't fix the problem, for me at least. Any suggestions would be welcome.

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I to had the problem but turned off Window blinds in CTRL-Alt-Delete then processes.She started right up.Now that means you have to have window blinds installed,but it worked for me.Now if only I can figure out my sound bug.I have no sound except for the radio in car and some cut scenes,hope it helps some of you

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Removing the user directory works, but how does one load when it's removed?




Upon further inspection, it appears all you need to do is rename/delete/move the "gta_sa.set" file in the user folder.


You will be able to load/save, but you'll have to put in your settings again (controls, visual/audio settings, etc.)


An annoyance, but it beats not being able to play completely.

Edited by sooki
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