Barguast Posted January 4, 2005 Share Posted January 4, 2005 (edited) Please do not PM me about these codes - I don't own an Action Replay or a Gameshark so I cannot provide support if they don't work.  Master Code  This code must be entered before any of the others   - Action Replay Max (PAL) Action Replay Max (NTSC) Gameshark v3 Master Code J936-6RN2-R5UH41UU5-D83Z-ABVJN DMFZ-MCT8-E4Q8G  9V8Z-XGVC-1GWC6990H-WK1H-EJQQM 98495ACF 789CFB15 Player Codes  - Action Replay Max (PAL) Action Replay Max (NTSC) Gameshark v3 Infinite Health HWG8-XAJ3-E37TQTU40-0HVA-CHQVE 3X0P-09U0-9MMFC PUA5-KJFF-AZFEZ HR8P-EEWZ-F08Y1VVG0-49TN-6VKDV QDFP-YZ4Y-VW4EN T4WR-B767-4U1KR 283CE3F7 6413F97C Infinite Money CB1R-ZERC-DN953JY30-BR0U-59N5K 8YF2-0EBF-NPBJE DW8G-VCHH-RC18R7CKY-JU2W-FT26E 3UZG-MFX6-AQUB7 286ABA68 B46AC23E286ABAD6 B46AC23E Infinite Ammo NUVY-59Q1-2KU60AAAC-JW47-UEZQA B9QH-FGA3-AW58XARRU-2PWQ-PMRFW 280948CF 0CA57A6528094888 0CA57A65 28091340 0CA57A65 280913E6 0CA57A65 Keep Weapons whenBusted / Wasted P3BR-0AG1-259PAMMX0-7QM5-8MACR 1NJE-04XD-FZD3U WVRH-8XKH-4A335MMX0-7QM5-8MACR 1NJE-04XD-FZD3U 2803A976 F8AA7AF12803A964 0CA57A65 999,999 DancingPoints P8PG-E9DY-VUUJ53DHW-3BC9-3V4CM 93VC-RG44-QGU7XHH99-TAK8-TFPF4 20802340 05F5E0FF High Jump 0ZZA-J8NQ-X00U1EVRM-0BNA-F6EXV 2EKD-HJZ6-X4YU2 394J-M7GF-1RDMW6VKV-8TGA-J6KRE V4YU-T9YM-15BBC 283E8CB6 01428F65 Higher Jump 0ZZA-J8NQ-X00U1UMYG-G67U-FQ4NE GB25-0747-PH78D 394J-M7GF-1RDMWVABH-QJTX-THJTH WFM5-P7K7-GP3QW 283E8CB6 01428F2D Vehicle Codes  - Action Replay Max (PAL) Action Replay Max (NTSC) Gameshark v3 No Car Damage QKWE-BTKG-MU104D2N3-29A2-Y5BV5 9GE9-1X7N-0W7A8 JH0X-2AMV-BR4V2D2N3-29A2-Y5BV5 9GE9-1X7N-0W7A8 280ED80C F8AA7AF1280ED872 0CA57A65 Nitro Boost (Cars) F78N-6QCD-WBPT0MDR9-A4VB-5XRX8 XWYY-4MC8-A5RFBMDR9-A4VB-5XRX8 2014BC00 00000000 Nitro Boost (Bikes) HPEN-XYKR-RYPB3BBFT-EP5H-2B2KK X4ZU-9TC6-GG3JAT8CZ-TZMX-8MQFY 20326CE4 00000000 Free Pay n' Spray C0HX-JYPW-NHBH5VGVY-DVG6-29CAY P8FB-ZHKV-BVTJT2GRB-6GRN-3GDE0 0066BF90 00000001 Free Bombs CP00-RUY6-8NP7HDHZU-7TWT-TWDRJ KCC9-WFAJ-WB6Z2H8GX-P3HT-MYAMM 0066BF8C 00000001 Hitman Weapon Skill  - Action Replay Max (PAL) Action Replay Max (NTSC) Gameshark v3 Pistol 52CN-HTW6-BDAM96ZK4-TW71-DTT9J X8M6-CHGA-N6XWQ54UQ-MMDM-DPMR4 289A5EAE B1277A65 Silenced Pistol XD9Y-DJ81-5XHJX2UTT-N4BK-MTU82 9NJT-F86H-TNT3YHZ3G-K8VG-RNPF2 289A5E82 B1277A65 Desert Eagle NGZ6-MFQ8-M9W25CNHN-KW43-KGWX9 0J11-VD1Z-CWHRXFQFJ-GW7T-E8X96 289A5E73 B1277A65 Shotgun AYPE-4KKF-MUQJCNMF6-D69G-RXRQ1 ZA66-V668-NJM1FTVY4-NJXR-TDNZW 289A5E5A B1277A65 Sawn-off Shotgun GB4T-XEXT-7WPD56646-2R9E-J2BPY 4988-VH3N-DT4GXA1PB-TN8C-FFA5F 289A5EF9 B1277A65 Combat Shotgun KD79-MJJD-8C546VEFT-D513-G6HAP  9D2Y-URG1-24TCMBTPB-G8M0-6EYF2 289A5EE0 B1277A65 Machine Pistol CP8Q-46G2-3H3UX7717-QB1Z-55NDT VDHF-NUJ4-NJW2ZDT34-68F8-DHAMC 289A5E86 B1277A65 SMG QEX4-7XG8-FC023422G-G4GZ-CNJFT RYPK-4A5A-2EYRGDPUK-DF9T-1YX8H 289A5E2E B1277A65 AK47 MKN9-VN3R-NAXD138UK-MD0M-3M4B3 8HG5-0JW9-49NPYZCBN-VH1M-VTUUE 289A5EA9 B1277A65 M4 WZQZ-8MYX-TWXNZ1GXG-RWB1-YAKME WATT-XTNB-C32H7ZE2K-2HKE-8A1P0 289A5E55 B1277A65 Player Stats  - Action Replay Max (PAL) Action Replay Max (NTSC) Gameshark v3 Maximum Fat 3WT3-KT2D-3N4JMP3G5-QENY-VPHD3 7FMR-NRK2-0ZDC6UF9Q-FAQE-HPYZ5 289A0668 B1277A65 Minimum Fat 8ZER-YX20-VGURQG1U6-6NU1-YFH7B GMJD-B1TP-MRQWUBPCY-9YHE-E0280 289A0668 0CA57A65 Maximum Respect N3RG-8NVT-FDKVZPYYT-PZUU-DGA0M Y7U1-6U3Z-NGRC7NX34-U36A-PCFX6 289A5EE6 B1277A65 Maximum Stamina ACRP-Q1AY-6TYK3E96Q-3VJU-3XFPD FF4K-H7JM-A7129W2VD-RYNB-W3TGJ 289A06D6 B1277A65 Maximum Muscle ZK9A-52YB-G3054BRYE-M012-JBD0V 4N4R-08BQ-C1W6EFK2P-U78C-Y4RYT 289A066D B1277A65 Maximum Lung Capacity TEY1-WTBV-D2A5R1XXK-XX2N-QE2PW 962J-HTH6-73KHFDGGB-J7NV-2G4H2 289A3DB1 B1277A65 Maximum Flying Skill UARK-F1F5-J701TEQBZ-WVFP-UB466 N4ED-ZB5W-F29JQ40XM-A29Q-UZJ1D 289A3D3A 0CA5E4F6 Maximum Bike Skill CTYB-BVUJ-KHMNV11KG-2JDW-JT2Y4 5B3N-P9Q8-F13RUE07U-UC2P-G43A0 289A3D93 0CA5E4F6 Maximum Cycling Skill AHA1-08HB-CBVETC8VY-CFC5-GMVR5 DAP3-AFX8-R9BUZZMK2-DNQA-945AA 289A3DE9 0CA5E4F6 Maximum Driving Skill UT4H-ZTA4-8Y3UJU1FM-NMAM-H4TPF