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Gamestop and Eb merge

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/* i sh*t you not.


i didnt see this posted anywhere on the first page, and considering its recent news, thats all the searching im doing.


wow, and just when i thought i wasn't getting f*cked in the ass enough... mad.gif


If there's ever a EA/Gamestop//IGNSpy<console manufacturer here> deal, im switching hobbies. perhaps needlework, or witchcraft.. */

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I have never been to a Gamespot retailer. The only places we have around where I live, That I know of, is normal shopping centers like Wal-Mart/K-mart and EB up at the Beaver Vally Mall(my local mall). I liked EB. I got all my games and sh*t there, so if gamespot is better in any area of service and selection I will be happy.
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just another thug


I see this as being really good, because both Gamestop and EB have individual good points to themselves, so hopefully the good points of each will shine though.

Hopefully we don't do the flipside of that, getting all the negative effects.

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/* Eb and GameStop are the 2 predominant gamestore franchises in the US. By merging them into one, they pretty much have no major competition, and i dont like that. i was pissed years ago when Barnes and Noble bought Funco (Funcoland), because they completely commercialsed, and whored-out the stores. around here anyway. Now its all mainstream bullsh*t.


I dunno, i worked at Gamestop for awhile, and we were in fierce competition with EB all the time, they were the enemy goddamit! mad.gif

gotta give EB credit though, they usually have a better selection yes, and more variety. */

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am i the only person left who still buys their video games at walmart?

Nope. Sims 2 University Expansion, only $29.99 retail. Represent.. or something.


As far as the merge goes, that pretty much sucks. I hate Gamespot, I've had nothing but bad experiences with that damned store. Once they seemed to have 'lost' my preorder spot, twice have they been late sending games to me when ordered from them, and once they kept trying to get me to let them cut up my EB Plus card. EB is tons better, and they have tons more stuff. Not to mention I've bought about 80% of my DVD collection from EB, because they are that awesome.

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I love gamestop, used to be my number one stop on my lunch break. Cool I say. I have a Frequent shopper card or whatever for gamestop, hope it works at EB soon.

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