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Warning: it has been reported that at least one of the files from d.turboupload.com POSTED BY SIMPS BELOW contained a pretty malicious Trojan...


I'm not positive it was the file or the site that did it (the download site did a re-direct when you get to the page that actually downloads the file-- I could not even keep the download page open)... it would be best to not download any of those files for now.


I'm going to check out later on my Linux PC...


The mirrors for all those files don't work either






user posted image


Saved Games


Download & Installation Instructions:

• The file you download is a ZIP. If you are using Windows XP, you should have no problems opening it. If not, you can grab WinZIP or WinRAR to 'unzip' the folder for you.

• Once unzipped, the folder will open to reveal another folder. This second folder holds 4 files. The saved game (.b), the readme (.txt), the stats (.txt), and the stats webpage (.html). Read the readme, so you have a full understanding of exactly what you downloaded.

• Copy the saved game (.b file), and paste it into your saved game directory. This should be 'My Documents\GTA Vice City User Files\'. If you already have a file with that name - you will be notified by a warning if you do - you can do one of two things. You can delete the old file if you don't want your old saved game any more, or you can rename the downloaded file. Simply change the 'X' in the file name 'GTAVCsfX.b' to a different numeral between 1 and 8. This corresponds to each game slot.

• Once you've placed the downloaded file correctly into your saved game folder, you're ready. Fire up Vice City, and choose the game from the 'load game' menu. If, for example, the game you downloaded was 'GTAVCsf7.b', it would be in the 7th slot.



Significance of Completing Particular Tasks:


Pizza Boy 150 health
Paramedic Infinite sprint
Fire Fighter Fireproof Tommy
Vigilante 150 armour
100 taxi fares 'Horn' button also gives a power boost (jump) when in taxis.
100 hidden packages More weapons pickups available, Hunter and Rhino spawn at Fort Baxter Army Base.
Description Author The Statistics Download Link
Pizza Delivery L10, Paramedic L12, Fire Truck L12, Taxi (100 Fares) completed. Plaka Here Here
Pizza Delivery L10, Paramedic L12, Fire Truck L12, Taxi (100 Fares) completed and 100 hidden packages collected. Plaka Here Here
Pizza Delivery L10, Paramedic L12, Fire Truck L12, Vigilante L12, Taxi (100 Fares) completed and 100 hidden packages collected. Plaka Here Here
100 hidden packages collected. Plaka Here Here
35 (all) rampages completed. Plaka Here Here
Pizza Delivery L10, Paramedic L12, Fire Truck L12, Vigilante L12, Taxi (100 Fares), 35 (all) rampages completed and 100 hidden packages collected. Plaka Here Here
100% completed. Plaka Here Here
Last Mission Passed: The Party simps N/A Here, mirror
Last Mission Passed: Back Alley Brawl simps N/A Here, mirror
Last Mission Passed: Jury Fury simps N/A Here, mirror
Last Mission Passed: Riot simps N/A Here, mirror
Last Mission Passed: Treacherous Swine simps N/A Here, mirror
Last Mission Passed: Mall Shootout simps N/A Here, mirror
Last Mission Passed: Guardian Angels simps N/A Here, mirror
Last Mission Passed: The Chase simps N/A Here, mirror
Last Mission Passed: Phnom Penh '86 simps N/A Here, mirror
Last Mission Passed: The Fastest Boat simps N/A Here, mirror
Last Mission Passed: Supply & Demand simps N/A Here, mirror
Last Mission Passed: Sir, Yes Sir! simps N/A Here, mirror
Last Mission Passed: Death Row simps N/A Here, mirror
Last Mission Passed: Rub Out simps N/A Here, mirror
Last Mission Passed: Shakedown simps N/A Here, mirror
Last Mission Passed: Bar Brawl simps N/A Here, mirror
Last Mission Passed: Cop Land simps N/A Here, mirror
Last Mission Passed: No Escape? simps N/A Here, mirror
Last Mission Passed: The Shootist simps N/A Here, mirror
Last Mission Passed: The Driver simps N/A Here, mirror
Last Mission Passed: The Job simps N/A Here, mirror
Last Mission Passed: Spilling the Beans simps N/A Here, mirror
Last Mission Passed: Hit the Courier simps N/A Here, mirror
Last Mission Passed: Recruitment Drive simps N/A Here, mirror
Last Mission Passed: Dildo Dodo simps N/A Here, mirror
Last Mission Passed: Martha's Mugshot simps N/A Here, mirror
Last Mission Passed: G-spotlight simps N/A Here, mirror
Shakedown complete, everything else also complete apart from Vercetti Estate. Demarest N/A Here
• Each saved game has the Molotov Cocktail rampage by the Ocean Beach Lighthouse complete.