XVQ8-N0DA-7732V5D16-ZE71-MCHGE 289A85AF 0CA5E4F6 Maximum Luck BCBY-6YDY-JVQ54AJH4-09QP-W0NTU GJZ5-D0KA-CXN6DF3G4-ZXBH-82K9K  289A3DAE 1CD1A03E Game Speed  - Action Replay Max (PAL) Action Replay Max (NTSC) Gameshark v3 1/4 Speed Q003-3EAA-X2XBNT8KB-53C8-154BC F8K0-19RW-M2VQ4ZD71-83N0-7NRPT 287C8954 43E87A65 1/2 Speed Y1BY-6BTY-BDZAD8A9F-PUVA-0JUZB 6Q5G-V3CM-VDQUTTR5B-A3EH-EJAPT 287C8954 FCA57A65 2x Speed 809U-K2KU-8YW27MYH5-R108-UCJBH EGTF-VBAN-W6JFH35ZR-PCJW-EGZ2N 287C8954 AFA57A65 4x Speed XD11-U1K7-Y4FMHNPA8-6PQW-QBBXG 26AU-TD7V-NFTJEG8HW-86WK-Y8PDW 287C8954 AFE87A65 Hidden Items  - Action Replay Max (PAL) Action Replay Max (NTSC) Gameshark v3 All Tags Sprayed A4KR-AAX2-QJ0BXBNMT-FGJ2-WH9TG 6V64-4D69-G92WXNXUD-KF8A-44WFY 287C8CCF 0CA57AB1 All Photos Taken YE3X-8C4R-UPUC60GJA-Z9PN-Q2BUW Z29M-08Y0-BCC3CW7BP-GAUY-G4DVG 289A3D51 0CA57AE8 All Oysters Collected GQCJ-139C-NW164J07W-QYTZ-WJ4C3 JANC-3NMR-Z9UBT63UV-E34K-8P7H4 289A3DFB 0CA57AE8 All Horseshoes Collected ZBVC-7GZT-FY2VG1QHK-MB1U-GXNGF UZM6-VGA5-F522TGZXG-EY9B-FKUXT 289A3DA9 0CA57AE8 Spawn Andromada The following code changes the Spawn Romero cheat so that the Andromada is spawned instead   - Action Replay Max (PAL) Action Replay Max (NTSC) Gameshark v3 Replace cheat code 8KX6-CV60-8BQMYXHCG-78FM-GX86G 2D0K-3H2X-GARAE5ZEW-4MDU-Q35X6 2059EBD4 24040250 Spawn Romero cheat :  Walk through Walls  Press and to activate this cheat, and and to deactivate it.   - Action Replay Max (PAL) Action Replay Max (NTSC) Gameshark v3 Enable Walk through Walls controls UAX8-ADV9-BRDGHPRCE-EJNY-6FFAR QAKX-21NM-R5DME 8CB2-AV76-ZHMP9 PM9U-ZEDA-DTWWB NRA7-ND0K-2R92UU9TY-9U9H-847B7 QAKX-21NM-R5DME QW4H-TAW2-Q0AXB PM9U-ZEDA-DTWWB D400BF37 BE381C0E24909728 34F4517C D400BF27 BF385C06 249497BC B4E65974 Unlimited Jetpack Height  - Action Replay Max (PAL) Action Replay Max (NTSC) Gameshark v3 Unlimited JetpackHeight QEV6-PTCF-814EGV8YR-XBTR-XHH34 HW3F-ZP82-3YGR0 B6BF-0NBM-N5X3T 2V43-KT9J-J3XJHKX13-2Y9F-7VNN0 QCXT-15GA-TTC1R TD9X-QUQW-TFNE8 14C09974 16BC8126D402BF37 BF381D06 14D09974 1EBC8124 Mission Select Codes To activate get into a Police Vehicle and Press "R3". There will be a slight pause and then it will load up the mission. Only activate ONE code at a time otherwise the game will crash. Thanks to Psy for hacking the original AR2 Codes, and ChaosAlert for helping me convert them all to ARMax / Gameshark.   Mission Action Replay Max (PAL) Action Replay Max (NTSC) Gameshark v3 Los SantosIntroduction 68YQ-WF7D-HDWD8CQFR-NCYT-TABBD FN5E-4Z7R-VC9WM 7DEY-YH4U-U2DDWN0YR-QM2B-6Y58X MWQB-PTBQ-FU9MV 04D09668 16B0E5EA04909468 16B0C5DA Big Smoke QAT7-2YH5-9HR4VQG65-YRN2-PF76W KYUX-DU8B-X98CU 5DU3-R1WE-Y3ZG2ZVTN-759D-H396G 53YK-YYXW-7TQY0 0450966A 16B0E5EA0410946A 16B0C5DA Ryder 0NFX-FNUZ-7UP4VC3CF-WJVG-Y105W DRGG-3M97-KT5UW NFQG-GQT0-M5Y22234A-D4K2-EHV7J FPZ9-HGWT-MJZBZ 04D0966A 96B0E5E80490946A 96B0C5D8 Tagging Up Turf FBFM-FWP4-8F2V0FG1X-T2EQ-U727G Z601-87UB-6PV2X CM49-RCWA-G61PWTVHJ-YUUH-2FGX4 RRG6-XKVM-79274 0450966A 96B0E5E80410946A 96B0C5D8 Cleaning the Hood VJUB-T6XT-4ME444B55-HXA6-RU1H3 K5J6-NEXD-X4QN5 GY2W-QRB0-80XRP9MGM-FKGN-G8EE3 5FUF-A8FT-3BVC3 04D0966A 96B0E5EA0490946A 96B0C5DA Drive-Thru ZJYK-JWD6-XKWJAUFR7-A6G4-FQWEF CHPD-229C-40EH9 F68A-1A2G-BVVECT073-40NK-0N02W D743-RCQE-CUUE8 0450966A 96B0E5EA0410946A 96B0C5DA Nines and AK's JMC2-C9YQ-PF3VFNNKC-F61D-G8424 YACR-X3HU-Z7XQP YMGQ-TWEK-8PE69AXWB-KJ3Q-9P681 UM0H-4R9C-62NBU 04D0966C 16B0E5E80490946C 16B0C5D8 Drive-By BDEE-J9WW-D14QPK9G1-PT7R-T31R0 F35A-X54W-AFTDC XWYA-R5X4-P7563RM40-V4QM-BU2NJ REKJ-YV4D-7CZ1G 0450966C 16B0E5E80410946C 16B0C5D8 Sweet's Girl 87TX-CKAK-QWNTVZUQ5-38W7-ACPP2 A9XA-R142-4YJF9 YJV7-NE9H-RAAN0TH1G-GGR1-94QBC REJ2-XVBT-X1Z3H 04D0966C 16B0E5EA0490946C 16B0C5DA Cesar Vialpando KKQV-CMEN-8U2VE6P87-UDYB-9WP47 DW47-71P2-4E4TQ 85F9-JRFG-QD2R93G4D-FJEN-Y8UKC 1ZKW-FTTJ-GAM86 0450966C 16B0E5EA0410946C 16B0C5DA Los Sepulcros R623-CBEU-FNMYNHHM3-F53W-XNJE2 K2HD-9VMG-BH2WB 85F9-JRFG-QD2R93G4D-FJEN-Y8UKC 1ZKW-FTTJ-GAM86 04D0966C 96B0E5E80490946C 96B0C5D8 Doberman NNVX-HAGE-W559DYJF5-5C3J-UWK26 6QTU-G22J-4MDPV J2P9-9J7D-279BBQ4C7-GGF6-89QJ8 