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I now have the choice of getting San Andreas, but I must choose which platform I should get it for.




I'm going to have to buy a new Xbox because my Xbox which I bought when It first came out is now having a lot of problems, which isn't bad because I had developed a plan to buy a new one, and with the help from my Birthday coming up I'll actually make money when I sell my old one to EB and buy a refurbished Xbox. I like it on Xbox because I know it will work, no installation or some f*ckup due to some dumb computer hardware issue or something, but I've read that it has the same glitches and such that the PS2 version has.




Now, I'm going to have to reformat because I now have a partition because the XP upgrade that I received from my grandpa wouldn't let me reformat, so I had to partition and that is causing considerable slow-down, rendering Vice City and other game unplayable. To reformat I must call up my uncle on the other side of the state and have him send me a ME or Win98 disk so I can reformat using that, then use the XP upgrade to, well, upgrade to XP. Also, my spaces are:

1.2 GHz processor


ATI Radeon 9000

So, yes, I'm bare minimum on the San Andreas requirements. But, before the partition I could play Vice City with 640x480 with draw distance all the way up with a good 35 fps while blowing up cars, and while the resolution isn't the greatest, I don't mind since it is GTA and nothing really looks too astounding, anyway. I like PC because of the mods, the extra features, and reformatting is fairly easy because I've already have everything backed up, and it's pretty simple stuff, anyway.


So, each requires a certain amount of work and has it's pros and cons. I'm just having trouble deciding on which would be better. Does anyone else have similar PC specs that have SA, and could you tell me how SA runs? Could anyone correct my really stupid logic on reformatting when it comes to upgrades and whatnot? Is the Xbox version really as horrible as everyone is making it out to be?


EDIT: Oh, well, great, spelled dilemma wrong... blush.gif

Edited by Bauer
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You have an ATI card...


Unless you're prepared to buy nVidia, don't buy the PC version...

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Well on IGN's review they said the Xbox version is better? But I highly recommend the PC version because it's funner, controls take some time getting used to, plus you can buy a controller, and a patch should be releasing shortly. As time goes, PC version will have tons of new mods and skins, that I would definitely prefer it over any console version.


If you have the money, you should try upgrading some of your PC hardware, ie: Videocard, processor, RAM.

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Gooke82- Could you tell me a reason why an ATI card is wrong for playing San Andreas?

Natedogg- Well, see, upgrading is pretty pointless since my computer is so out of date it would make more sense just to buy a new computer. Also, I do like the idea of mods, but then yet because of installation of mods and the fact San Andreas is so open and with so many more features I doubt I'll get bored of it and have to resort to mods for a long while...


So, I don't know. Does the Xbox version have a lot of glitches that affect gameplay, such as save-corrupting save houses and other things that affect the gameplay greatly? And again, does anyone else have similar specs for PC that could give their view on how SA runs?

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Gooke82- Could you tell me a reason why an ATI card is wrong for playing San Andreas?

Natedogg- Well, see, upgrading is pretty pointless since my computer is so out of date it would make more sense just to buy a new computer. Also, I do like the idea of mods, but then yet because of installation of mods and the fact San Andreas is so open and with so many more features I doubt I'll get bored of it and have to resort to mods for a long while...


So, I don't know. Does the Xbox version have a lot of glitches that affect gameplay, such as save-corrupting save houses and other things that affect the gameplay greatly? And again, does anyone else have similar specs for PC that could give their view on how SA runs?

I don't know, if you buy another 512 ram, maybe a slightly better gfx card...

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No, neither of those aren't the worst part about my PC, it's the processor. The thing is my motherboard, in the event that I do get a new processor, will not be able to use the new processor's capablities enough to make much difference. So, meh.


I'm starting to think Xbox, because it is much simpler and won't cost me money... but I still don't know about how f*cked the Xbox version is. I've done some searching, but I haven't found much.


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With this slow bull going on I've tried to be careful, tried to make sure I didn't double post or anything... but here we are.

f*ck. Delete it if you can, please.

Edited by Bauer
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I, personally, think you should get the xbox version, because there is no way your xbox is more f*cked than mine, and i still only get 1 or two disc read errors every two hours...so, yeah...

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