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Blue Hell Entry Map.


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Over the weekend, i got bored, and decided to make a map of Blue hell entries.


If you can do so, please give me as many Blue hell entries as poss. If you send in a blue hell location, you will go on to the credits that will be in the download pack, as the map will be too small to hold all your names, so i am putting them in a .TXT file with the map.

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Vinewood safe house

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Camel's Toe Pay n Spray

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Southeast LV airport wall

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a rooftop in Chinatown SF

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Prickle Pine safe house

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No vehicles needed (jetpack recommended).

Edited by Mxyzptlk
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Thanks for those Mxy, but i don't remember wrere most of those are, can you locate them on the SAM map Plz?


Edit: Do any of those need a vehicle? If so, Which one?

Edited by CubanJetMaX
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Thanks, but i already got that one. It was my 1st one.


If you can come up with your own, please post it here, so you can be added to the credits.

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whats blue hell



You know when you go through the floor (because of a glitch) and you start falling in a blue place, then you will re-appear back on the street.........Ask Mxyzptlk. I know what it is, but I don't know how to explain it.


Also, there's a Blue Hell entrance somewhere at Mount. Chiliad. I accidently went there and I recorded it on my VCR for proof. (Does anybody know how I can tranfer videos from my VCR to my PC?) I was just going up the mountain with the bicycle (by taking shortcuts by going up, by not following the road) and I just passed though the floor and re-appear somewhere in Mount. Chiliad. At Mount. Chiliad, there's an area where you can go through a weak wall, but not fall in Blue Hell. I think you can see inside Mount. Chiliad if you ever managed to go there, I don't remember where it is, it's been too long!

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not to be an ass, but chances are, if you still use a VCR, its a wasted effort to explain

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ChaosAlert found this one

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Big Smoke's Crack Palace

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Ganton Gym

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Jefferson Motel

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@ CubanJetMaX - I advise you to personally test each of these before putting them on your map. Also be aware of the difference between 'Blue hell' and an 'Interior Hell' (world/universe/heaven whatever) as I think you have both in the above suggestions.

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You can also get into the blue hell by spawning a vehicle half in a building and then giving gas you will fall trough the building into the blue hell, the blue hell has 2 interiors, the meat factory (where you needed to blow up those machines) and area 69.

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You can also get into the blue hell by spawning a vehicle half in a building and then giving gas you will fall trough the building into the blue hell, the blue hell has 2 interiors, the meat factory (where you needed to blow up those machines) and area 69.

Yea. Hey man i didnt know that the meat factory was in blue hell. I thought that was in Ganton Gym's black hell. Well i know that Area 69 is in blue hell but i didnt know about the meat factory colgate.gif

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Uhum.. When I jumped with super jump out of prickle pine house I didn't end up in a blue hell but in the hidden interior universe then the sign loading came and I fell down in a part of LS: Ganton. :S or is the blue hell entrance different then I've done?

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if you go to smokes crack den (the place u go in the end of the line mission)before you hav actually done the mission you can knock down the wall and that is quite a cool entrance cool.gif

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For the Prickle Pine portal, you walk into the window from outside, not from inside to get blue hell. I think Ogglock's Ganton Gym goes to the hidden interior universe not blue hell.


I really don't think any of the portals are useful other than getting into Area 69, for which you can just use the LV airport or Prickle Pine, making other portal inconsequencial. Is there any other reason to fall down under the game world?

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Getting in the meat factory? But other from that I don't know either.

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@ Fireman - can you give me any help finding the meat factory in Blue hell. I know the Abbatoir can be found up in the sky in an interior heaven, but that doesn't rule out an alternate version of this, the plastics factory or the sf crack factory. i've had a look underground in these areas but haven't seen anything. Where should I be looking?


EDIT: I don't think anyone's mentioned the Atrium entrance yet.

Go to the Atrium in LS. Walk through the door and you'll be in the interior. Walk out again, but turn and shoot at the door while it's still closing. If you're using a rapid-firing gun then the bullets will hold the door open and allow you to walk back through. You will now be inside but the interior will not be loaded. Most of the floor won't be solid, so you can drop through into blue hell.

Edited by carpetdweller
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In whitewood Estates its North-West of the Burger shot the tree single buildings those are that factory, here's another way to enter it spawn a vehicle half in the building get in and you will fall into the building get out and you are there.

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Oh - you mean the Plastics factory. That's above ground, not in blue hell.

It's inside it's own exterior, but there's no door. Can you reach it by normal means in blue hell?


I remembered another one. I think it was ChaosAlert who originally told me you can get inside the Gas Station in Dillimore through a non-solid floor. It's the place you and Catalina try to rob before you steal the truck in Tanker Commander.

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I remembered another one. I think it was ChaosAlert who originally told me you can get inside the Gas Station in Dillimore through a non-solid floor. It's the place you and Catalina try to rob before you steal the truck in Tanker Commander.

Yeah, the floor in that place is non-solid (except for the actual shop) so it's easy to get in there via blue hell.


I'll have to get some shots of that place actully...



Oh - you mean the Plastics factory. That's above ground, not in blue hell.

It's inside it's own exterior, but there's no door. Can you reach it by normal means in blue hell?


You can get in there via blue hell. The loading bay door is locked (but if you punch it, it makes a noise). The only thing missing from there are the chip machines.


ogglock- Thanks for pointing out the exact location on that blue hell area. smile.gif


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Yea i no were another blue hell entrace is. There is a small dump down the bottom of Chilliad and next 2 the dump is a bridge. Take a jetpack and go under the bridge then go up until CJs head touch the roof. Now go towards Chilliiad but stay under the bridge and ther should b solid ground now walk 2 the edge and if u look down u can see the blue hell. Then just spawn another jetpack and go down ther.
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Srz double post


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I'll try out the gasstation to with the spawn vehicle half in the building method. And yes you can get in the Plastics factory just hang under it and drop down, but the gastation according to you isn't in blue hell either but above the ground right?

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but the gastation according to you isn't in blue hell either but above the ground right?

The gas station is on ground level (like the chips factory) but because the gas station has a non solid area, you can fly up when you're under it.

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Well good find by you then have a cookie.gif . I flew all around the map and couldn't find any other interiors, are there more interiors on the ground level you know about?

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Well, there is the bank that you rob with Catalina. The back door can be knocked down with a rocket launcher.

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Where is that bank you are talking about so I can go take a look tounge.gif . Btw the chip machines, maybe they are there when you didn't do the mission where you needed to blow them up I'll go check.


EDIT: Ok just tried out spawning the vehicle half inside the building to get inside the gasstation: Works, only there will be less space especially when you use a limo to spawn in the building.


EDIT: The chip machines wlll not be there even when you didn't do the mission where you needed to blow them up.

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@ Fireman - The bank is in Palamino Creek and is No.84 on these MAPS. The K-aligned ones are needed for blue hell.


I forgot about getting into places by dropping below them. Neither the gas station or factory are in blue hell, but they are both good reasons to want to enter it.

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Ben Fleming
There's an entryway through a rock in Back-O-Beyond that you can get in, but I'm not sure of the location. I don't know whether or not it counts, but in the building beside the unique jump east of Katie's house (the /__\ jump on top of the tunnel) there's a hollow wall. You can't get very far, but it still gets you inside a building, and it looks pretty cool.
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