0VAU-VJPF-T2FWZ 0450966C 96B0E5E80410946C 96B0C5D8 Burning Desire V04Z-X7F5-500M7QE44-2QVU-P6DRB QNPP-V8MQ-H54W6 16MA-QA45-DZZV2EJKE-0ACN-X9U7R KX4V-84C7-X3PK7 04D0966C 96B0E5EA0490946C 96B0C5DA Gray Imports 4FDF-Z59U-VMKG3Z30T-32TU-BEKB4 PG9E-J2J9-W9PC5 5H4H-RKNH-1H40GBKAQ-FV0J-X75K5 DR7T-5U1F-9P3TU 0450966C 96B0E5EA0410946C 96B0C5DA Home Invasion EZU8-85AQ-7HZKXDY4R-24T9-AADQC D7AB-Y1JG-EQN5Z VX8H-M2R0-BWXTT6MA9-5R79-V56QP F7QN-UUH1-0839J 04D0966E 16B0E5E80490946E 16B0C5D8 Catalyst HFC8-RJ2V-VTV3E3VC1-40J3-C9KJB ZRDY-UEJ3-EMATH VZBQ-58ZN-3WRKBM1YD-NV9V-UDK1W WXCQ-40RF-BQ1ZB 0450966E 16B0E5E80410946E 16B0C5D8 Robbing Uncle Sam CJD3-GC5U-XFEVAAGTZ-D4WV-PB0K7 0JTG-5WAK-BWGX1 KTNC-MZZZ-9VKYU4RD4-5H1V-DKCDE F14A-16Z6-WTQ9A 04D0966E 16B0E5EA0490946E 16B0C5DA OG Loc C8RH-WUV8-GN7PVKK54-1ZEU-9QJ1C GQZ7-U3N8-PR6NR ZEAX-QMEH-VUCWWFBBM-8UCG-WKBCY G32E-GNNP-CMJKF 0450966E 16B0E5EA0410946E 16B0C5DA Running Dog 5K2N-J8FZ-XD94UCMGV-VA7P-YB1YT 237E-2KP7-XNK8M VAV9-8PYK-KZ8JAHB17-P89K-QM1NA R1R6-CZNV-H3NHA 04D0966E 96B0E5E80490946E 96B0C5D8 Wrong side of the Tracks 78CD-PY8Z-QRBUM76KG-XDKK-9E9G9 U8XP-GVQ7-5R9VB 6P8M-5Z7J-VA7HZAPN6-5T2E-BZTU7 H64H-BB1W-M3XVE 0450966E 96B0E5E80410946E 96B0C5D8 Just Business 79M0-YX27-X8WP5PEJG-ZKT1-UM8FB YYW9-NH3J-ERPAA BG7T-P2FV-5V82Y60Z8-UMAP-XHETA 7EUH-6Q5V-8MTWY 04D0966E 96B0E5EA0490946E 96B0C5DA Life's a Beach R0HE-EDH3-2Z8C90956-7DVX-J948F UTV4-087B-9EM94 KPV7-81R5-DYN6G59V2-00MY-5TDAZ ZHKY-1HW6-Q799D 0450966E 96B0E5EA0410946E 96B0C5DA Madd Dogg's Rhymes ZWUG-X8QB-MZ4T838XV-Q6WE-32XCF XTDR-N6EM-PHX13 XQ90-8K3F-YWB55BQ2C-BUQJ-6BBX5 5KPR-MHBP-PHAD6 04D09668 1EB0E5E804909468 1EB0C5D8 Management Issues Z966-0BM6-J71EBWYN7-XPD0-V6J38 R293-2DTF-A9VTE CUTZ-XPCE-R1G5W9PW1-UQDZ-6UH2C HJJ5-6WQD-EMRFD 04509668 1EB0E5E804109468 1EB0C5D8 House Party RK8J-KDF9-FE9K96MFK-XX8M-C893P B1A0-ANYA-H1611 XVM6-NG29-RM48813HR-X3FK-5NKKU 3JWE-VWR8-8CNJ3 04D09668 1EB0E5EA04909468 1EB0C5DA High Stakes, Low Rider JUBE-4YYC-X432C6N0K-BY0A-Q9R9D HNZM-FYYM-71ZMP KRR2-BXK3-30U2FY074-XAZ5-VQ3W6 1HZ1-MF3C-HRNW2 04D09668 9EB0E5E804909468 9EB0C5D8 Reuniting the Families AB31-99P2-4PKATG8CZ-5WRT-2N7B4 NVQ6-MKM5-A6072 A12X-XX95-MYHE4MHVE-EAXM-BMQT0 DPMU-JDYX-JFWHB 04509668 9EB0E5E804109468 9EB0C5D8 The Green Sabre YG7P-MT69-4EYBT6CT5-PTDD-NU3U5 YNPV-B56J-5TB5U R7XH-WDRW-ZJYW3RFC2-FTYA-KPTC4 Q7YT-AGWR-A28TP 04D09668 9EB0E5EA04909468 9EB0C5DA Badlands / Red CountyBadlands R3P6-59AN-HVG5PXPJJ-A7W8-1PEKH MDT4-VYCT-FPN5J TWJN-FTY0-FYYW8AF1T-PWTA-5KBA2 B1U6-5AYU-T5K0Q 04509668 9EB0E5EA04109468 9EB0C5DA Local Liquor Store 686U-UM3Q-MJ6F85104-NXB6-B6Q20 PX0B-6E9Y-UJRDP DHFZ-TNEA-WVN1A8FPR-50B1-DTCFX 5G0R-46UH-D3N51 0450966A 1EB0E5E80410946A 1EB0C5D8 Small Time Bank D3C9-RBT5-RP92NWGGK-NVGZ-JUQ2T K1VV-VDP8-QF8CX JKF2-7G0H-F6FBEPVA6-RXZA-ZD76U 5BHJ-1D3D-4MZMY 04D0966A 1EB0E5EA0490946A 1EB0C5DA Tanker Commander BTK6-DEQF-RKXUN7DMR-PET4-8C9KC 92E8-X4HH-QCR06 X97K-4EAR-T7FM0UDMA-PUD0-XYJPQ 3ZCC-P4YR-WRW2C 0450966A 1EB0E5EA0410946A 1EB0C5DA Against all Odds V29P-9EK7-QTBUCA817-T8G9-Q1NE2 VHGE-YBR8-TVJH2 8JWN-Q7DC-KT5H89ATC-UC0Z-C9M7M BMUT-48TX-R27X6 04D0966A 9EB0E5E80490946A 9EB0C5D8 Whetstone / Flint CountyKing in Exile K4H1-X4XP-KAVUDTFNX-XDUB-JJEM6 8GR0-P00C-14YXP VU77-XQVD-Z49X6KU8V-U5PF-ATFBE A6MH-X411-J1VA0 0450966A 9EB0E5E80410946A 9EB0C5D8 Body Harvest 7ZCJ-7TJY-JJPVKTQPC-JD7J-MFYG1 FXZP-T75J-EHQ7C TGCZ-1KKM-B0YQT583Y-TEAE-ZTPY7 P6KM-URG0-79759 04D0966A 9EB0E5EA0490946A 9EB0C5DA Are You Going To San Fierro? 4AG9-623H-EWCTXJ5N2-JH15-2RM48 XQVK-N3N6-J8AK7 34EQ-NCRY-EYUGYC45G-Z5DN-486EY CEPY-Z77Z-078KT 0450966A 9EB0E5EA0410946A 9EB0C5DA San FierroWear Flowers In Your Hair EPV9-Z0RH-8MDTXNY35-ET96-7W4A5 WYJT-VH1E-2KMHQ EYHJ-VYYM-5NWVKRPW1-DDJA-1ET0F TM5E-8D67-RJJ6G 0450966C 1EB0E5E80410946C 1EB0C5D8 Deconstruction 4PVP-8V8U-552KQG6BX-PHPW-X3VWX YHUY-U0ZH-B821K YGFD-X0Z3-TX0DWHFJW-KZW1-ET172 DNJT-UA04-0YQJG 04D0966C 1EB0E5EA0490946C 1EB0C5DA 555-WE-TIP NP6M-146K-0FBF6D0QZ-42UN-MFZG5 2HWJ-5R0B-CTZCT PP56-G33Y-E3DQTWYFF-HT6W-52VP4 AVAG-10PQ-KPJ7F 0450966C 1EB0E5EA0410946C 1EB0C5DA Snail Trail HRNC-V6KQ-8NJ78Z1VF-ZR4R-YE051 5TDB-Q2QG-69D1U 