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God of War


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Im thinking of purchasing God of war, and i was just wondering if anyone has played it. And if they have to say what they think of it so that i can make an informed descision. I have looked it over and seen the comercials and it looks pretty good. Just wondering what anybody else thought of it.

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I love the game, personally I think its one of the best games ever. My Favorite part is ripping people in two. I just love that. Or ripping the wings off those flying things.

those flying things are harpies! havnt you ever seen jason and the argonauts? but the thing that im really getting annoyed of is the challenge of the gods things. GOD DAMN THOSE ARE ANNOYING!

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No offence but smashdamnit dosent know good gameplay if it shat in his letterbox the game plays like a dream the graphics are beautiful the storyline convinces you to kill the god of war whatever it takes. If youre a hardcore gamer who can play 5 hours a day rent it for a week if you more of a lightweight or a regular person buy it its worth 50 bucks. If you want a none biast point of view then check out why it got 9.3 on Gamespot
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well i think its much better then any other game ive played. i mean... greek mythology! ive been a huge "fan" of greek mythology. and the story is even better then halo 2.


halo 2: trying to destroy big onion rings in space and play as some guy that never shows his face and has no style except action hero.


God of War: trying to kill a god, while playing as a f*cking maniac that has some kick ass moves, a "don't take no sh*t from no bitch" kinda look.


and yes ive played halo 2 and it wasnt the best game ive ever played, and the game itself has no freedom. but i still like it.

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how is it compared to POP :warrior within?

Seven Hundred million times better, Warrior Within was a travesty.


Also, the game isn't button mashing. You only do the button mashing if you want to quick kill your opponent, it gives you that option, but you're only suppose to use it if you're getting your ass kicked. You know nothing of gameplay if you're criticizing the smallest aspect that isn't even used too much. You probably played it on easy, so you criticized the gameplay saying it's for kids. But if you play on hard, or god mode, you'd see the difference.



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I'm not saying it was easy.Some parts were quite hard actually.


But the gameplay IS button mashing.Exactly what I see when my young nephew and his freinds play.


Not everyone is going to like everything.To say I know nothing about gaming cuz I don't care for God Of War is just plain silly.


My bet is, I was gaming before most of you were born!


Games I have liked this year:




Fight Night2

Tiger Woods 05

Shadow of Rome


Nascar 05



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ah but the word "cuz" is a sure sign of age.Its much easier to write"cuz" than it is "because".



I'll be 41 in July.

No, it's a sign that you're immature, and don't know how to type in a competent nature. And, if you're 41, and have been gaming for a while, then you should know that just because button mashing is an option, doesn't mean that it's the only way to go. Unless you've been playing games for this long, and sucking at them the whole way though.

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ah but the word "cuz" is a sure sign of age.Its much easier to write"cuz" than it is "because".



I'll be 41 in  July.

No, it's a sign that you're immature, and don't know how to type in a competent nature. And, if you're 41, and have been gaming for a while, then you should know that just because button mashing is an option, doesn't mean that it's the only way to go. Unless you've been playing games for this long, and sucking at them the whole way though.

Actually one of my guy friends that served in the swedish military types like sh*t. confused.gif

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