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IGN SA/PC stuff

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Thanks alot! I can't believe IGN would have done this this early (because not there isn't much they can say for a game ported from the Playstion 2 to PC because most [except for the PC and box of course] the information was found out a long time ago). Thanks IGN. Screenshots and a Hands-on preview for Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas exclusively for the PC! Something to do while I'm waiting for the PC Gamer and Xbox Magazine. I'm gonna go read now, edit later and tell what I think about it later. Thanks again.


49 days (as of April 19th)!


New Screens (credit: IGN)

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Old Screens but higher resolution-(credit: IGN)

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The Article (credit: IGN)

Not much new information but there was one confirmation.

Quote from IGN


Nor will Rockstar add any multiplayer, but I think it's safe to expect another Multi-Theft Auto from the MTA Team not too long after release.



Edited by street454
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good god that SF screenshot looks amazing. i know it sounds stupid, but the fact that they said the skies were going be more colorful makes me really happy cause taht is one thing in the PS2 version which i had a problem with

Edited by excalibur69
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Not a whole lot to report out of these. The lack of multiplayer has been noted already in this thread. Obviously the graphics are a lot better, and there will be reflections on the cars some buildings/floors (I don't expect it to be a serious element of the graphics... occasionally you'll notice it while playing through the game, but I seriously doubt you'll see reflections on anything but the car for most of your play time). They also claim the assets are of considerably higher resolution. We know this means the textures are sharper, and they claim it also means the character models are more detailed. Does this mean the rest of the geometry in the game will also be more detailed? I don't know.


Lock-on aiming will be included in the PC version (which is something I've speculated for awhile now). When you think about it, there's no reason at all why you should have to choose a gamepad-oriented mode to be able to lock onto targets like you had to in GTA3 and VC. This is a change for the best, and I think it ensures that a keyboard/mouse will give you the best of all worlds when you're on foot (even though I anticipate a gamepad will be best for driving).


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bob the noob
If you want, you can simply drive across the entire length of the state of San Andreas, which is roughly five times the size of Vice City, without hitting a single loading screen.


Finally someone heard my pleas.... biggrin.gif

thats old news tounge.gif afaik ... ps2 version is like that i belive

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If you want, you can simply drive across the entire length of the state of San Andreas, which is roughly five times the size of Vice City, without hitting a single loading screen.


Finally someone heard my pleas.... biggrin.gif

thats old news tounge.gif afaik ... ps2 version is like that i belive

In the PS2 version, even if you're not seeing a loading screen, you still end up driving into territory that isn't yet loaded yet, and thus crashing into a huge object that you couldn't even see until after you hit it.

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bob the noob
If you want, you can simply drive across the entire length of the state of San Andreas, which is roughly five times the size of Vice City, without hitting a single loading screen.


Finally someone heard my pleas.... biggrin.gif

thats old news tounge.gif afaik ... ps2 version is like that i belive

In the PS2 version, even if you're not seeing a loading screen, you still end up driving into territory that isn't yet loaded yet, and thus crashing into a huge object that you couldn't even see until after you hit it.

that has to do with the limitations of the gpu/cpu on the ps2... i'm talking about the "loading screen" you get between the islands on vicecity / gta 3 .... gta sa doesn't have this

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Hmm sounds like the average PC Port ie. hardly a thing changed

Actually, a lot of ports end up being rather sub-par. The fact that there are higher resolution textures are a decent control interface makes it a little better than the "average" port. If the performance is also average or above average, I'll be happy with it. I mean, as far as I could tell, the port of GTA3 was just terrible (at least in terms of performance), and Vice City improved on it a little bit. If they improve San Andreas even more, then great. I'll be particularly happy if they don't screw up anisotropic filtering like they did in the previous ones.

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i hope there is no multiplayer like there was none right before SA's release, then suddenly the leaked box art showed 1-2 Players...in other words, I hope it's just a big secret. If the MTA team can do it why can't rockstar sad.gif


oh well, the MTA team are very talented people, so if they can do it i'd be chuffed smile.gif

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it's in one of the previews stated that no multiplayer will be present from the start of the game,

although 2 player missions are left in-game...so it's sorta multiplayer, till MTA gets their thing going...

in case you didn't know, rockstar is working on a new multiplayer online game, based sort of on the gta

series...so there's your answer why we get no multiplayer from them in this game....


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Wow, I got up just about hal and hour ago to check my inbox and see "San Andreas Preview" there! Oh god those graphics look better, if you lok ta the San Fierro shot you can see the building textures look a whole lot bigger than the PS2 version! I can't wait for June 10th!
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