73C9-23FY-UNE02VYTU-T87C-9N6FA AQN6-P511-KCXKC 04D0966C 9EB0E5E80490946C 9EB0C5D8 Mountain Cloud Boys 9K74-57JE-ZRF5A1RFK-HH06-HWQ6U CTGT-99WA-RZNEP XUEX-A87M-NFAE63PWD-GHDG-P06PF H305-YUQ5-YVU4N 0450966C 9EB0E5E80410946C 9EB0C5D8 Ran Fa Li ND2F-4ZXT-2WYYAUJYW-XAX1-YK81H P0RY-8R8N-P2HCH 33W7-JUT7-RQ9BMJ7DM-KJ98-BB92K PA8U-W6Q2-EF0Z2 04D0966C 9EB0E5EA0490946C 9EB0C5DA Lure Y6D2-PJJB-8WH8UEG0B-PVQU-XJJT9 45QV-VT1P-HZPZU 2DA0-7H9E-NB5E4F37F-T85W-45XA7 CQMD-EHUY-TZQP5 0450966C 9EB0E5EA0410946C 9EB0C5DA Amphibious Assault 7FPY-DT54-2Z9AK2JX2-8T9Q-FCJA6 ZA3R-JDDA-KZ18N W2F7-VD9D-KFV78YM0Z-HW49-D629B J4RD-ECVA-KZ6RN 04D0966E 1EB0E5E80490946E 1EB0C5D8 The Da Nang Thang Q5AM-VWDH-0Y6889436-AZT6-056H8 BJBF-HMP9-938WK KTNZ-EXZ2-89W8616F5-Q4WY-0K0BN CB5B-JB91-9QK5K 0450966E 1EB0E5E80410946E 1EB0C5D8 Photo Opportunity 30MM-CJCN-TNN3JG0RR-NWCT-DYZQX 2M0M-0QDB-GMEJ1 6P7Y-NA3W-2MPY0WQCW-V93V-TNTYE TQ8K-AX7K-EXTQU 04D0966E 1EB0E5EA0490946E 1EB0C5DA Jizzy UW62-NJ3Y-0N95Z1PMA-MRRY-3RMYC 49Y0-6UDF-GW7BD PN1H-X3K7-DQRE48DV4-GHJW-YJF7Q JHH9-E3W2-7QUVP 0450966E 1EB0E5EA0410946E 1EB0C5DA Outrider FY33-14PY-3PU8FXMKZ-T73A-V5WRG 20QV-3BU6-795D7 UZQ5-GMYR-GXMXMHYEF-U6VF-5WGKW RA46-WCF5-FHDBR 04D0966E 9EB0E5E80490946E 9EB0C5D8 Ice Cold Killa XNC0-XEHY-V119JYPC5-JVWC-N0Q7J EJTK-RF21-VCJX7 BVT7-B2C6-DMZXDCVG3-RKEN-NZ0KD C2RG-TWNC-C38Q3 0450966E 9EB0E5E80410946E 9EB0C5D8 Toreno's Last Flight 1MKM-B9M0-YRZNZGE5D-AK3H-3EE9X 405P-V8MY-5YGU7 AK2N-ZHYH-XKTN8U4N2-7069-NE2KB 5PTR-H9FD-17F8X 04D0966E 9EB0E5EA0490946E 9EB0C5DA Yay Ka Boom Boom EA44-P59G-807ZV062B-7BPQ-YUBNX 9ACM-5VG8-4QUA5 KKVF-7RC6-CKNWXF9CY-YA7C-PW020 EN6W-YQ7F-C7F0E 0450966E 9EB0E5EA0410946E 9EB0C5DA Pier 69 AJHW-M16K-02QMFFJE7-V0DR-6GN1A U9JE-RQHY-CG0VT 9EBE-YVBA-BPVA968P7-RHEU-W9DTM UZRG-CJDW-MV79H 04C09668 16B0E5E804809468 16B0C5D8 T-Bone Mendez GC7V-768B-H3PK40QH2-8JWX-V1H3A JHMD-RPU7-1W7TC GEQ6-0JRP-Q4MGUKFEW-ZGD8-R937Y 2UQK-K270-2XNXV 04409668 16B0E5E804009468 16B0C5D8 Mike Toreno 2NZM-ZGK9-7G5MJEXC3-PE4Z-QTFHF MT87-N8FM-UK477 2BW9-Z9EY-JXMYE1HG8-15GH-ABP8F U3NY-Q0FR-31YN9 04C09668 16B0E5EA04809468 16B0C5DA Zeroing in 7RRV-NQCH-HA2P68K7Z-C1NV-CQC6M V3WA-GJUV-HKZBJ DBQ1-AHZU-0HXYZUT30-DUAH-ET18A VH80-B7N9-BNHM6 04409668 16B0E5EA04009468 16B0C5DA Test Drive X08A-31KG-YWA498FMY-FKZC-65UC5 Z694-D9XJ-BG6GY DETW-BDH5-XHT97DTZM-05PM-BJU5X G16W-G941-J3WDX 04C09668 96B0E5E804809468 96B0C5D8 Customs Fast Track GF2E-U3RK-NREUXRT10-K0HY-7UX57 BEEP-AXPN-TVP99 4EXK-ZAVF-5874KRTE5-4A1F-1B1GV B4Y0-8G2J-Y5D71 04409668 96B0E5E804009468 96B0C5D8 Puncture Wounds QA4R-TVP6-AD4XTHG12-6N6W-541DQ 51HP-YP0Y-3ACJP MFC4-830J-UJ6G9VT3D-ZNRW-NTH76 ACZ4-8MGT-55ZXA 04C09668 96B0E5EA04809468 96B0C5DA Air Raid CC6T-VVX2-HEV9E3GM4-JB09-U38YG EFZR-5RAB-5W6ZE E23A-20V4-BR2AXKURR-1HE1-TVTN3 EEKX-UQF7-MH5RG 04C0966A 16B0E5E80480946A 16B0C5D8 Supply Lines 0RRB-3WHQ-GF2061KU5-H4XY-HY21Y ENQ8-4C50-YJKM2 QNPR-FUTK-QDF36PFHD-43UZ-N8CDQ JM0J-WN7C-XQQTF 0440966A 16B0E5E80400946A 16B0C5D8 New Model Army UF6Z-QMA8-CMMW04EG7-M55T-EVRF3 E5HR-1D9K-AVQY0 77EM-2X4X-E8QGV2MRF-NJTV-AHCRT DYQT-HFZA-WKFDJ 04C0966A 16B0E5EA0480946A 16B0C5DA Bone CountyMonster NUPM-Z2F3-YGCP4HHAY-6E5Z-B2TN3 ET8J-1QF6-K3W0Y 90M4-ZB3P-JFAH9V7DY-UWQY-FKAU5 76DR-WKBN-U47V1 0440966A 16B0E5EA0400946A 16B0C5DA Highjack ZN76-JTB1-FHVEG8MQ3-QWMP-GHHMV Y669-W3V9-Z5ADT 8ZRC-ZK6M-UAFXTG1NN-PJPM-6FF9V YWNB-VAGJ-F64BV 04C0966A 96B0E5E80480946A 96B0C5D8 Interdiction YU7T-52V5-AA5698MQA-2YZJ-9KZRG 3YHM-1Q7T-4A1X8 44BC-NTD1-7964867XZ-9MAV-3BCKM EQVY-MJVJ-1AQQJ 0440966A 96B0E5E80400946A 96B0C5D8 Verdant Meadows RN05-HPRP-WR0MQFV7H-0JFZ-3GCRK YBJA-V0P9-Q1MN3 8N0U-A93J-1G5KQ67QC-0AC1-W6UKD 04WY-J21C-7Z6NB 04C0966A 96B0E5EA0480946A 96B0C5DA N.O.E. 80DU-2R5G-NT7XQP2QR-B3X4-FZV2Q GP86-3J34-G5ZEB GDN9-81JP-4K1PANDM7-18F1-CXQM6 9V1W-H3J9-W8YC6 0440966A 96B0E5EA0400946A 96B0C5DA Stowaway AUFK-M4HF-Q06EFGECK-ZVAD-KCYK4 1G10-RA5K-DNDGM FM1D-VY6V-XNZBP3YE0-WPR1-VKGQ9 W04J-PPGW-6J3E7 04C0966C 16B0E5E80480946C 16B0C5D8 The Black Project C5RQ-DHJW-633FAQV7V-V2PX-Z9D1C E5WQ-3YEQ-VNQ50 6TER-27BJ-97VBUM0UB-C036-XENNE XM7B-VUWC-RX7MT 0440966C 16B0E5E80400946C 16B0C5D8 Green Goo 