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[III,VC] SFX Files Archive


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Article on GrandTheftWiki.com

Here is a list of all the SFX files. This list is work-in-progress but it will be completed. If anyone wants to extract the contents of the sfx.sdt (sfx.raw), then download this program: Nullpointer's tool. I will attempt to document all the files not related to the ped voices first. Then if I have the time, I might finish the rest of the file. Check out my other big SFX project over at the GTA: Liberty City forum.


/////////////////////////////////////// GTA: Vice City archive //
sfx0000 - sfx0007     car horns
sfx0008 - sfx0014     helicopter sounds
sfx0015 - sfx0020     car doors
sfx0021 - sfx0022     car reversing
sfx0023               start car engine
sfx0024               *unknown
sfx0025               car skid default
sfx0026               car skid dirt
sfx0027 - sfx0028     police sirens           
sfx0029               ambulance siren
sfx0030               backup-beeper (reverse warning)
sfx0031               Ice cream truck jingle
sfx0032               open/close Coach door, airbrakes
sfx0033               normal tire collision
sfx0034               popped tire collision
sfx0035 - sfx0037     popped tire
sfx0038 - sfx0039     bullet trail
sfx0040 - sfx0041     roller skates
sfx0042 - sfx0046     footsteps default
sfx0047               car explosion, also used in thunder
sfx0048               bomb explosion, also used in thunder
sfx0049               molotov sound 1
sfx0050 - sfx0051     fire Pistol
sfx0052 - sfx0053     unused fire AK
sfx0054 - sfx0055     fire Uzi/Minigun, drive-by
sfx0056               halt fire Uzi/MP5
sfx0057 - sfx0058     fire Sniper Rifle/PSG-1
sfx0059 - sfx0060     fire Rocket Launcher, Hunter rockets
sfx0061 - sfx0063     rocket missile
sfx0064 - sfx0065     Flamethrower
sfx0066 - sfx0067     fire Chrome Shotgun/Stubby Shotgun
sfx0068 - sfx0069     fire M60, Hunter/Sea Sparrow/Police Helicopter gun, drive-by in helicopter
sfx0070               halt fire M60
sfx0071 - sfx0072     fire Tec-9/Ingram Mac 10
sfx0073               halt fire Tec 9/Ingram Mac 10
sfx0074 - sfx0075     fire M4/Ruger
sfx0076               halt fire M4/Ruger
sfx0077               reload Pistol/Colt Python
sfx0078               reload general
sfx0079               reload Rocket Launcher
sfx0080               reload Sniper Rifle/PSG-1
sfx0081               blunt weapon swing
sfx0082 - sfx0084     fire Minigun
sfx0085 - sfx0086     fire Spaz Shotgun
sfx0087               halt fire Spaz Shotgun
sfx0088 - sfx0089     fire Colt Python
sfx0090 - sfx0091     fire MP5
sfx0092 - sfx0094     Tommy hitting regular wall
sfx0095 - sfx0096     wood collision
sfx0097 - sfx0099     *unknown
sfx0100               garage closed
sfx0101 - sfx0106     melee hits on car
sfx0107 - sfx0110     metal collisions (Metal Posts)
sfx0111 - sfx0114     fence collisions
sfx0115 - sfx0116     *unknown
sfx0117               *unknown (same as 097-099)
sfx0118 - sfx0121     box collisions
sfx0122 - sfx0125     bench collision (Wooden Lathes)
sfx0126               *unknown (similar to 097-099 at faster rate)
sfx0127 - sfx0131     footsteps hedge
sfx0132               door collision
sfx0133 - sfx0135     box collisions 3
sfx0136 - sfx0140     newsstands/traffic light blown (Metal Sheet explosion)
sfx0141 - sfx0142     boxes blown
sfx0143               gate collision 1
sfx0144               car scraping (walls, etc.)
sfx0145               gate collision 2
sfx0146 - sfx0151     glass breaking
sfx0152 - sfx0153     fire
sfx0154               car skid grass
sfx0155               after rain
sfx0156               gun shell drop hard
sfx0157               gun shell drop soft
sfx0158               bullet penetrating ped
sfx0159 - sfx0161     bullet hitting car
sfx0162 - sfx0164     bullet hitting ground
sfx0165 - sfx0166     blunt weapon hit
sfx0167 - sfx0170     fist fight
sfx0171               sharp weapon swing
sfx0172 - sfx0173     sharp weapon hit
sfx0174 - sfx0175     Brass knuckles/Hammer hit
sfx0176               opening/closing garage
sfx0177               GTA3 MP3 player ped
sfx0178               detonate
sfx0179               SFX audio adjuster
sfx0180 - sfx0265     police radio
sfx0266               *bike idle or hunter blades?
