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Radio radio?


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Went out and bought GTA:SA today, installed, played great. However, I have no idea where to put my mp3's. I searched my GTA:SA folder all over, and I have no idea where to put 'em. All I really want to know is where to put them.


Thanks in advance.

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well go into audio options in the game, then go into advanced options, then click scan pc or sum stuff like that

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Tried that, does not work. In the advanced options it says "Place your shortcuts into the user tracks folder"


I have no idea where this folder is.

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well have you tried listening to the station anyway? if you havent, try it in a car


i cant find a user tracks file anywhere, either

Edited by fennboy62
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C:\Documents and Settings\(USERNAME)\My Documents\GTA San Andreas User Files\User Tracks

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this aint workin are they usin a specific audio format because i cant mp3s to work either

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I'm having the exact same problem. After finding out where I was supposed to place my music files, I did so and then scanned for the files in game. No dice. I tried doing shortcuts to my mp3s instead of the files, still nada. I tried wav files (as the manual says the game ships with capability for wav files), nope. I called tech support, and was told that I had my case referred to "an advanced technical team", but so far I haven't heard anything back. Other than that, the game works fine, that's my only issue. I'll work on it some more, and if I come up with something, I'll post it here

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i think the game switched over to OGG file format, this is similar to mp3 but

compresses better with better quality than any MP* format, especially mp3.


the format is patentless too, and the game ships with ogg-vorbis libraries.

http://www.xiph.org/ they also stopped using miles sound system in gta san

andreas i think but i still don't have a copy of it yet.


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But it has to support MP3's? I mean sure .ogg files are great just not as common as MP3 which is what everyone tends to use.
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Believe it or not, the actual folder to place your MP3's are in the "My Documents" area of your computer. What a crappy place eh? It took me awhile to find this out.
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C:\Documents and Settings\(USERNAME)\My Documents\GTA San Andreas User Files\User Tracks


Put your mp3 files there.


Go to audio option and scan, it will scan the folder for playable files, atleast that was what the guys at GameSpy said.

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argh, a mod delete this one plz, stupid browser lagged up and posted twice confused.gif

Edited by Vargh
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yea. C:\Documents and Settings\(USERNAME)\My Documents\GTA San Andreas User Files\User Tracks is the place. but is it possible to listen to internet radio? i tried to put *.m3u playlist from winamp it doesn't worked. i didn't trie with *.pls yet.

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I found that you dont have to place the mp3 files in that folder, you can just place a shortcut to the album directory or whatever. Just make sure once the files or shortcuts are placed there, you run the Scan user files option in the audio options.



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I don't have the game yet (in Europe), but I've already read the readme that comes with the game. It doesn't support mp3 out of the box. You have to install a separate codec. I think if you upgrade your Windows Media Player to version 10, it'll do this automatically.

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Yeah, it says that you have to have windows media player 10 in order to play Mp3s, which I have. Tech support got around to writing me back, and told me to make sure I had the files in the right directory, and to make sure I have no background programs running. Now I see why they make the big bucks.



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I just tried it, and you CAN (or I can, at least) play ogg files on the user track station. Which really isn't all that great, since I don't really want to convert my entire stash of mp3s to ogg just so I can listen to them in game.

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This is the last time I'll post today, I promise. I figured it out! What worked for me is I installed the latest version of quicktime on my computer. I already had WMP 10 installed, so I figured I had the appropriate codec, but if anyone else is having the problem I was having, try giving that a shot.

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