53J9-UAPC-ZDE4XJK18-KQW4-DHVUC Z2UV-W48C-KPENH 9XDK-EY3T-5DVJT395E-Z7XE-K29KE WA0Z-874G-2Z93R 04C0966C 16B0E5EA0480946C 16B0C5DA Las VenturasFender Ketchup 1XPD-YTXD-HT0WZXXGE-H7U8-071QZ BUMJ-1DYW-4NPF0 HWMH-W49Q-8MH4WEAT4-P38E-E9K1B DZQ9-HBVT-T4PTR 04C0966C 96B0E5E80480946C 96B0C5D8 Explosive Situation 14QW-JVNX-AG2H05YTX-5XYW-UV2FC VQ6D-VMCP-3F0UT 4YB6-5T3Z-YGGDBUHAR-JJ3K-BQ6KQ QEZ6-VC2V-ZRAJF 0440966C 96B0E5E80400946C 96B0C5D8 You've Had Your Chips WU61-T170-WBBN06GE4-3P0A-WX58H D8HJ-7FQ8-ZYPW1 WR02-EFDG-BP6VKT25Y-1K48-YD8RR J1HK-BM9K-P5BCV 04C0966C 96B0E5EA0480946C 96B0C5DA Don Peyote JMT4-0GA3-688XE8TBD-73EA-PPXNP KC6K-YYF9-8T27M N502-XQYR-FPRVK52G7-333A-PZTRM 1T7T-1VF5-5F6K5 04C0966E 16B0E5E80480946E 16B0C5D8 Intensive Care CGNN-YCDJ-BNFNKYWYG-BUCZ-0XPBW 1J9V-U7YM-YK6T7 1CDN-UJGQ-CB6MQ296H-KMXX-VGDAM JGYU-EVTX-XZWXY 0440966E 16B0E5E80400946E 16B0C5D8 The Meat Business 1RXV-29QD-FH20XBDK3-ZCRZ-B5KDQ UA19-AXVA-5UYA2 CM95-MRG3-2GB9R2MP4-E51X-DGK99 PZX8-9WQZ-58KUY 04C0966E 16B0E5EA0480946E 16B0C5DA Freefall YWT3-658E-B4EGC1AZR-5NE2-3X5RP TEPW-4BP9-BPZXM GW38-5U3J-0199UV033-B1N4-46XJG RABX-XUP7-B029H 0440966E 16B0E5EA0400946E 16B0C5DA Saint Mark's Bistro 5FX7-QBKX-765RV9UF1-CX64-97FU7 QR2C-65AB-E43GU PZBJ-9VJR-6RHMTAZYJ-PTC3-XJM86 E079-52U6-EHJ8A 04C0966E 96B0E5E80480946E 96B0C5D8 Misappropriation NGWT-XBPD-R48ZR8UYG-RAHN-NNBMD UAFJ-QUPZ-DVD99 UCGA-28TH-ZE08J3PRU-M0VN-EUDZ8 FAEH-BDZ2-GJZ0G 0440966E 96B0E5E80400946E 96B0C5D8 High Noon 9DEZ-NFK0-WRB16RKWF-100X-P2989 VQ9U-QQ49-8EKUR 976Z-3B1C-0U392X768-14CK-B94EC ARMC-ZYHW-MZCHU 04C0966E 96B0E5EA0480946E 96B0C5DA Madd Dogg WHRA-91YV-DC26JBEAP-N1C9-UMM36 T64W-1PG9-HPMTX QYB7-K4TP-MFZDCHV7Z-EHVU-7M4GU 40YG-37Y8-K3KWB 0440966E 96B0E5EA0400946E 96B0C5DA Architectural Espionage VP0K-GCZ5-33W8X922X-J66H-GRFT3 JZD6-DDGW-GW7FB DCGV-46BZ-WN04VHWKA-08EW-UCMCF 3FWU-MM7Y-PD3FT 04C09668 1EB0E5E804809468 1EB0C5D8 Key To Her Heart 7FQB-5V8Y-WQYY6PP48-7D31-6D9R6 8QX4-QHVE-GAN19 5ANQ-V0TK-YV0VUBC2T-DQWQ-8HYYH 2G1Q-QYYT-HHP7M 04409668 1EB0E5E804009468 1EB0C5D8 Dam And Blast 88DP-BQKN-K2FJ7EH73-TGC3-PT5A3 4C7V-QPRU-HUJ5E FUJ3-EDH0-TY1M2AFMC-Y2B1-GRPJG 9FQE-YA6J-22004 04C09668 1EB0E5EA04809468 1EB0C5DA Cop Wheels PXJ7-0RF0-BVERC1X3E-YF4Q-M75AY 47CR-NEQJ-ZDQ42 M77F-KCCG-BVG95BDBB-RN3C-4GTWE 93K5-8W2E-W68GC 04409668 1EB0E5EA04009468 1EB0C5DA Up, Up And Away Q6ET-EVG9-MPA7YMEE9-RY4E-4710K XGHY-UAVA-JEM5G ZYBX-E0TC-NGFJ5YFK7-JCAM-97Y3N A6RU-GJBA-3R0VU 04C09668 9EB0E5E804809468 9EB0C5D8 Breaking The BankAt Caligula's XMM1-3AQD-2HK4ZH39A-2965-845E5 PNK0-77EB-GGNQM 95NT-EN78-KNT2J6BVC-THG9-KYAJV DT95-32A3-VNWDY 04409668 9EB0E5E804009468 9EB0C5D8 A Home In The Hills PMN0-Q3HW-98H6AA315-Z7FQ-6QEW4 TXG1-H3R4-BH1BG B02Q-PJ1F-4PDRWV89H-DGP2-H15H0 5FH3-2BFF-AKHG5 04C09668 9EB0E5EA04809468 9EB0C5DA Return to Los SantosVertical Bird XQEX-GA5J-FN7E4HNZY-66FU-822M3 7K9P-CKQW-RDPBA Y1DE-VBJA-PDGN33C75-FCEA-NW14X 7BCZ-BXER-Z6J24 04409668 9EB0E5EA04009468 9EB0C5DA Home Coming EKAR-TWZY-7C0DDC100-9GWJ-UQNGJ Z4RK-HMU5-WERCQ B23C-2XH2-HWCTRAG1Y-PC1C-87F7W 5MHE-1HVN-MJV7R 04C0966A 1EB0E5E80480946A 1EB0C5D8 Cut Throat Business Z65J-GGK7-ZRMH6QF4B-20JH-U78X0 Z5YK-5V8Y-E8MHT AWNH-ZMV2-55ZBR1DYU-W8G0-AAEP0 KH72-1RD7-JP17K 0440966A 1EB0E5E80400946A 1EB0C5D8 Beat Down On B-Dup D85B-D4PH-QMV82MZPE-WA05-KG0R9 A3V4-3X3P-VYZWV MH1U-U6KF-J539REXD2-4W0K-1Z1EA 3KYB-BQB9-PRAZ5 04C0966A 1EB0E5EA0480946A 1EB0C5DA Grove 4 Life NC3M-E42A-Y38KFMZPE-WA05-KG0R9 KV49-C4YD-TKB5U 4C1K-T073-VJ56EEXD2-4W0K-1Z1EA DC0A-K2UJ-W0T69 0440966A 1EB0E5EA0400946A 1EB0C5DA Riot 173F-QAQ9-G3EJRC8MR-YTW5-GB4VJ 8E12-Y3FW-H7MK8 9YG7-FAE1-QUU00FMZ3-GTR3-F41Q8 Z2GH-K2QP-CMDA8 04C0966A 9EB0E5E80480946A 9EB0C5D8 Los Desperados 9Q9F-CXU4-MF69X8J6W-Q8VU-1UMY9 P6TH-J7KX-W5RG5 KF9F-2B2Z-3YJA2QAEX-JV2Q-MNHBH YZ5F-AEY5-9AUE0 0440966A 9EB0E5E80400946A 9EB0C5D8 End Of The Line 7375-2RX6-0NUK9XGP7-AG2P-WJCE6 UXFQ-3DHM-A3F55 AWBK-35H0-WYAYQ3Z92-9RPN-YXN68 FGU4-0GJA-298ZK 04C0966A 9EB0E5EA0480946A 9EB0C5DA -------------------------------------------------- I don't own either an ARMax or Gameshark device so I won't be unable to personally verify these codes - if you find that a code doesn't work and you are sure you entered the code correctly then either post about it here or PM me and I'll either correct the code or remove it from the list.  