• The 35 (all) rampages completed saved game has the unique stunt jump onto the roof of the airport terminal complete.

• 'Last Mission Passed: Guardian Angels' by simps has Links View Apartment purchased and Diaz's BP/DP/EP/FP Admiral in the garage.

• 'Last Mission Passed: Cop Land' by simps has The Malibu Club purchased.

• 'Last Mission Passed: The Job' by simps has The Printworks purchased.

• 'Last Mission Passed: Hit the Courier ' by simps has the Film Studio purchased.

• 'Last Mission Passed: G-spotlight' by simps has the Boatyard purchased.








Mod Author Description Further Information Link
Package/Rampage Finder illspirit Places a huge string of lights above all remaining hidden packages and rampages. It makes them impossible to miss! GTAForums post illspirit.com
Ultimate Trainer V2 LithJoe Updated version of the famous trainer. Includes infinite run, garage editor, $10,000 money cheat and much more! GTAForums post Codename:Vice
VC Admin Console saracoglu The VC version of the hugely popular GTA3 Admin Console. N/A estetiksoft.de
Vice City Trainer random_download An alternate trainer. Well worth a look. GTAForums topic GTAGarage
Developer Console JernejL (Delfi) A console program for controlling VC. GTAForums topic GTATools.com
MP3 Randomizer Gareth Griffiths Randomizes the MP3 order in your mp3 folder of Vice City. You now get a refreshing, new playlist order every time you fire up VC! N/A Planet Grand Theft Auto
3D Analyze Gives stacks of options for 3D games - including, but not limited to VC. The main draw card is the option to play 'windowed' as opposed to full screen mode. N/A 3DFX Zone
VC Money Maker thepcdude Gives maximum cash at the press of a button. GTAForums topic PDSoft
Timetwister VC Demarest Welcome to world of Vice City as you've always wanted it but never thought possible. ALL missions are available from the beginning and never go away! If you die on a mission, you can go back to the mission's provider to try again if you'd like. Infinite run, all hideout benefits, etc available from the start to give you the choice. Best of all, they've all been turned into options! You can change these benefits from an ingame "menu". Need to test something out on a mission? Want to explore different strategies? Tired of installing code and having to "start over" when you just want to see how it would be helpful on a mission that comes much later? Game freezes before you can save? Have a disagreement with a friend as to who/what happens on a mission? Need to take some screenshots for your post but don't have a savegame handy? Tired of juggling the savegames you do have just to play a mission? Tired of having to reload just to play your favorite mission again? Want to just practice up on a mission without being punished for dieing, or collecting a dozen mission attempts? The uses for this are endless! GTAForums topic TFads.com


• Feel free to PM me with your own favourite mods to be added to the table.

• This is a listing of mods only. Any troubleshooting should be done in the Editing Discussion -> Troubleshooting forum. Likewise, modding discussion should take place in the appropriate forum within the Editing Discussion subforum.

Edited by Fuzzy Juzzy
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Edit by Fuzzy: The following saved games/mods are all listed in the first post. These are the original posts, the first post of this topic simply puts them all into a pretty table. smile.gif










Vice City PC Save Files


Plakas Side Mission Saves-- This post


Simps Story Mission Saves-- clicky




Below you will find details of 7 Saved Games I have prepared ... to some it will just take the drudgery out of playing a new game to others it will help you get an easy 100%.




