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[REL|ALPHA] Honda CBR600RR '05

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Th3 ProphetMan

Ok the file is here:




Special Thanks to SkullBoarder & Lakonur!


Recommended: Lakonur's Handling line for the bike

BIKE 900.0 0.8 1.7 1.2 0.0 0.05 -0.09 103 1.7 0.9 0.48 5 380.0 75.0 R P 28.0 0.70 0 35.0 0.90 0.15 0.3 0.15 10000 0.08 -0.06 0.5 0.0 19103 1 1



Hope you like it.


Some bugs im aware of are:

-Still maaaany stuff to be done (tahts why its an alpha release ¬¬)

-Size of the bike may not be acurate

.Tommy's hands not touching the handlebars

-No taillight!

-Exhaust fumes not correctly set

-Headlight not corretly set

-60.503 polys are too many polys

-Some decals do not show corretly

-The bike is 100% symmetrical and while it shouldn't

-Mudguard sucks


Other than these "little" problems anything you find and want to tell and any sugestions comments and whatever you feel like saying is apreciated! biggrin.gif


And a Pic

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Th3 ProphetMan
kool, but i think ma piece of sh*t comp wont run it, ill give it a go though cry.gif I am Kraxxuz, before me you shall tremble!

give it a try smile.gif. i run the game at 800x600 with many other modded cars and having 2 or 3 bikes in screen doesnt slow down the game. if there more than that theen its start to go slower. this is on a athlon xp 2400, 512ddr, gf fx5200 64mb. its not such a great pc afterall smile.gif

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Holy shat, that's one good bike, man. I'm gonna probably download and try it (the weekend is coming biggrin.gif). I should try to take some screenshots...


PS. If you made Alpha version, now we have to wait for the Beta version, and then finally for FINAL version, right? :>

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Holy shat, that's one good bike, man. I'm gonna probably download and try it (the weekend is coming biggrin.gif). I should try to take some screenshots...


PS. If you made Alpha version, now we have to wait for the Beta version, and then finally for FINAL version, right? :>

looks good but the fron wheel isint sitting straight you should problobly fix that

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Th3 ProphetMan

PS. If you made Alpha version, now we have to wait for the Beta version, and then finally for FINAL version, right? :>

If i can finish it in a fair quantity of time ill release the final and skip the beta. i hope i do it this way, i dont like release so many versions of the same bike

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yjats an strange color dude smile.gif


oh what do you mean the front whel isnt sitting straight?

hehe yeah


erm im aint good with english but its like jumoing up and down run thegame and take alook on the front wheel and you will understand what i mean..

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yjats an strange color dude smile.gif


oh what do you mean the front whel isnt sitting straight?

hehe yeah


erm im aint good with english but its like jumoing up and down run thegame and take alook on the front wheel and you will understand what i mean..

Yeah,it's true,don't worry,he can understand you i I think,your english is good i think...look me if you want read a bad english biggrin.gif

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Th3 ProphetMan

im happy to hear that smile.gif




i recommend yo guys try this handling line lakonur has done for the bike. its much better this way i think xD and a bit faster smile.gif


BIKE 900.0 0.8 1.7 1.2 0.0 0.05 -0.09 103 1.7 0.9 0.48 5 380.0 75.0 R P 28.0 0.70 0 35.0 0.90 0.15 0.3 0.15 10000 0.08 -0.06 0.5 0.0 19103 1 1


Edited by Th3 ProphetMan
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the brakes on the handling sux and you cant stop in the front wheel ether could u fix that??

wow.gif are you talkin about stoppies???My bike brake perfect,I don't know what do you want to say



thats weird i cant do that :S

I don't know why,maybe you copyy bad some number,take it again:


BIKE 900.0 0.8 1.7 1.2 0.0 0.05 -0.09 103 1.7 0.9 0.48 5 380.0 75.0 R P 28.0 0.70 0 35.0 0.90 0.15 0.3 0.15 10000 0.08 -0.06 0.5 0.0 19103 1 1


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Hello guys,I just play GTA with this bike,and i like too much,I can't wait for another realease.GREAT!!!Some pics now. [pics removed to save post space in this quote -rippa]

Off-topic; [on-topic right away] I saw you have a rus extreme siggy, by any chance are you Russ? Because I saw this backflip off a handlebar thing by Rus. Thanks

On-topic; whoa! This is a deadly mod, if I had Vice City on this comp, I would deffinately [sp?] get this before I got the game. It looks almost real!

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the brakes on the handling sux and you cant stop in the front wheel ether could u fix that??

wow.gif are you talkin about stoppies???My bike brake perfect,I don't know what do you want to say



thats weird i cant do that :S

I don't know why,maybe you copyy bad some number,take it again:


BIKE 900.0 0.8 1.7 1.2 0.0 0.05 -0.09 103 1.7 0.9 0.48 5 380.0 75.0 R P 28.0 0.70 0 35.0 0.90 0.15 0.3 0.15 10000 0.08 -0.06 0.5 0.0 19103 1 1

thank you!

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Hello guys,I just play GTA with this bike,and i like too much,I can't wait for another realease.GREAT!!!Some pics now. [pics removed to save post space in this quote -rippa]

Off-topic; [on-topic right away] I saw you have a rus extreme siggy, by any chance are you Russ? Because I saw this backflip off a handlebar thing by Rus. Thanks

On-topic; whoa! This is a deadly mod, if I had Vice City on this comp, I would deffinately [sp?] get this before I got the game. It looks almost real!


Not, i'm not Rus, I'm only a friend, you have to see the backflip in(or at..) live,it's amazing.


Grim, enjoy it!! biggrin.gif

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  • 2 weeks later...
Th3 ProphetMan

my monitor broke down bout two weeks ago, since then im on a 800x600 screen and which makes it hard to work on the model. further more there have been some festivities where i live so i haven't been around here too much.

anyways, i hope to continue working on the bike as soon as possible and have something by the end of the week.


btw since there are problems with my host, if you guys cnt download the bike from the first page link, you can grab it at gta3.net

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my monitor broke down  bout two weeks ago, since then im on a 800x600 screen and which makes it hard to work on the model. further more there have been some festivities where i live so i haven't been around here too much.

anyways, i hope to continue working on the bike as soon as possible and have something by the end of the week.


btw since there are problems with my host, if you guys cnt download the bike from the first page link, you can grab it at gta3.net

damn thats thoug tounge.gif i woldent sruvive tounge.gif

remember inte the future that the screen can get broken if you have big speakers besides it...

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