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Hidden Interiors via the Ganton Gym!

OD fa real

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Oh iv never noticed it i wonder why R* didnt use the new tatto parlor in San Fierro instead of the old Los Santos one.

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Don't know - They probably meant to have a different one in each city, but when the game was made somebody messed up and made the wrong interior load for the SF one. It's similar enough [and such a small detail in a huge state] that probably no-one noticed till too late.


If it was a mistake then they accidentally gave everyone on this thread an extra mission to complete and another week of gameplay. Here's a cookie for slack game makers cookie.gif.

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Guys, I've been trying to see where the limits are for the interior universe, and I've marked where I've been stopped by big orange dots. Of course, some may be wrong because I've flown too low or high, but most are probably right. If anyone else wants to help, just try flying as far as you can in any direction, and then put some sort of marker on the map when you drop down and can't go further. Then, we should be able to trace out an approximate border. biggrin.gif

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Where the Barber shop is, I saw two fire extinguishers(sp?), but there was no yellow arrow, but when I went back again, they were gone. blink.gif


Then again, I guess it was because I was in different hells, I saw them in Sky hell, but they dissapeared in Black hell through the gym. Also, I was knocked down as soon as I flew near Madd Dogg's house, at the time I was flying through black hell (I've noticed that you get to fly longer there then you would in Sky hell). I'll have to check if that's a definite point where you can't fly, just like the LVPD... always getting in the way. Ha.

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I'm having trouble getting into the Ammunation. I fly to the spot and actually run into the building (solid, but invisible walls) and hear the music, but I don't see a yellow marker to enter. I've tried going around the area as much as possible, but it's hard because the building's invisible. I would think that I should be able to see the marker pretty easily once I'm in the right area.


I've tried going there directly from the gym, after going in the marker at (2), and also after going in B-Dup's place. Is there a particular marker you need to go through before being able to get into the Ammunation?


I appreciate any help. biggrin.gif

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About that unknown marker iv tried and it seems there are solid walls blocking the marker why dont you guys ask a guy with a gameshark or an a+r to put on walk thru walls and see if you can activate the marker? ps. whoever it is tell him to post pictures of what her finds

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I'm fairly sure that PyroHazard got into it and it was another 24/7.




EDIT: mbfu3k:

If you approach the ammu-nation arrow from the western side you should get in. But yeah, it is a pain. Sometimes I get in with no trouble at all. Others I spend 15 minutes trying and then give up and go somewhere else.


OD fa real: That map with the orange dots looks dead right to me. I was testing the Liberty marker theory by trying all directions to get me to Easter bay but I hit most of them while trying.

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When looking at great finds like this it makes me wonder why R* didn't spend more time incorporating some of these places into the real game (as opposed to the hell part of it) rather than making stupid mini-games that no'one uses.


By the way, there's a great map of the interiors at GTA Domain (brilliant site).


On the subject of Liberty City. I don't think you will be able to reach it using this glitch because on the other thread a member had to use Armax or Gameshark codes to get there since it was so high in the sky along with Big Smoke and Ryders' places. When you leave Ganton Gym you aren't that far from the ground because you sometimes see people walking around the outside and you have to stay that level most of the time anyway.

But hey, I could be wrong! tounge2.gif

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ok i reached san fierro through the ganton gym and theres nothing but sea...wtf? where do i find the tatto parlor?im in hashbury, but its all sea

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I have noticed that these new hells are progressive similarly to the game. Is it possible we need to find more hell entrances to open new interiors such as Liberty City? confused.gif



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the gym in las venturas you can fly the jetpack but i cant find a weak wall or anything try there but the one in san ferrio you cant fly a jetpack i think *scratchs head* i just know that the on in las venturas you can fly the jetpack..

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I used the GameShark Double High Jump code while exploring Blue Sky Hell (went to 1-Gym then 2-Angel Pine Motel) so I could go outside the bounds where you would normally fall down to earth (those big orange dots on the map). Even if I fall too low and get the black "Loading" screen, I can still boost myself right back up and everything is still there.