sfx0267               phone ring
sfx0268 - sfx0278     car engine at steady rpms
sfx0279               engine echo
sfx0280 - sfx0283     blank
sfx0284 - sfx0287     motorcycle engine at steady rpms
sfx0288 - sfx0298     car idling
sfx0299 - sfx0303     blank
sfx0304 - sfx0307     motorcycle idling
sfx0308 - sfx0312     airplane
sfx0313               car tire spin 2
sfx0314               boat
sfx0315               escalator
sfx0316               fountain
sfx0317 - sfx0318     boat splashes
sfx0319               boat engine at idle
sfx0320 - sfx0323     rain on car
sfx0324               fall in water
sfx0325 - sfx0326     crushing body (squish)
sfx0327 - sfx0328     blow up boxes
sfx0329               rocket ammo depleted
sfx0330               rifle ammo depleted
sfx0331               moving shooting range target, Rhino cannon rotate
sfx0332               fall land
sfx0333               jump land
sfx0334               No Escape? card swipe
sfx0335               gta3 timer
sfx0336 - sfx0337     hydraulics
sfx0338               sex in car
sfx0339               Keepie Uppy
sfx0340               Degenatron arcade machine
sfx0341 - sfx0342     dodo
sfx0343               radio turned on/off
sfx0344 - sfx0355     radio tuning
sfx0356               generic noise (change cam, help box, etc...)
sfx0357 - sfx0369     icon noise
sfx0370               timer
sfx0371               blank
sfx0372 - sfx0379     menu sound
sfx0380 - sfx0382     radio static
sfx0383 - sfx0085     engine sounds 1 (perennial)
sfx0386 - sfx0388     engine sounds 2 (stinger)
sfx0389 - sfx0391     engine sounds 3 (yankee)
sfx0392 - sfx0394     engine sounds 4 (admiral)
sfx0395 - sfx0397     engine sounds 5 (flatbed)
sfx0398 - sfx0400     engine sounds 6 (bf injection)
sfx0401 - sfx0403     engine sounds 7 (hotring racer)
sfx0404 - sfx0406     engine sounds 8 (greenwood)
sfx0407 - sfx0409     engine sounds 9 (oceanic)
sfx0410 - sfx0412     engine sounds 10 (taxi)
sfx0413 - sfx0415     engine sounds 11 (sabre)
sfx0416 - sfx0418     engine sounds 12 (caddy)
sfx0419 - sfx0421     chainsaw
sfx0422 - sfx0424     rc
sfx0425               rc helicopter
sfx0426 - sfx0430     blank
sfx0431 - sfx0433     freeway engine
sfx0434               Freeway/Angel (chopper) wind
sfx0435               blank
sfx0436 - sfx0437     faggio engine
sfx0438               Faggio/Pizza Boy (moped) wind
sfx0439 - sfx0441     sanchez engine
sfx0442               Sanchez wind
sfx0443 - sfx0445     pcj600 engine
sfx0446               PCJ-600 wind
sfx0447 - sfx0452     blank
sfx0453 - sfx0456     hunter
sfx0457 - sfx0460     blank
sfx0461 - sfx0464     skimmer
sfx0465               Dildo Dodo low fuel ping
sfx0466 - sfx0469     blank
sfx0470               alarm
sfx0471               snoring
sfx0472               Greasy Choppers "Alloy Wheels of Steel"
sfx0473               Greasy Choppers "Messing with the Man"
sfx0474               Greasy Choppers "Hog Tied"
sfx0475               Greasy Choppers (unused)
sfx0476               Malibu Club night
sfx0477               Malibu Club day
sfx0478               Malibu Club evening
sfx0479               Pole Position night
sfx0480               Pole Position day
sfx0481               Pole Position evening
sfx0482               South Washington Beach church
sfx0483 - sfx0484     ?
