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I'm getting really annoyed with this

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Hello, I have the PC edition of GTA3 installed, and yes I purchased it, and here's the problem: "Please insert Grand Theft Auto III - disc 2 into the drive or press ESC to cancel." - Hello, the CD is not scratched. This is probably because of incompetent parents, and here's my laughable computer stats:


-OS: Windows 98

-Processor: 697MHz

-Video Card: Intel® 82810E Graphics Controller

-CD speed: 4x CD speed (soon to be dead)

-Manufacturer: die2.gif Compaq


I need help here alot, and my dad is refusing to get a new CD drive, and he's very impatient. Mom once in a blue moon made a phone call to the computer guy, and he wasn't there, so she left a message. Belligerent parents, waged with parents more concerned on purchasing alcohol and all that sh*t than getting a computer upgraded for their siblings (I share this computer with my brother).


On another note, when I was playing, the game lagged in 3rd person, and I had to play in overhead mode, with having no clue on where Claude was.


Any suggestions? You know where to get some of these upgrades cheap? Help needed.

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*slight bump*


I played it on another computer, and it works perfectly. I don't know what's going on with this computer. Then again, I have no internet access on that computer. confused.gif

That's your CD-ROM drive... it's dying slowly... tounge.gif


GTAIII CAN be played in "regular" (not top-down) view with those specs. I played it on a computer like that back when the game was just released. Just don't expect "stunning" performance and prepare for (almost) hourly crashes and/or messed-up graphics.


Get a new drive, they aren't THAT expensive nowadays... dozingoff.gif

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