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Demarest banned

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Pursuant to his earlier demodding, further investigation has revealed a gross abuse of his powers amounting to misleading super administrators, threatening and harassing members, etc... We have no way of telling exactly how many people have been erroneously affected but please accept our appologies for letting this situation occur. Rest assured we will try our hardest to ensure such a thing never happens again.


With this in mind, Demarest has been removed from the recent member awards, in case anyone was wondering what the hold up is.

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WTF? You know you guys are gonna get some serious sh*t unless you provide some proof (I know you don't have to, but just to let us see your side at least). I really hope there is a good reason and I'm always open, but right now I am in shock. First de-modded, then banned? After all he's done for this forum I sincerely hope you guys had a good reason. I have faith in the Admins and Mods here, but this just seems over the top.


Edit. After looking at the topic title I'm thinking (and hoping) this is a joke. It looks like something you would pull so who knows?

Edited by Big Slow
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Can you tell us how he harrassed members, mislead other staff 'n stuff? confused.gif

This really sucks.


Oh, and to the practical side of things: do the people who voted for him get their vote back, now that he's removed?

Speaking of which, why was he removed? It was for the best mod of 2004, and he was a mod for the best part of it... even if he is banned now.

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exactly as big said.... he's a HUGE asset to this community... having him banned is like cutting off your own f*cking arm.



cutting off your own arm results in massive blood loss and likely death.


How is banning a member like that?

ok, well, cutting off your arm then having it stiched up & stuff so you don't die, just left without an arm bored.gif

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exactly as big said.... he's a HUGE asset to this community... having him banned is like cutting off your own f*cking arm.



cutting off your own arm results in massive blood loss and likely death.


How is banning a member like that?

Don't be foolish. Think of it like having an arm amputated then.


Come chat with CD

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Hmm. Just goes to show that what goes around, will eventually come around. It was weird reading a topic, clicking to the next page, and seeing demarest had been starred and banned. Oh well, it seems like the admins had a good enough reason to ban him. Edited by DaEllum67
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