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Unknown Vehicles

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AIRTRAIN = High-Altitude Plane (wasn't used, replaced by a moving light mistaken as a UFO)

ARTICT1 = Articulated Trailer 1

ARTICT2 = Articulated Trailer 2

ARTICT3 = Articulated Trailer 3

BAGBOXA = Baggage Box A

BAGBOXB = Baggage Box B

COASTMAV = News Chopper

CSTREAK = Brown Streak

CUPBOAT = Jetmax

FARM_TR1 = Plough (Can be attached by a Tractor)

FLOAT = ???

FREIFLAT = Flat Freight Trailer


PETROL = Tanker

PETROTR = Xoomer Petrol Trailer

RCCAM = RC Cam/era?

ROLLER = ???

STAIRS = Airport Stairs

TOPFUN = Berkley RC Van

TRAM = San Fierro Tram

UTIL_TR1 = Street Cleaning Utility Trailer

BLOODRA = Hotring Racer A

BLOODRB = Hotring Racer B


EDIT: Added in-game names (thanks to: Opius & simoncampbell)

EDIT 2: Removed some names.

EDIT 3: owningj00 found previous game car files but I'm gonna tell why they're removed or place ??? if I dunno.

Blista = Blista Compact (GTA:SA 1992, GTA3 2001)

Mr. Wong's = ???

Yardie Lobo = ???

Yakuza Stinger = ???

Diablo Stallion = You can mod a Stallion now

Columbian Cartel = ???

Hoods Rumpo XL = You can mod a Rumpo now

Panlantic = ???

Borgnine = You can mod a Taxi/Cabbie now.

Idaho = Why the hell would they remove this?

Stinger = Why the hell would they remove this?

FBI Car = ???

Kuruma = ???

Mafia Sentinel = You can mod a Sentinel now.

Cuban Hermes = You can mod a Hermes now but you can't add flaming wheels.

Gang Burrito = There are 2 models for the Burrito now (1 of them is this)

Zebra Taxi = You can mod a Taxi/Cabbie but you can't add the paintjob.

Sabre Turbo = You can mod a Sabre now.

Deluxo = Replaced by commercial vans.

Spandex = Replaced by commercial vans.

Kaufman = Replaced a by Cabbie.

Lovefist = You can mod a Stretch now.

Angel = Why the hell would they remove this?


Correct me if I am wrong on something.

Edited by ogglock
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ogglock Posted on Apr 15 2005, 04:31

  I was messing around with the CD and found these vehicle names:























Also these:

2 Bloodring Bangers




3 Monster Trucks





2 Rangers (Countryside Police Car)




2 Boxvilles




and some Police Cars





What file were these under? perhaps if we could get the numeric ID for the car, we could put it in with a cheat device...


Just a thought....


Supposedly, the Diablo Stallion is still in the files somewhere, if only edison could figure out how to link something to it...

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The Diablo Stallion is not in the game at all. The only reference to it is some commented-out data files used for reference by the dev team.


Now, onto the real vehicles. I know what these are either by looking at the corresponding texture file or from editing previous games


AIRTRAIN - High-altitude planes from previous games. Not used.

ARTICT1 - Articulated trailer 1 (Connects to heavy trucks)

ARTICT2 - Articulated trailer 2 (Connects to heavy trucks)

ARTICT3 - Articulated trailer 3 (Connects to heavy trucks)

BAGBOXA - Baggage trailers from airport

BAGBOXB - Baggage trailers from airport

COASTMAV - News Helicopter

CSTREAK - Brown Streak Train

CUPBOAT - Jetmax (Don't know if this was ever used)

FARM_TR1 - Plough (can be towed like other trailers)

FLOAT - No idea where you got this from, as it's not referenced at all in either the model/texture image or the vehicle definition file.

FREIFLAT - Flat Freight Train carriage

GOLFCART - Golfcart (Don't know if this was ever used)

PETROL - Linerunner

PETROTR - Xoomer petrol trailer

RCCAM - No idea, uses building textures

ROLLER - No idea where you got this from, as it's not referenced at all in either the model/texture image or the vehicle definition file.