To the west, I found two areas of stadium music ("Cult of Personality"). Except for two black non-solid walls, there's nothing visible, but there are some solid invisible surfaces and floors.


(edit: see map in next post)

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I found a bunch more stuff, including:


Ammunation (from the outside)

some cafe

a large garage or something


You can get to the above without GameShark codes, but it looks like you do need them to get to Liberty City and the Stadium.


Go to the Ganton Gym (1), then Warehouse 2 (8), which is the warehouse I found when I flew down from Liberty City. I also found the Ammunation when I flew down from there, so I believe this is the same hell that contains Liberty City at a much higher altitude to the west, as well as a stadium a little further west. There's probably a lot more to be found in this hell. I'm still looking and exploring, but here's what I've found so far:


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Edit: OK, I've found Liberty City and the stadium and marked them on the map. As you can see, LC is out of bounds, so I had to use the GameShark code to get to it.


Edit: It doesn't look like you can get high enough without the GameShark code. I can rocket up for minutes, but when I come back down it only takes 8 seconds. If you could get unlimited height, you could get really high and then sneak over to the solid area before falling too far.


With the GameShark Double High Jump code, go up for 30 seconds to reach Liberty City's level. Here's the GameShark code:


[M] Must Be On 98495ACF 789CFB15

Jump Double Height 283E8CB6 01428F65

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I'm fairly sure that PyroHazard got into it and it was another 24/7.




EDIT: mbfu3k:

If you approach the ammu-nation arrow from the western side you should get in. But yeah, it is a pain. Sometimes I get in with no trouble at all. Others I spend 15 minutes trying and then give up and go somewhere else.


OD fa real: That map with the orange dots looks dead right to me. I was testing the Liberty marker theory by trying all directions to get me to Easter bay but I hit most of them while trying.



the map does look correct... but there is NO WAY I'm making edits on that map. LOL.


P.S. That map is HOT


I'll just be using carpet's since his is simpler. Doesn't require complex lines pointing to numbers and normally we find something over those numbers anyway! lol


As for the liberty city being located... That seems about the area I had pointed out before.


@ Green Oozie... correct. There are probably tons of other "hells"


Why are we calling them hells... They are heavens. LOL

They are at least 2000 blocks UP in the air... and we still call them hells. LOL



P.S.#2 To Enter Ammunation... look at the arrow at the spot you can go to the arrow's height... then you'll notice when you approach it you hit a wall... so just go back a bit and look at it again... try to fly in thru the LEFT of the arrow... then try to do a U turn and go towards it. Thats normally how i get in.



As for edison, you are right. That is ANOTHER version of these hell (heaven) universes. I did find the HUGE garage, and the other areas. There's alot more heaven's then we thought.

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I agree, I've never liked calling them hell either. Maybe we should call them "worlds", since Vice City's was sometimes called ghost world. It could be based on where you get into it, like Gym World and B Dup's Palace World, or if it has a major notable thing about it, like Blue Sky World and Liberty City World.


Every yellow marker that sends you somewhere potentially gives you access to another world if it's an interior you can escape from.


Does anyone know what Warehouse 2 is used for?

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Also I've been wondering what this small bedroom is:

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They're both in LC World.

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no clue on warehouse #2 and what it does...


but i guess finding the ammunation and the suburban answered that age old question...


where was the ammunation you could see thru the suburban mirror?




as for Sweets, Ryders, and even your own house... I guess we'll just have to keep looking.


"Heavens" and "Worlds" sounds good.

"Hell" should be used for those that go underneath the map.




edison, where did you find that room? where on the map?

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Here's the map with Tiny Bedroom and the San Fierro Garage at ground level added:

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Yep, that's a GTA Vice City poster.