sfx0485 - sfx0491     insects
sfx0492 - sfx0495     Malibu bg music
sfx0496 - sfx0500     footsteps grass
sfx0501 - sfx0505     footsteps dirt
sfx0506 - sfx0510     footsteps wood
sfx0496 - sfx0500     footsteps metal
sfx0516 - sfx0519     footsteps water
sfx0520 - sfx0523     footsteps sand
sfx0524 - sfx0713     47 (BMYBB)
sfx0714 - sfx0736     vice port authority
sfx0737 - sfx0756     vice police helicopter
sfx0757 - sfx0832     81 (JFOTO)
sfx0833 - sfx0891     82 (JMOTO)
sfx0892 - sfx0972     39 (BMYBE)
sfx0973 - sfx1039     18 (HFOBE)
sfx1040 - sfx1225     87/88 (SGa/SGb)
sfx1226 - sfx1513     89/90 (CLa/CLb)
sfx1514 - sfx1723     95/96 (PGa/PGb)
sfx1724 - sfx1873     91/92 (GDa/GDb)
sfx1874 - sfx1893     97/98/99/100/101 (vice1/vice2/vice3/vice4/vice5)
sfx1894 - sfx1897     102/103/104 (vice6/vice7/vice8)
sfx1898 - sfx2112     7 (male01)
sfx2113 - sfx2370     83/84 (CBa/CBb)
sfx2371 - sfx2616     93/94 (BKa/BKb)
sfx2617 - sfx2913     85/86 (HNa/HNb)
sfx2914 - sfx2941     female screams 1
sfx2942 - sfx2985     female grunt
sfx2986 - sfx3012     female screams 2
sfx3013 - sfx3047     male screams 1
sfx3048 - sfx3126     male grunts
sfx3127 - sfx3161     male screams 2
sfx3162 - sfx3194     cuban paramedic
sfx3195 - sfx3227     paramedic
sfx3228 - sfx3245     FBI #1
sfx3246 - sfx3260     FBI #2
sfx3231 - sfx3263     blank
sfx3264 - sfx3279     FBI #3
sfx3280 - sfx3281     blank
sfx3282 - sfx3295     SWAT #1
sfx3296 - sfx3309     SWAT #2
sfx3310 - sfx3323     SWAT #3
sfx3324 - sfx3405     105 (WFYG1)
sfx3406 - sfx3477     106 (WFYG2)
sfx3478 - sfx3541     28 (HMOCA)
sfx3542 - sfx3602     80 (WFOSH)
sfx3603 - sfx3661     77 (WFYSK)
sfx3662 - sfx3705     66 (WMYLG)
sfx3706 - sfx3805     60 (WMOBE)
sfx3806 - sfx3892     68 (WMYBU)
sfx3893 - sfx3977     51 (WMYST)
sfx3978 - sfx4051     46 (BMYPI)
sfx4052 - sfx4125     70 (WFYPR)
sfx4126 - sfx4214     55 (WMYRI)
sfx4215 - sfx4312     34 (BMOST)
sfx4313 - sfx4402     10 (HFOST)
sfx4403 - sfx4479     16 (HMORI)
sfx4480 - sfx4534     26 (HMOTR)
sfx4535 - sfx4622     27 (HMYAP)
sfx4623 - sfx4671     25 (HFOTR)
sfx4672 - sfx4714     20 (HMOBE)
sfx4715 - sfx4790     21 (HFYBU)
sfx4791 - sfx4834     23 (HFYCG)
sfx4835 - sfx4920     19 (HMYBE)
sfx4921 - sfx5002     64 (WMOGO)
sfx5003 - sfx5075     48 (WMYCR)
sfx5076 - sfx5110     76 (WMYJG)
sfx5111 - sfx5191     52 (WMOST)
sfx5192 - sfx5252     44 (BFOTR)
sfx5253 - sfx5323     53 (WFYRI)
sfx5324 - sfx5393     43 (BFYPR)
sfx5394 - sfx5453     37 (BMYRI)
sfx5454 - sfx5518     42 (BMYBU)
sfx5519 - sfx5579     78 (WMYSK)
sfx5580 - sfx5677     61 (WMYCW)
sfx5678 - sfx5759     9 (HFYST)
sfx5760 - sfx5838     12 (HMOST)
sfx5839 - sfx5911     15 (HMYRI)
sfx5912 - sfx5987     24 (HFYPR)
sfx5988 - sfx6039     22 (HFYMD)
sfx6040 - sfx6116     59 (WFOBE)
sfx6117 - sfx6194     35 (BFYRI)
sfx6195 - sfx6292     38 (BFYBE)
sfx6293 - sfx6351     45 (BMOTR)
sfx6352 - sfx6438     33 (BMYST)
sfx6439 - sfx6520     73 (WMYPI)
sfx6521 - sfx6616     30 (BMYCR)
sfx6617 - sfx6708     56 (WMORI)
sfx6709 - sfx6775     69 (WMOBU)
sfx6776 - sfx6853     29 (BMODK)
