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Vice City 1.0 (pc)


I'm having trouble with boat missions (currently checkpoint charlie)

For some reason I don't seem to get enough speed into them. Every time I need to take a jump I get stuck on the ground you're supposed to fly over. If I manage to get over one, I'm stuck on the next one... (same with the dildo dodo mission and the boat race mission, can't get enough forward speed to get it of the ground).


Any idea's?

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hmm...strange. i had some trouble with checkpoint charlie, getting stuck on the pier you were meant to clear (haha that rhymed). i say dont hold anything back just make sure you are heading straight for the ramp and go as fast as u can, dont be afraid to really hit the gas and dont turn whilst in the air. as for the dildo dodo mission, it could be that you are holding up instead of down for takeoff. holding up point the nose of the plane down and down brings the nose upwards allowing takeoff. or the answer to all this could be that your X button is jammed and you can not push it in far enough to gain enough speed. wut's the condition of your controller? hope i was of some help.

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  • 4 weeks later...



I had the samen problem with boats and the dildo dodo mission. It really pissed me off. I tried everything and finally came across the solution:


Change your DISPLAY settings. For me changing the frame delimiting option was enough for a sudden and fast take off with the skimmer and a very easy checkpoint charlie race beause the jumps were no problem at all!!! It seems like the display options in the PC version have an impact on the speed of running, driving, etc.



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  • 2 weeks later...
Cartoon Corpse

there is also (somewhere in these forums) a map of the whole route. i find that is key (know how to setup for next point). unfortunately, unlike in stuntboat challenge, checkpoint charlie only has the current target on mini map. stuntboat challenge had both the current target you're going for (red) and the next one (burgandy) on the mini map, so you know how to setup your course (maintain speed and be lined up).


i beat checkpoint charlie only after i had pretty much memorized the route.

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