Sources  edisoncarter's codes Code database by Skiller The Team PAL Code Crackers' (TPCC) site Action Replay Max: Official site (PAL Codes, PAL/German Codes, PAL/French Codes, NTSC Codes) Gameshark: Official site (Page 1, Page 2)  Edited August 2, 2007 by Barguast StuntGames 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Barguast Posted January 4, 2005 Author Share Posted January 4, 2005 * RESERVED * Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bobbo27 Posted January 4, 2005 Share Posted January 4, 2005 just wanted to be the first to thank you for this - its been needed on the forum for a while now. great work so far! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
--HotKnife-- Posted January 4, 2005 Share Posted January 4, 2005 Heres Some UK AR Max Codes For San Andreas  Have 50 Horseshoes ZBVC-7GZT-FY2VG 1QHK-MB1U-GXNGF  Have 50 Oysters GQCJ-139C-NW164 J07W-QYTZ-WJ4C3  Have 50 Snapshots Taken YE3X-8C4R-UPUC6 0GJA-Z9PN-Q2BUW     Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Barguast Posted January 4, 2005 Author Share Posted January 4, 2005 Heres Some UK AR Max Codes For San Andreas Thanks, added  Can you tell me where you got those codes from? I'm only using the codejunkies website so far, but it seems to be far from complete. So far, I've been reluctant to use other sources as there is a greater chance of fake codes being posted. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
--HotKnife-- Posted January 4, 2005 Share Posted January 4, 2005 I Got Those codes from codejunkies, They update them Frequently Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Barguast Posted January 4, 2005 Author Share Posted January 4, 2005 I Got Those codes from codejunkies, They update them Frequently I must've missed 'em  Anyway, I've added a column for the Gameshark v3 and added some more player codes. If there is a demand for it, I will include columns for the other Gameshark versions or any other cheat devices. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hitman594 Posted January 4, 2005 Share Posted January 4, 2005 Â After entering this code, use the Spawn Romero cheat to spawn the Andromada (Spawn Romero cheat : ) Â Â Excuse me, but after entering what code?? Â You just said "after you enter this code, enter the Spawn Romero cheat code". But all you do is give the Spawn Romero cheat... Â Am I missing something here? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Barguast Posted January 4, 2005 Author Share Posted January 4, 2005 (edited)  Excuse me, but after entering what code??  You just said "after you enter this code, enter the Spawn Romero cheat code". But all you do is give the Spawn Romero cheat...  Am I missing something here? Yes, I can see how someone could misinterpret that..  You have to enter the Action Replay code (just below the text you quoted) and then enter the Spawn Romero cheat. It's just the way I've written it that might be confusing. I'll reword it to make it a little clearer Edited January 4, 2005 by Barguast Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kanney Posted January 4, 2005 Share Posted January 4, 2005 You should add the Mission Select missions that are in gta king's post. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CrAzZyKiLLa Posted January 4, 2005 Share Posted January 4, 2005 list of codes are here ARMAX only i think, posted by someone else in this forum so all credit to them will post name when find it but here..  not tested them yet Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Barguast Posted January 5, 2005 Author Share Posted January 5, 2005 I can't work out how that site is set out - the cheats are sorted in folders and sub-folders, but there isn't any indication as to where a sub-folder ends. Â For example, on this page, which is the full code for 'Free Resprays'? Â K0N7-056G-5C8XD JB9E-91K0-74840 C0HX-JYPW-NHBH5 VGVY-DVG6-29CAY Or... C0HX-JYPW-NHBH5 VGVY-DVG6-29CAY Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CrAzZyKiLLa Posted January 5, 2005 Share Posted January 5, 2005 (edited) Free Re-sprays -=Credit: HF*/TPCC=- Note: Ported from the GFCC's GTA3 U.S. code C0HX-JYPW-NHBH5 VGVY-DVG6-29CAY Â and yeah dont know why there in sub folders, its taking me awhile to add some of them to test them, but most seem to at the moment [/color] Edited January 5, 2005 by CrAzZyKiLLa Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
