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How will it run?

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How will Vice City run on my computer? I have...


Intel® Celeron® CPU 2.40GHz


256 RAM


Intrograted (sp?) card.


This computer can run GTA 3 alright, but now my brother wants VC. I told him it wouldn't play very good, but he won't listen. Also thankfully I should be getting a new computer soon. (Anthlon 3000, GT 6600 PCI-E, 512 ram)


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It should run better or about the same.


I ran 3 and VC on a 500mhz and the VC ran slightly better (and the min cpu requirements are 800mhz for VC).


I also ran VC on my 1.8ghz while I had 224mb of ram and using the onboard/integrated graphics and it was fine for the most part.

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