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Advice on FTP Clients

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Since my site now has about 150 pages, uploading them 12 at a time on CPanel has become rather tiresome. What FTP clients do you guys use and why? Are they hard to manage, are the interfaces quick to use, is the net code reliable, how do different ones stack up against each other, etc. My host has recommended WS_Host but I want to gather as many opinions as I can before making a decision.


(EDIT) I have published my review of some FTP clients on Project Cerbera.

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I use Filezilla. Its free, its very simple to use, and I've had no problem with it. It has a drag and drop feature to upload files, just drop onto the screen and away it uploads, but it doesn't do drag and drop for downloading. Overall I've found it the best I've used.



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I'd recommend SmartFTP.





    * Secure Connections (TLS / SSL)

        - 168 bit.

        - HIPAA compliant.

    * Windows XP like graphic user interface

    * Multilingual (more than 20 languages)

    * IPv6

    * On-the-fly Compression (MODE Z)

    * UTF-8 Support

    * Drag & Drop

    * Multiple Connections

    * Auto reconnect and resume of broken transfers

    * Verified Transfers (XCRC)

    * FXP support

    * Remote Edit

    * Enhanced NAT/UPnp Support

      UPnP (Universal Plug and Play), ICS, ICF

    * Transfer Queue

        - Scheduling

        - Uploads/Downloads/FXP

        - Unlimited simultaneous threads

    * International Domain Names (IDN)

    * Proxy / Firewall support

        SOCKS5, SOCKS4, SOCKS4A, HTTP Proxy

        Wingate, Winproxy, CSM, Checkpoint FW-1, Raptor

    * Backup Tool

    * URL Watcher

    * Cache Remote Directories

    * FTP command line

    * Custom Commands

    * CHMOD (Properties)

    * and much more ...



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Waste: x2

Johnno: sorry Johnno... sad.gif

Harlem: x2

SyphonPayne: x2


Not to sound like some dumbarse noob that keeps multiplying things, but I am a big fan of Smart FTP. I tried every FTP program in the book and when I found out about Smart FTP, I was glued onto it. Download it now! You will not be sorry, Cerb!

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uploading them 12 at a time on CPanel
you ARE joking, right? No! I'm not! That's why I've made this topic! Help me! cry.gif


Ideally the program would be freeware created by an enthusiast, although free versions of commercial software would be alright. Looking at the bug report logs for some of these programs is a bit overwhelming. I think there are fewer bugs in TextStudio than a lot of these "professional" tools, which is really saying something. Drag-drop stuff is really useful because it suits the way I organise my desktop. Not that bothered about flashy interfaces; some of the ones suggested look desperately cluttered. I'll keep reading up about the ones you folks suggest, though. More detail you give the better.

Edited by Cerbera
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You can download the latest version at download.com but not the one you mentioned. confused.gif

Yeah, the new version is bloated and with a pretty interface and loads of other for me pointless features.


I found a link at last, released Aug 29, 2001 wow.gif


Seriously, its about as easy to use, basic and small as you can get.

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Suction Testicle Man

I used to use SmartFTP but it f*cking sucked. I now use FireFTP - the plugin for FireFox. You can open it in a separate widow/tab, and has lots of features. I recommend.



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I don't want to sound like a prick here, but you have everything you need for basic FTP transfers. Go to Start Meny -> Run -> Type in "ftp". You're set to go!


If you just type "help" at the prompt, you will find everything you need to know. If a command seems unclear, just type "help <command>". I don't have another FTP client, nor do I need -- hey, what am I saying? I do have another one! In the preffered syntax in 20x6, Keep Read!!


If your host is running secure FTP -- and they should -- you could -- and you should -- use PSFTP. It is developed by the people behind PuTTY, which should tell you a bit, and you can get it from here or here (direct link). If you want added flexibility you should put the executable in the windows\ folder so that it can be executed from anywhere in a command shell.

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IglooFTP-PRO helps me do the crap. Quite annoying, but it works.


Oh wait. You wouldn't need that.


Go for SmartFTP.


IglooFTP-PRO is only for Linux. tounge.gif

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Windows: SmartFTP

Mac: Transmit

*nix: lftp


Only problem I have with SmartFTP is a matter of principle, I used [email protected] to register on their site years ago, and now its a commen recipient of spam, although they never listed it on the site, spammers must have gotten hold of their list of email addresses some other way.


Other than that, I've used just about every ftp client there is to be found out there and SmartFTP comes out best for its ease of use, direct use of site features (like when using a GLFTPd ftp site).


@Suction Testicle Man:

"I used to use SmartFTP but it f*cking sucked." <- reasons?

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I don't want to sound like a prick here, but you have everything you need for basic FTP transfers. Go to Start Meny -> Run -> Type in "ftp". You're set to go!


If you just type "help" at the prompt, you will find everything you need to know. If a command seems unclear, just type "help <command>". I don't have another FTP client, nor do I need -- hey, what am I saying? I do have another one! In the preffered syntax in 20x6, Keep Read!!


If your host is running secure FTP -- and they should -- you could -- and you should -- use PSFTP. It is developed by the people behind PuTTY, which should tell you a bit, and you can get it from here or here (direct link). If you want added flexibility you should put the executable in the windows\ folder so that it can be executed from anywhere in a command shell.

As an oldtimer, I use this most often. Old habits die hard I reckon. Plus, I don't have to learn something new when switching between platforms.


When I do want a GUI based FTP occasionally, I use LeechFTP. Freeware by a programming enthusiast. Works well for my needs.



HD Rick

aka Dr.X


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Bloody hell, a topic I made where nobody insulted me! tounge.gif This is really helpful guys, I didn't even know most of these clients existed. I should be getting some free time during this week since I've now finished up a load of projects I was working on. I'll probably get all of the ones which have been suggested and write a comparative review which I will post in here and, time permitting, which will probably find its way into the Misc area of my site somewhen.


Shibby makes a good point about requesting reasons for people's views since sometimes we just get used to clumsy interfaces or the occasional error when we aren't aware that there other programs without such problems.

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I use CoreFTP lite. However, this only has useful functions preinstalled for unix/linux servers so if ur on windows you have to program custom commands which can be a problem.


Its actually really good and contains:


Website Manager

Multiple Connections Supported

Drag & Drop

A choice of ASCII ,Binary and ASCII/Binary Mix

Session Management

Unix/Linux CHMOD File Permissions Dialogue

Quick Connect Function

SSL Cerificate Manager

Custom File Association Settings

Advanced Connection Settings

Opional Keep Alive Setting

Custom Proxy Settings

SSH Ciphers and MAC Algorithm Settings

Extension Filters

Custom ASCII File Associations

Custom Date, Time and Measurement Settings

Custom Command Settings Dialogue

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I generally just use Internet Explorer (I know I should get the plugin for Firefox) or good old dos - never failed me yet.  Dos can even get through the supposed ftp port blocks at school.  No other ftp programs can upload there, but dos works fine.
Since my server already had an account set up on it, I decided to try out IE's FTP support. Drag-dropping files straight from an Explorer window into Internet Explorer and them being uploaded straight to the server just blew me away. This is going to save me so much time, I cannot beleive I have only just started to use it! suicidal.gif


(EDIT) The only major improvement over IE that I could really do with is the ability to upload all hypertext (*.*htm*) and CSS (*.css) files from the website folder and its subfolders on my local machine to the website folder on the server. That would mean I wouldn't have to go through eleven folders, drag-dropping sets of files each time. Anyone seen a program which can do that? Since my site has grown to 167 pages over this week any ways to save time getting it online would be really useful.

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