sfx6854 - sfx6922     17 (HFYBE)
sfx6923 - sfx6991     13 (HFYRI)
sfx6992 - sfx7069     32 (BFOST)
sfx7070 - sfx7131     36 (BFORI)
sfx7132 - sfx7205     31 (BFYST)
sfx7206 - sfx7270     14 (HFORI)
sfx7271 - sfx7341     67 (WFYBU)
sfx7342 - sfx7393     71 (WFOTR)
sfx7394 - sfx7425     75 (WFYJG)
sfx7426 - sfx7493     79 (WFYSH)
sfx7494 - sfx7558     72 (WMOTR)
sfx7559 - sfx7632     41 (BMOBE)
sfx7633 - sfx7703     62 (WMYGO)
sfx7704 - sfx7770     57 (WFYBE)
sfx7771 - sfx7846     54 (WFORI)
sfx7847 - sfx7921     63 (WFOGO)
sfx7922 - sfx7974     11 (HMYST)
sfx7975 - sfx8062     74 (WMOCA)
sfx8063 - sfx8165     58 (WMYBE)
sfx8166 - sfx8231     40 (BFOBE)
sfx8232 - sfx8273     65 (WFYLG)
sfx8274 - sfx8385     50 (WFOST)
sfx8386 - sfx8468     49 (WFYST)
sfx8469 - sfx8513     White Cop 1
sfx8514 - sfx8558     White Cop 2
sfx8559 - sfx8693     White Cop 3
sfx8694 - sfx9814     Tommy's voices
sfx9815 - sfx9940     Tommy's grunts
/////////////////////////////////////// GTA III archive //
sfx0000 - sfx0007     car horns
sfx0008 - sfx0013     car doors
sfx0014               *unknown
sfx0015 - sfx0016     car reversing
sfx0017               Start car engine
sfx0018               Near car noise
sfx0019               car skid default
sfx0020               car skid dirt
sfx0021 - sfx0022     Police siren
sfx0023               Ambulance siren
sfx0024               backup-beeper (reverse warning)
sfx0025               Ice cream truck jingle
sfx0026               Car alarm
sfx0027               open/close Coach door and airbrakes
sfx0028               blank
sfx0029               tire collision
sfx0030 - sfx0031     Train
sfx0032 - sfx0036     footsteps default
sfx0037 - sfx0041     footsteps grass
sfx0042 - sfx0046     footsteps dirt
sfx0047 - sfx0051     footsteps wood
sfx0052 - sfx0056     footsteps metal
sfx0057 - sfx0060     footsteps water
sfx0061 - sfx0064     footsteps sand
sfx0065               Bomb explosion
sfx0066               Molotov
sfx0067 - sfx0068     fire Pistol
sfx0069 - sfx0070     fire M16
sfx0071 - sfx0072     fire AK47
sfx0073 - sfx0074     fire Uzi
sfx0075 - sfx0076     halt fire Uzi/AK47/M16
sfx0077 - sfx0078     fire Sniper
sfx0079 - sfx0083     fire Rocket
sfx0084 - sfx0085     fire Flamethrower
sfx0086 - sfx0087     fire Shotgun
sfx0088               reload Pistol
sfx0089               reload Shotgun/AK47
sfx0090               reload Uzi/M16
sfx0091               reload Rocket
sfx0092               reload Sniper
sfx0093 - sfx0097     box collisions 1
sfx0098 - sfx0100     *unknown
sfx0101               dumpster collision
sfx0102 - sfx0107     car collisions 1
sfx0108 - sfx0111     metal collisions
sfx0112 - sfx0115     fence collisions
sfx0116 - sfx0121     
sfx0122 - sfx0125     Box collisions 1
sfx0126 - sfx0129     Box collisions 2
sfx0130               *unknown
sfx0131 - sfx0135     Grass collisions
sfx0136               *unknown
sfx0137 - sfx0139     Box collisions 3
sfx0140 - sfx0144     Car collisions 2
sfx0145 - sfx0146     Blow up boxes
sfx0147               Gate collision 1
sfx0148               Car scraping (walls, etc.)
