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Problems flying on PC

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Hey, This is my first post and ive been lurking the boards for a few now. But i got the PC version of Vice City and on the mission "Demolition Man" by Avery Carrington i cant seem to fly the RC plane. I can go up, Go down, Turn left and right but i cant go forward or reverse...


And on the mission "Dildo Dido" for the Porn Studio i cant fly that sea plane either, I cant get it off the ground, I can go forward but i cant get it off the ground.


Sorry if this sounds stupid but i cant figure it out, Thanks for any help.

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If you start using numpad 6 and 9 as well you should manage to fly the helicopers and the seaplane. It's the same buttons as for weelie and stoppie on the bikes. You will soon enough figure out which one is what, coz I don't bother to check:P I think numpad 9 is to tilt the helicopter forward, and also making it go forward, and vice versa.


Just practise. I can't rememer how many times I failed that damn 'Demolition Man' mission, but once you get the hang of it, it like driving a bike..


If you still got problems, post again.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Dork Lord Of The Sick

I'm finding the seaplane mission much harder than the toy chopper one, annoying as that was. I've looked around, but can't find much good advice. Can anyone offer assistance for completing this mission on PC? Good routes, or ways to make the plane more responsive, anything really. Even any cheats that might help, I'm well sick of this one now... rampage_ani.gif

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I'm finding the seaplane mission much harder than the toy chopper one, annoying as that was. I've looked around, but can't find much good advice. Can anyone offer assistance for completing this mission on PC? Good routes, or ways to make the plane more responsive, anything really. Even any cheats that might help, I'm well sick of this one now... rampage_ani.gif

Well, you can try wolf's advice...



You can also visit the Save N Play topic and submit your saved game there and someone will do it for you.


Otherwise, I'd try to just remember where all the checkpoints go, so you can do them one right after another.

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Also on the seaplane misson.

try to do more big turns not to tigth that will help you a bit and go upp and down to make speed. me i found out that seaplane mission was fun after i miss one of my try then all in one go. and the keay pads are 9 and 6

press w and 9 after you get some speed press 6 it help in the start if you do a dive but dont it the water so you get some speed.

well Good Luck

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For "Demolition Man" you need to change the controls the parenthesis indicate what you should change on the options menu


increase altitude(foward) : left click

decrease altitude(reverse) : right click

foward(turret up/lean foward) : W

backward(turrent down/lean back) : S

turn left(look left/turret left) : A

turn right(look right/turret right) : D

drop explosives(fire) : space


When I used these controls, I was able to beat "Demolition Man" in three tries sigh.gif

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