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Why is Rockstar keeping secrets?

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Thats a load of balarney, Rockstars should atleast give us the title of the game......Fans usually sucks up to rockstar, apond release i'm not though....I'm to upset with them, they keeping to hush hush on this title.....A name atleast for this title would be OK WOULDNT IT?

yeah but even a website with one picture will do...it' snot like we demand loads but I too feel that as the hardcore fans who buy every game and follow it with a passion untill it comes out that we should be given something to gawp at wheneverr we feel like getting in the mood to spend $50 months down the line smile.gif


I'm sure they'll give us something soon biggrin.gif

  • 2 weeks later...

I know Rockstar kept secrets before San Andreas, but come on nothing about this game is known excepted that it's set in Liberty City and it's a GTA game. We should have just a tiny bit more f*cken information. Please Rockstar, your breaking my f*cken balls. Sorry I'm tired forgive me. Maybe it's better for Rockstar not show anything. Then we would totaly be surprised, I guess.

$50! Thats how much it is over there?

I no the currency things but tht still seems alot

$50 would be cheap in the UK sad.gif


it'd probably retails about possibly $60+ which is £35 or so. The UK is a rip rip riiip off. (which is why I import smile.gif)

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