Missions completed: Pizza Delivery L10, Paramedic L12, Fire Truck L12, Taxi (100 Fares)

Links: The FILE The STATS



Missions completed: Pizza Delivery L10, Paramedic L12, Fire Truck L12, Taxi (100 Fares) and 100 Packages.

Links: The FILE The STATS



Missions completed: Pizza Delivery L10, Paramedic L12, Fire Truck L12, Taxi (100 Fares), 100 Packages and Vigilante L12

Links: The FILE The STATS



Missions completed: 100 Packages

Links: The FILE The STATS



Missions completed: 35 of 35 Rampages

Links: The FILE The STATS



Missions completed: 35 of 35 Rampages, Pizza Delivery L10, Paramedic L12, Fire Truck L12, Taxi (100 Fares), 100 Packages and Vigilante L12

Links: The FILE The STATS



Missions completed: 100% game save

Links: The FILE The STATS





i. The Rampage done is the one near the Lighthouse in Ocean Beach using Molotov Cocktails.

ii. Games 2/3 the save point for the game is Downtown at Hyman Condo.

iii. Zip files contain README.txt with Notes + Stats.html.

iv. Game 5. 1 Unique Stunt Jump = On to roof of the Airport Terminal.


Why did I do this? well it resulted from a request I completed in "Save N' Play" Topic ... I just elaborated on it. Besides now I have more time for the fun stuff in GTAVC biggrin.gif


I hope you find these Games useful ...


Plaka. cool.gif



Instructions on how to use these saves-- Posted by Fuzzy Juzzy.




At current, you download a ZIP file. If you are using Windows XP, you should have no problems opening it. If not, you can grab WinZIP or WinRAR to 'unzip' the folder for you.


Once unzipped, the folder will open to reveal another folder. This second folder holds 4 files. The saved game (.b), the readme (.txt), the stats (.txt), and the stats webpage (.html).


Read the readme, so you have a full understanding of exactly what you downloaded. Once that's done, copy the saved game (.b file), and paste it into your saved game directory. This should be 'My Documents\GTA Vice City User Files\'.


If you already have a file with that name - you will be notified by a warning if you do - you can do one of two things. You can delete the old file if you don't want your old saved game any more, or you can rename the downloaded file. Simply change the 'X' in the file name 'GTAVCsfX.b' to a different numeral between 1 and 8. This corresponds to each game slot.


Once you've placed the downloaded file correctly into your saved game folder, you're ready. Fire up Vice City, and choose the game from the 'load game' menu. If, for example, the game you downloaded was 'GTAVCsf7.b', it would be in the 7th slot.









For anyone who doesn't know the significance of the above (Spoiler alert--move your mouse over the dark areas below to read):


Pizza Delivery = Health 150

Paramedic = You run and never get tired

Fire Truck = You're Fire Proof

Taxi = Power boost (jump) when in a Taxi [use horn button]

Vigilante = Body Armour 150

100 Packages = More weapons available including Hunter Helicopter / Rhino Tank at the Fort Baxter Army Base.


PLUS lotsa money tounge.gif

Edited by Plaka
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  • 1 month later...

Tired of accidentally deleting your saves. Well now, there is no stress of starting the game over. Just download one of these storyline mission files to get quickly off the ground. smile.gif


I used Plaka's Save File #3 to start off which is located here.


Save File 1

Last Mission Passed: The Party

Files: The Save, Mirror


Save File 2

Last Mission Passed: Back Alley Brawl

Files: The Save, Mirror


Save File 3

Last Mission Passed: Jury Fury

Files: The Save, Mirror


Save File 4

Last Mission Passed: Riot

Files: The Save, Mirror


Save File 5

Last Mission Passed: Treacherous Swine

Files: The Save, Mirror


Save File 6

Last Mission Passed: Mall Shootout

Files: The Save, Mirror


Save File 7

Last Mission Passed: Guardian Angels

Files: The Save, Mirror

Notes: I bought Links View and saved the BP/DP/EP/FP Admiral in the garage.