STAIRS - Stairs used at airport

TOPFUN - Top Fun van, never used ingame

TRAM - SF Trolleys

UTIL_TR1 - Trailer of some sort


BLOODRA - Bloodring Banger

BLOODRB - Alternate Skin


MONSTER - Monster Truck

MTRUCK_A - No idea where you got this from, as it's not referenced at all in either the model/texture image or the vehicle definition file.

MTRUCK_B - No idea where you got this from, as it's not referenced at all in either the model/texture image or the vehicle definition file.


RANGER - Normal, civilian Rancher

POLRANGER - Police Rancher


BOXVILLE - Normal Boxville

BOXBURG - Black Boxville used for Burglury missions


POLICE_LA - Los Santos police cars

POLICE_VG - Las Venturas police cars


For the unknown ones, since you've used the vehicles GXT key and not their model name, it's obvious that you've gone through the GXT files to get these. The unknown ones are likely not vehicles, rather strings of text used in missions. Since it's hard to map keys to strings since the file format has changed, I can't tell you what keys you thought were vehicles actually are, but they're sure as hell not usable vehicles.

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Opius is right, you got these from HANDLING.CFG that is what I'm using for the vehicle stats guide.

Opius FLOAT is in HANDLING.CFG, but it is not in VEHICLES.DAT, which is what I use to find out what kind of vehicle it is.

FLOAT probably was a trailer that was takin' out of the game.

If you wanna know what they are go to VEHICLES.DAT in notepad and go to search, type it in, and look along the line it sends you to.

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Opius is right, you got these from HANDLING.CFG that is what I'm using for the vehicle stats guide.

Opius FLOAT is in HANDLING.CFG, but it is not in VEHICLES.DAT, which is what I use to find out what kind of vehicle it is.

FLOAT probably was a trailer that was takin' out of the game.

If you wanna know what they are go to VEHICLES.DAT in notepad and go to search, type it in, and look along the line it sends you to.

Thanks! biggrin.gif

EDIT: What are these then: ROLLER, RCCAM.

Edited by ogglock
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Opius is right, you got these from HANDLING.CFG that is what I'm using for the vehicle stats guide.

Opius FLOAT is in HANDLING.CFG, but it is not in VEHICLES.DAT, which is what I use to find out what kind of vehicle it is.

FLOAT probably was a trailer that was takin' out of the game.

If you wanna know what they are go to VEHICLES.DAT in notepad and go to search, type it in, and look along the line it sends you to.

Thanks! biggrin.gif

EDIT: What are these then: ROLLER, RCCAM.

I couldn't find ROLLER anywhere except for HANDLING.CFG, so I was deleted entirely except for it's name from the final version. I would guess from all the different roadworks vehicles in San Andreas that it was meant to be a Steam Roller.

RCCAM I'm not sure but the name tells me it is a Remote Control CAMera, which was probably going to be used in one of the missions with the introduction of stealth.

They should have kept some of these vehicles sad.gif

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More info about:



Mass: 1000

Gears: 3

Speed: 160

Drivetrain: 4WD

Engine Type: Electric

Money Value: $9000

Model Flags: No_Doors, No_Exhaust

Handling Flags: NPC_Anti_Roll, Wheel_F_Wide2, Wheel_R_Wide2

Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car



Mass: 5500

Gears: 4

Speed: 110

Drivetrain: RWD

Engine Type: Diesel

Money Value: $5000

Model Flags: Is_Big

Handling Flags: Wheel_F_Narrow

Vehicle Animation Group: Standard Car

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GameShark 2 v3/v4


Drop Vehicle

200C2004 FFBF0000

200C2008 A0430000

200C200C 9421D760

200C2010 24083132

200C2014 14280003

200C2018 24040???

200C201C 0C167920

200C2020 00000000

200C2024 DFBF0000

200C2028 03E00008

200C202C 27BD0020

2059D350 0C030800


Drop Vehicle

200C2018 24040???


RC Cam - 252


(If you want it on another format, submit it on Code Conversion Request topic.)


EDIT: The linked page doesn't have the pic of the Predator.

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More on RC Cam:

- requires "No Doors on Cars" cheat (cheat device)

- 2-seats

- no-doors

- not remote controlled

- looks like a flower pot

- you actually drive it

- you become unsolid to peds and cars

- goes crazy when another person sits

- it doesn't look like a camera

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