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[WIP]GTA: Day City

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Hey. I would like to introduce you the new Total Conversion from Polish modders. I'm don't participate in this project, but Surmak asked me to post about his mod here, on GTAForums. I aksed him 'Why can't you post it yourself', and he replied that he doesn't know english well and he probably couldn't answer many questions. So, me and RedPinguin (he's also registered on GTAF) decided to post a topic about GTA: Day City Mod.


GTA: Day City is a total conversion for GTA Vice City, which would replace the whole map. Surmak is trying to fill the WHOLE map, not as Vice City, to leave some small islands surrounded by ocean. Ambitious project, I must say. smile.gif


Day City map will include:

  • city
  • some villages
  • a highway
  • fields
  • and even some forests!
About the cars, Surmak is not planning to put any new cars into his mod, but any carmaker work will be welcome. biggrin.gif


Due to his lack of programming skills, he is NOT planning any new missions. But as he says, player will be able to find rampages and secret packages on the map.


And yeah, THE MOD TEAM:

And the last, some screens of the mod:


Highway junction

Some mountains

The City

The Village


The great bridge



More screenies HERE


We will try to update this topic as much as possible. smile.gif


And in the end,



Edited by Destructo
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Nice man and all involded. And in my national language:

Dobra robota panowie (jak narazie) tounge.gif

Addon: Mod website is in polish, not all here are from poland like us. Team is good try to get wichur he would make cool cars, maybe police fiat 126p jokin happy.gif

Edited by Bosco
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wow, looks nice, i noticed in ur older pix that the roads use the vc road textures and the grass, imo this looks alot better than the lc textures you have replaced them with now, but what u choose is up to you smile.gif


[EDIT] would you be able to get an overview screen of the WHOLE mod in mioomapper please? im intregued to see this tounge.gif



- M57

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Wow. This mod looks very promising. I'm sure it has been planned and has been around for awile, but bringing it the GTAForums was a good idea. Your friend Surmak has done a good job. When I clicked on this topic I figured it would be another TC that wouldn't last to the end of the week, but now I can see it is off to a very good start.


The only complaint I have is that the sky bleeds through some of the tree outlines in some of the screen shots. i.e. #23, #24, and #26. Not a big deal, but I thought I should point it out.


Other than that, it looks really good. I hope to see more of it in the future.



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@Solid, the sky bleeds through the edges of the trees because the PC Vice did not have a very good alpha-mapping setup on it. If you were to put this into the XBOX version of vice, it would not be "bleeding" through smile.gif


And good work so far,



Does XBox have a very different coding than the PC version? I'm sure if it was the exact same coding then it wouldn't be a big deal, but a TC might be a problem if it is different even in the slightest way. confused.gif

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This looks FREAKING AWESOME!!! cool.gif

The Myriad team should consider ya polish mod-makers as serios opponents. And that's GOOD colgate.gif


P.S. If you wanna, I can try some mission coding, not exactly mission... Well, I'm rather a noob in the SCM-stuff (usually get stuck with big complicated loops sigh.gif ), but... If you wanna, I can try coding something for your mod. Just gimme a list of things that would be welcome, maybe I can do something sigh.gif


P.P.S. Govoryte po ukrainski? Ili po russki? Ne govorie duzhe dobre po polski sad.gif


P.P.P.S Maybe it's a bit of a not-important thing, BUT. Is it normal that an Infernus, a top sports-car is parked beside a barn? tounge2.gif

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i have to agree with the sentement around here.


normaly i wouldn't look twice at these last minute entries into the every ding vice city total convertion craze that seems to be feeding off the bones of the old game,but this this looks nice.


i love the slanted incline you have there that looks like san fransico and the wheat field...never thought i'd be all excited about a damn wheat field but i just love the look of it.


i'd help you with new vehicles but right now i'm bogged down with more mods and models then i can scarcly handel. i wish you the best of luck ...keep up the great work.



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f*ck! If you look at download on their website, it says something about SanAn on pc, and im guessing that the mod is on hold till the release of SanAn for pc.


@cran, i noticed too, but its a big mod, and they cant model EVERYTHING.

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Sure they can..... Take a look at myraid there doing it no reason they cant and dont tell me that its becuase theres so little of them respawn is doing a entire island bigger then the original island.

Myriad islands have quite a few more modders than this team, so shut up about it.

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