Save File 8

Last Mission Passed: The Chase

Files: The Save, Mirror


Save File 9

Last Mission Passed: Phnom Penh '86

Files: The Save, Mirror


Save File 10

Last Mission Passed: The Fastest Boat

Files: The Save, Mirror


Save File 11

Last Mission Passed: Supply & Demand

Files: The Save, Mirror


Save File 12

Last Mission Passed: Sir, Yes Sir!

Files: The Save, Mirror


Save File 13

Last Mission Passed: Death Row

Files: The Save, Mirror


Save File 14

Last Mission Passed: Rub Out

Files: The Save, Mirror


Save File 15

Last Mission Passed: Shakedown

Files: The Save, Mirror


Save File 16

Last Mission Passed: Bar Brawl

Files: The Save, Mirror


Save File 17

Last Mission Passed: Cop Land

Files: The Save, Mirror

Notes: Malibu bought.


Save File 18

Last Mission Passed: No Escape?

Files: The Save, Mirror


Save File 19

Last Mission Passed: The Shootist

Files: The Save, Mirror


Save File 20

Last Mission Passed: The Driver

Files: The Save, Mirror


Save File 21

Last Mission Passed: The Job

Files: The Save, Mirror

Notes: Printworks bought.


Save File 22

Last Mission Passed: Spilling the Beans

Files: The Save, Mirror


Save File 23

Last Mission Passed: Hit the Courier

Files: The Save, Mirror

Notes: Film Studio bought.


Save File 24

Last Mission Passed: Recruitment Drive

Files: The Save, Mirror


Save File 25

Last Mission Passed: Dildo Dodo

Files: The Save, Mirror


Save File 26

Last Mission Passed: Martha's Mugshot

Files: The Save, Mirror


Save File 27

Last Mission Passed: G-spotlight

Files: The Save, Mirror

Notes: Boatyard bought.



  • All saves have one rampage. That rampage is near the lighthouse on Ocean Beach that uses Molotovs.
  • Mirrors and Stats will be added shortly
  • Please notify me of any mistakes and broken links.
  • GTA III Storyline Save Files will be made shortly
  • Are there any more missions that you guys would like to suggest going ahead to 'Keep Your Friends Close'?
Edited by simps
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Hey Plaka,


I was wondering if you could do a version with rampages done. I think they're a pain in the @$$ and take too long. Thanks!



I've done it (Game 5. above) but in the process I got 'Wasted' 4 times - 2 trying to get over to the 2nd Island, and 2 on missions sad.gif


I should be able to do better smile.gif


Also I added another Game 4. - 100 Packages - 1 save.






Game 5. - 35 Rampages, now 0 times wasted / busted



Edited by Plaka
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Hey, can you post a saved game with atleast all the missions completed???


If you could I would love it!!!


Please, Please, Please post a saved game with all the missions completed!!!!!!!


Please contact me via e-mail saying whether you can or cannot post it. My email is [email protected].



I've only got a 100% - 1 save Game ... I uploaded for you anyway smile.gif





Edited by Plaka
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Hey Plaka,


I was wondering if you could do a version with rampages done. I think they're a pain in the @$$ and take too long. Thanks!



I've done it (Game 5. above) but in the process I got 'Wasted' 4 times - 2 trying to get over to the 2nd Island, and 2 on missions sad.gif


I should be able to do better smile.gif


Also I added another Game 4. - 100 Packages - 1 save.




Sorry if this is asking too much Plaka but could you maybe integrate the rampages with the other side mission stuff? Thanks so much in advance! biggrin.gif

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  • 2 months later...

Since old threads are being archived when they get old enough, I thought I would save this thread as some people might find it useful-- not sure if it belongs here, gameplay, or PC section though???