sfx0149               Gate collision 2
sfx0150 - sfx0155     Glass breaking
sfx0156 - sfx0157     Fire
sfx0158               car skid grass
sfx0159 - sfx0166     Icon noise
sfx0167               gun shell drop hard
sfx0168               gun shell drop soft
sfx0169               Bullet penetrating ped
sfx0170 - sfx0175     Bullet hitting car
sfx0176 - sfx0178     Bullet hitting ground
sfx0179 - sfx0180     Bat fight
sfx0181 - sfx0184     Fist fight
sfx0185               Open garage
sfx0186               Remote bomb detonation
sfx0187               Bomb detonate
sfx0188               static
sfx0189 - sfx0279     police radio
sfx0280 - sfx0282     helicopter
sfx0283               phone ring
sfx0284 - sfx0291     car engine (steady rpms)
sfx0292 - sfx0293     blank
sfx0294 - sfx0301     car idling
sfx0302 - sfx0303     blank
sfx0304 - sfx0308     airplane
sfx0309               car tire spin
sfx0310 - sfx0312     boat
sfx0313               boat traveling through water
sfx0314 - sfx0315     boat splashes
sfx0316               boat engine at idle
sfx0317 - sfx0318     Dodo
sfx0319 - sfx0322     rain on car
sfx0323               fall in water
sfx0324 - sfx0325     crushing body
sfx0326               CD player
sfx0327 - sfx0328     blow up boxes
sfx0329               rocket ammo depleted
sfx0330               rifle ammo depleted
sfx0331 - sfx0332     Staunton Lift Bridge noise
sfx0333 - sfx0334     jumping
sfx0335               Remote bomb detonation
sfx0336               timer
sfx0337               checkpoint collected
sfx0338 - sfx0339     menu clickings?
sfx0340 - sfx0341     hydraulics
sfx0342               sex in car
sfx0343               radio tuning
sfx0344               message box
sfx0345 - sfx0347     engine sound 1 (Perennial)
sfx0348 - sfx0350     engine sound 2 (Taxi)
sfx0351 - sfx0353     engine sound 3 (Cheetah)
sfx0354 - sfx0356     engine sound 4 (Yankee)
sfx0357 - sfx0359     engine sound 5 (Kuruma)
sfx0360 - sfx0362     engine sound 6 (Flatbed)
sfx0363 - sfx0365     engine sound 7 (BF Injection)
sfx0366 - sfx0368     engine sound 8 (Banshee)
sfx0369 - sfx0371     blank
sfx0372 - sfx0382     menu sound
sfx0383 - sfx0385     SFX audio adjuster
sfx0386 - sfx0388     *unknown
sfx0389               blank
sfx0390 - sfx0413     GTA3 background noises
sfx0414 - sfx0415     blank
sfx0416 - sfx0419     *unknown
sfx0420 - sfx0422     blank
sfx0423 - sfx0425     Thunder
sfx0426               Blank
sfx0427               "How About A Nice Smoking Bowl Love" ?
sfx0428               "You Better Shut Up"
sfx0429               "For Goodness Sake"
sfx0430               "You Ain't All That"
sfx0431               "Forgot What They Do"
sfx0432               Somber Melody
sfx0433               Sound I can't Spell
sfx0434               "Oh!"
sfx0435               Somber Melody
sfx0436               Sound I Can't Spell
sfx0437               "Oh!"
sfx0438               Floaty Melody
sfx0439               Sound I Can't Spell
sfx0440               "Oh!"
