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Sixteen Bit
I read somewhere, GtaSanAn.com maybe, that GTA PsP is suspose to be set before San Andreas in Liberty city as CJ b4 he cam back to Ganton in LS, i dont kno if dats true...so yall kno...tell me wat chall think a dis...


I knew I heard some where that it was a prequel but I wasn't

sure to what part. Sweet..! Dis game is gonna be tight on da PSP.



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The only confirmed part of that is that the game will be set in LC. Everything else is pretty much a rummor at this point.

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Sixteen Bit
The only confirmed part of that is that the game will be set in LC. Everything else is pretty much a rummor at this point.

Yeah, I guess your right but acording to Walmart we won't be waiting long..

Take a look at the site..?


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Don't believe anyone who says it will come out before June.

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Claude whoops CJ and Tommys ass


i read that it will come out in mid june.....

alot of gta sites have been posting this pic



(might be april FOOLS!)

That disk is a fake, if you look closely, the disk says Grand Theft Auto III, and Sony said it would be extremely easy to just transfer games from Playstation 2 to PSP, but they do not want to use shovelware.

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By the name of it, I'm going to guess that it was this image (posted in another thread):

user posted image

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That video has been confirmed to be a fake. It is jsut a video clip of GTA3 played on the PSP's media player. It is the same one that has been posted in another thread.

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