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i have done Malibu missions, Phil's missions, Haitian's and Cuban's... so hmm... When do i get more missions? i bought Cherry Popper and its boring as hell -_-, the taxi thing sucks too... what to do? tell me...


+ there are NO phone calls bored.gifwhatsthat.gif


uh yea and wheres Lance gone? and when i can do Film Studio missions??

Edited by Drizz
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nightwalker--You can't purchase film studio till you complete the vercetti mission "shakedown" after killing Diaz


There are missions after purchasing assets--


Malibu, Kaufmann cabs, Printworks, Interglobal Film Studio-- do all the missions for these to "complete" them (get them to generate money)


You also need to complete the other assets that are purchaseable-- Pole Position, Cherry poppers, Boat Yard, and Sunshine autos


Pole Position-- Spend at least $300 on a stripper in the back room

Cherry Poppers-- sell 50 "drugs" in a row

Boat Yard-- win race "checkpoint charlie"

Sunshine autos-- complete at least 1 of the stollen car lists (located behind the showroom to the right of the street race board).


There should also be missions available at the Vercetti mansion-- if the mansion is generating cash, then these have been done.


Completing Vercetti missions, Printworks, and any other 5 assets will open up the final story missions.


Other side missions can be done for Mitch baker and Love Fist if you haven't done them yet.

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To Pole Position from Malibu club-- head south-- where road splits at first light--keep going straight (as opposed to bearing right)-- it will be on your right at a corner-- about a block south of "collars and cuffs"---look for the "racing color theme"-- this is kind of a take off of the video game Pole Position-- a great name for a strip club tounge.gif

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