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I dont know if im being an idiot or if others are experiencing my problems too, but eitehr way someone please help.

Ok, I've played GTA SA at my friends house on PS2 many times, and i remember that you could use an autoaim type of thing. Basically when u clicked aim it autoaimed for u and u couuld then manual aim afterwards or continue to autoaim. In the PC version i dont seem to have that choice. I have no idea how to auto aim, can someone please tell me what I am doing wrong. To aim with a gun i have been use the right click and it always does manual aim. Also, melle weapons liek the knife kind of have the autoaim thing, but its not as good as the one in the PS2 version. Did rockstar not include auto-aim in the PC or am i screwing up?


Please Help!


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The PC versions of the GTA series (III and VC) have never implemented auto-aiming, at least if you use the standard mouse/keyboard controls. With a mouse, auto-aiming is kind of pointless given the speed at which you can rotate your view. (Rotating the view with a controller's analog sticks is slow and cumbersome, hence why auto-aiming was implemented for it.)


What's confusing about SA, though, is that the tutorial tips (in the "Nines and AKs" mission at the beginning) explicitly tell you how to auto-aim: hold down the RMB and then using your mouse wheel to cycle among the targets. As you have found out, though, this doesn't actually work. wink.gif


Again, though, with the mouse, you really don't need auto-aiming.

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Auto-aiming only works if you use "joypad mode", in which you can't use the mouse at all. Personally, I have no idea why Rockstar doesn't integrate kb/mouse mode with joypad mode. When you think about it, it shouldn't be that hard.

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Auto-aiming only works if you use "joypad mode", in which you can't use the mouse at all. Personally, I have no idea why Rockstar doesn't integrate kb/mouse mode with joypad mode. When you think about it, it shouldn't be that hard.

seems like they sorta did... I use a gamepad but suffered a lack of buttons so I couldn't assign any gmaepad buttone to changing the radio. The mouse wheel still works, however...

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Don't be a buster.


Just aim manually with your mouse as was intended. Right mouse button brings up crosshairs if you need to get in that head or crotch shot...


Autoaim was made for gamepads which lack the precision aiming and movement capabilities of a mouse+keyboard combo. Please refrain from using joypads in the game as it will anger Cthulu.

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