If anyone has a 100% save they would want to post/host I'm sure someone would want it (please only post your own save and don't link to some elses).


//EDIT// Nevermind-- I didn't see Plaka already posted one. I updated the list of links in the first post and the thread title-- Much thanks to Plaka for going through the trouble to create these saves-- I'm sure it took him a while.



Edited by Spuds725
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where do you put the files so that you can use them? I use windows ME

The files go in the 'My Documents\GTA Vice City User Files' directory.


The saved game should be named 'GTAVCsfX.b'. Where the 'X' is, a number should be. This number simply relates to the saved file slot. 1 being the first (at the top) and 8 being the last (at the bottom). So if you already have a saved game in the slot the downloaded saved game comes in, simply change the number in the filename.



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  • 2 weeks later...
Ok i dont get it....





I got ur stuff, lol its very helpful, BUT I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH IT!!! wah nervous.gif makes me crazy lol monocle.gif

You don't get what to do with the files, after I posted an almost fool-proof explanation in the previous post? OK... confused.gif


You download the file you want. You can get them all if you want, but remember, you are downloading saved games, so you can obviously only use one at a time. I would click the 'stats' link beside each game link, and decide which one appeals to you the most.


At current, you download a ZIP file. If you are using Windows XP, you should have no problems opening it. If not, you can grab WinZIP or WinRAR to 'unzip' the folder for you.


Once unzipped, the folder will open to reveal another folder. This second folder holds 4 files. The saved game (.b), the readme (.txt), the stats (.txt), and the stats webpage (.html).


Read the readme, so you have a full understanding of exactly what you downloaded. Once that's done, copy the saved game (.b file), and paste it into your saved game directory. This should be 'My Documents\GTA Vice City User Files\'.


If you already have a file with that name - you will be notified by a warning if you do - you can do one of two things. You can delete the old file if you don't want your old saved game any more, or you can rename the downloaded file. Simply change the 'X' in the file name 'GTAVCsfX.b' to a different numeral between 1 and 8. This corresponds to each game slot.


Once you've placed the downloaded file correctly into your saved game folder, you're ready. Fire up Vice City, and choose the game from the 'load game' menu. If, for example, the game you downloaded was 'GTAVCsf7.b', it would be in the 7th slot.


By the way, this is for PC, if you hadn't gathered. And if you still don't understand, I suggest you finish the damned game yourself.





Perhaps this should be added to the first post? monocle.gif

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  • 4 weeks later...

You might want to PM Plaka that thanks-- I don't know if he comes by here any more--- he's been running the SA Save N Play and it keeps him pretty busy.


If I had the PC version I would definitely use one of his saves with the tedious stuff done-- I wouldn't skip the jumps or Rampages though-- they are too fun to skip.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Not a bad idea. The problem with doing this for VC is that the assets make such save files vague. I used to have a full set of GTA3 saves. Will have to check if I still do.

Yeah, it was kind of hard deciding which assets to do (and still is). I did the ones people asked about most.

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Good idea. I always do Sunshine Autos first. It's the only asset that triples your money to complete. But that wouldn't really be in line with what you're doing here. Still, having some is better than none by a long shot smile.gif

I might to SSA, but it's pretty easy finding the first list. Does anyone have any suggestions on what remaining assets I should do? confused.gif

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  • 2 weeks later...

wierd.. when i load one of these 100% saves, i get a totally blank screen after the loading game message. i can load my own saves just fine, and i can start a new game.

i tried a couple of 100% saves from the first page of this topic, and one from some foreign site i found on google, both of which produce a blank screen. can someone help?

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thanks for the quick reply.

the only mods i have on that install are MTA and VC-MP (both multiplayer mods). i do have two other vice city installs (one for myriad islands and one for GTALC). could they conflict with my sort-of clean one?

the game is not patched, it's 1.0, is the patch required for those saves to work properly, or are 1.0 and 1.1 saves not interchangable?

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