--HotKnife-- Posted January 5, 2005 Share Posted January 5, 2005 Some UK AR Max Codes. ALL Tested By Me  Only Good Cars On The Roads, Banshee, Infernus, Turismo etc... 3Q2A-XH6E-5M3CV Y30B-KMJE-R6VBR  Recruit Anyone You See (Aim And The Up On D-Pad) Max 8 People, All Have Ak's H8KC-8P1G-DQ50W 6H3V-JZ6K-H0J09  All Cars Have Nitros Boost, Note: You Do Not Have To Press L1 Or Circle, Cars Just Go As Fast As They Would With Nitros On, Faster Even... F78N-6QCD-WBPT0 MDR9-A4VB-5XRX8 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Barguast Posted January 5, 2005 Author Share Posted January 5, 2005 As I understand it, the Folders and Sub-Folders contain a code that should be used before all cheats in that folder. I can understand the hierarchy..  Miscellenous cheats|_ Nitro Cheats|  |_ All cars have nitro|  |_ All bikes have nitro|  |_ Free Resprays (?)|  |_ Free Bombs (?)|_ Tire Cheats|  |_ Car tires don't pop|  |_ Bike tires don't pop  .. but it is not clear on that page whether the Free Bombs / Free Resprays cheat is in the Nitro Cheats subfolder. Common sense tells me that it isn't, but this is what the site seems to indicate..  Can someone help clear this up for me? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
--HotKnife-- Posted January 5, 2005 Share Posted January 5, 2005 The three codes i posted above i never used any Folders/Subfolders for them.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Barguast Posted January 5, 2005 Author Share Posted January 5, 2005 (edited) The three codes i posted above i never used any Folders/Subfolders for them.... I've just sent you a PM asking about this, too..  This is how the site is set out (I'm using the Car Nitro cheat as an example)   o Miscelleneous Cheats ( BA96-CQYX-DJAMM ) |_ Nitro Cheats ( K0N7-056G-5C8XD )   |       ( JB9E-91K0-74840 )   |_ All cars have Nitro ( F78N-6QCD-WBPT0 )              ( MDR9-A4VB-5XRX8 )  As you can see, the Miscellenous Cheat and Nitro Cheat folders both have codes associated with them. Presumably this means that the code must be entered before any of the codes contained within that folder.  This would imply to me that the full code for 'All cars have Nitro' is  K0N7-056G-5C8XD JB9E-91K0-74840 F78N-6QCD-WBPT0 MDR9-A4VB-5XRX8Is that right? Edited January 5, 2005 by Barguast Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
--HotKnife-- Posted January 5, 2005 Share Posted January 5, 2005 I Replied to your PM saying everything i know, which belive me.. isnt much Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
codeseeker Posted January 6, 2005 Share Posted January 6, 2005 Is there any codes for the AR MAX or GAMESHAR 2 VERSION 3 where you can skip some missions? I have a hard time on robbing uncle sam! Â Thanks! badboyslayer 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Barguast Posted January 6, 2005 Author Share Posted January 6, 2005 (edited) Â Is there any codes for the AR MAX or GAMESHAR 2 VERSION 3 where you can skip some missions? As far as I am aware there are no mission skip codes - there are codes that will let you play missions again (see here) but they don't let you progress through the game. Â I have added what I think are the Nitro Boost codes for the cars and bikes. If someone could check these for me I'd be grateful Edited January 6, 2005 by Barguast Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dummy Posted January 6, 2005 Share Posted January 6, 2005 are there anyway to get like two og three codes to your usb pen and to your memory card without having to type them in on your ps2 and without downloading the code list, wich does not have the codes wich i want.