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ok, heres sumthing: i was in southeast las venturras through sky hell (thru point/interior 2), and i started wrecking havoc. pretty soon i got a star and the police voice thru the radio said "suspect in northeast bone county" or somthing like that. i did not have my jet pack on and i was on the "ground" of sky hell. pretty bizarre, isnt it? looks like sky hell just turns everything into opposites...




THIS WAS THRU THE GANTON GYM HELL AND INTO INTERIOR 2 (DENISES HOUSE) SKY HELL... Then I traveled to southeastern las venturras.



I'll try to post sum pics on this sh*t as soon as my software starts behaving...



EDIT: Here's the pic, hope its not too big.


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Can Someone with gameshark give the rest of us a video of actually exploring Liberty City, that would be great?

it's been done... use the search featur+ check the other hell topic

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this is pretty cool smile.gif I'll have to try it


What I ont understand is how you can fly with the jetpack from the interior.

All the interiors are way up in the sky, and you cant go any higher with the jetpack after a while. and that should be well below these interiors


EDIT: liberty is at the same level, isn't it? would it be possible to get there?

I havent got the game yet, but how the !*#$ do ya get to Liberty City. I want to know as much of the pexeq universe, or the interior universe that I can before I get the game. I want to know this just so I have something to do in the game. Please fill me in on the details. Please, also tell me as much as you know about the so called "Liberty City" that you know. What's it look like (is it like GTA3, or is it modified)?. How do you get to it? Can you walk on it (so I don't have to jetpack my way around it)? Are their people, cars, or is it a ghost town?


Please help!!

P.S. Before Cristmas, please.

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lol. my son said before christmas. LOL


P.S. There are spoilers within this post no tags... and?


aight... well the "Liberty City" is basically just a portion modeled after Liberty City, specifically the Saint Mark's section of Portland. You can see the above ground train tracks suspended in the air... like the J train in Brooklyn, or 176 in the Bronx. Anyway, Your not gonna be able to drive all thru it like you would in GTA3. Matter fact, alot of it isn't even solid. Just graphics. Its supposed to be Liberty City in the winter, as there is snow all over. To get to it, your gonna NEED a gameshark or something else to keep you high enough.




Liberty is a little above most interiors, and goes beyond an invisible No Fly Zone line... basically meaning the jetpack dies before you can reach it. The only way the jetpack functions is if you kill the 4 people in the gym... If you try to leave the gym area with the jetpack, you'll find yourself sinking back to the ground with no way to get back up. Although we all thought the jetpack ran on distance from the ground... that was proved false in two occasions..


1. The fact that the jetpack works after killing the 4 people in ganton gym

2. The fact it doesn't work when you do the Saint Marks Bistro mission.


The jetpack functions by god knows what.

It flies when it wants, and is as glitchy as the hells/heavens sections of GTA.


My theory in terms of this and reaching Liberty city...

-maybe if you kill enough people in the interior worlds, you can open up the no fly zone, and expand it... possibly enough to reach Liberty... but then again... that is a hypothesis with NO factual backing behind it... Goddamn I'm smart. Read books kids.

-then again, you might kill everyone and still just not fly. Maybe it just wants you to fly where it wants you to fly... ie: Once you land on the LV police department... you'll find it hard to fly anywhere.


P.S. Edison... cookie.gif

Thanks for the map with the little room.



The little room was hard to get to, as its past the NFZ (No Fly Zone) area of the Jetpack, so I found myself using L2 and R2 to fly as well as holding them both to see where it was, and then using them again to get to it. I managed to land on it, and I noticed that this room was supposed to belong to a female. I found several stiletto's and i found a top & panties set. blush.gif


Also found alot of posters...


Top Down City, Badfellas, Half Cocked

etc etc

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edisoncarter, nice find! I remembered someone making a map where they guessed LC would be, and it was right around there. It's funny; one of the dots on the newer version of my map has the limit right before Liberty City, it's just so damn close! I'll still be looking for a way to get there now, without a GS smile.gif

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