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kanney Posted January 6, 2005 Share Posted January 6, 2005 Dont think so, you'll have to post em' manually. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CrAzZyKiLLa Posted January 6, 2005 Share Posted January 6, 2005 the nitro cheat works great nice and fast  and codejunkies have some more codes for SA and some of them are in subfolders also badboyslayer 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Barguast Posted January 7, 2005 Author Share Posted January 7, 2005 the nitro cheat works great That's good to know  I've also added the Free Bombs and Free Pay n' Spray cheats. On the website these are also listed in a subfolder, but I've not included the subfolder codes this time. Could someone make sure those work, too? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
*Moondog* Posted January 8, 2005 Share Posted January 8, 2005 (edited) Â Recruit Anyone You See (Aim And The Up On D-Pad) Max 8 People, All Have Ak'sH8KC-8P1G-DQ50W 6H3V-JZ6K-H0J09 YES! thanks man i've been wanting that code for AR Max for awhile. Â are there any codes to freeze or remove the noise bar on burglary missions, i've always thought it'd be cool to explore peoples houses at my own pace (ie running) Edited January 8, 2005 by *Moondog* badboyslayer 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pozer Posted January 8, 2005 Share Posted January 8, 2005 I am very new in all this ARMAX code thingy, I'll like to ask some code expert to please tell me how to insert a new code i found on this forum manually on my armax interface 'cos i just got it yesterday. Thanks in advance. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
*Moondog* Posted January 8, 2005 Share Posted January 8, 2005 (edited) turn on your PS2 with your ARMAX disc in, select 'Expert Mode', select the game the code is for (or add the game if it's not already on it, you'll find the option to add a game at the top of the list). Â if adding the game type in the name then the master code (you can find the master code for that game usually on its the code named (M)) then choose to add new codes, if not adding the game just choose to add new codes to the game, simple really Edited January 8, 2005 by *Moondog* Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pozer Posted January 8, 2005 Share Posted January 8, 2005 Thanks a lot for ur reply, actually, i've updated the armax codelist on the net and i don't really need to add any new game. Now you're telling me to just select my game from the expert mode eg, SA and add the new code i found elsewhere and just type it in and also do the same to delete the code? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
--HotKnife-- Posted January 8, 2005 Share Posted January 8, 2005 MoonDog, im happy too help Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Skiller Posted January 9, 2005 Share Posted January 9, 2005 hello im the maker of that big ass database  k how the sub folders work is u just put it in as u woudl for a normal code .. Armax has a special way of using the top line to tell it where to go .. so it will look like this ..  here is an example  Active Cheats (Folder) <--- this would be 1 code M37C-6KXD-5X6BC  Recruit Anyone (Up to 8 ppl) -=Credit: HF*/TPCC=- (Aka's) <-- anothere code (this will end up in that folder because the top line tells it to go there QJRU-GDXA-APUA2 <-- this is the line that tells the code where to go 1A49-4HVD-9PAZ6  So basicly u can put the codes in in any order u want .. and thell go into the specifide folder .. thought this would help ...  also .. here are the main Database Sites  Gta SA database CB/GS/XP/Ar2v2/Gs2v2  GTA SA DataBase Armax (All Regions)  The Armax Datacase is still being working on .. i have almost all the Ntsc armax codes dont . trying to find a better way to do the garage codes so i dont have to do 450000 codes .. for each region .. i hope u like the database .. peace ..   Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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