sfx0441               Some Kind of Beat
sfx0442               Alarm
sfx0443 - sfx0446     Techno Beats
sfx0447 - sfx0455     blank
sfx0456               Car Exploding
sfx0457               Staunton Lift Bridge Alarm
sfx0458               Pager SFX
sfx0459 - sfx0523     cop
sfx0524 - sfx0547     swat
sfx0548 - sfx0565     fbi
sfx0566 - sfx0595     police helicopter bullhorn
sfx0596 - sfx0622     54 (black docker male)
sfx0623 - sfx0637     army
sfx0653 - sfx0679     player talk sfx (gasps and grunts)
sfx0680 - sfx0722     43 (black project female old)
sfx0723 - sfx0727     Chunky Lee Chong
sfx0728 - sfx0777     09 (pimp)
sfx0778 - sfx0860     normal male
sfx0861 - sfx0867     Spanked Up Mad Men
sfx0868 - sfx0884     8-Ball
sfx0885 - sfx0899     Salvatore
sfx0900 - sfx0919     Misty
sfx0920 - sfx0993     medic
sfx0994 - sfx0997     Pain Noises
sfx0998 - sfx1025     75 (black construction worker)
sfx1026 - sfx1061     71 (fan female)
sfx1062 - sfx1081     69 (fan male)
sfx1082 - sfx1101     70 (fan male)
sfx1102 - sfx1132     66 (supermodel female)
sfx1133 - sfx1162     65 (supermodel male)
sfx1163 - sfx1192     46 (Chinatown male young)
sfx1193 - sfx1236     55 (scum male)
sfx1237 - sfx1272     56 (scum female)
sfx1273 - sfx1302     44 (black project female young)
sfx1303 - sfx1334     59 (business male young)
sfx1335 - sfx1366     60 (business male young)
sfx1367 - sfx1397     37 (black fat female)
sfx1398 - sfx1418     53 (white docker male)
sfx1419 - sfx1440     72 (hospital male)
sfx1441 - sfx1457     73 (hospital female)
sfx1458 - sfx1491     34 (black casual female)
sfx1492 - sfx1527     36 (female no. 3)
sfx1528 - sfx1561     30 (casual male)
sfx1562 - sfx1585     79 (student male)
sfx1586 - sfx1609     80 (student female)
sfx1610 - sfx1679     22/23 (Hood)
sfx1680 - sfx1740     18/19 (Yardie)
sfx1742 - sfx1783     64 (black business female)
sfx1784 - sfx1807     57 (white worker male)
sfx1808 - sfx1826     67 (steward male)
sfx1827 - sfx1862     68 (steward female)
sfx1863 - sfx1894     45 (Chinatown male old)
sfx1895 - sfx1928     62 (white business female)
sfx1929 - sfx1962     63 (white business female)
sfx1963 - sfx1993     33 (black fat male)
sfx1994 - sfx2027     31/41 (black project male)
sfx2028 - sfx2061     42 (black project male)
sfx2062 - sfx2082     58 (black worker male)
sfx2083 - sfx2110     76 (shopper female)
sfx2111 - sfx2138     77 (shopper female)
sfx2139 - sfx2166     78 (shopper female)
sfx2167 - sfx2220     20/21 (Colombian)
sfx2221 - sfx2248     48 (Chinatown female young)
sfx2249 - sfx2270     47 (Chinatown female old)
sfx2271 - sfx2308     generic female talk sfx (screams, gasps, and grunts)
sfx2309 - sfx2331     24 (black criminal)
sfx2332 - sfx2350     25 (white criminal)
sfx2351 - sfx2381     60 (business male old)
sfx2382 - sfx2441     49/50 (Little Italy male)
sfx2442 - sfx2475     12/13 (Triad)
sfx2476 - sfx2535     10/11 (Mafia)
sfx2566 - sfx2613     16/17 (Yakuza)
sfx2614 - sfx2641     74 (white construction worker)
sfx2642 - sfx2667     taxi driver talk sfx
sfx2668 - sfx2679     security guard talk sfx
sfx2680 - sfx2735     39 (black female prostitute)
sfx2736 - sfx2785     40 (white female prostitute)
sfx2786 - sfx2812     52 (Little Italy female young)
sfx2813 - sfx2840     51 (Little Italy female old)
sfx2841 - sfx2877     generic male talk sfx (screams, gasps, and grunts)
sfx2878 - sfx2912     32 (white fat male)
sfx2913 - sfx2944     38 (white fat female)
sfx2945 - sfx2968     35/82 (white casual female)
sfx2969 - sfx3028     14/15 (Diablo)
sfx3029 - sfx3031     Ammunation Clerk 

This is going to take a long time because of the shear amount of files. But it'll be nice to have a list and hopefully will be the standard document. Everyone in the GTA modding community can use this to quickly find sound effects replacements.

Thanks to wijiwang for the original topic, Craig Kostelecky for hosting the tool, [DMA]Blunted for all the ped's voices, and anyone who contributed to it.

Edited by spaceeinstein
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  • 4 weeks later...

Somehwere in the Audio folder.


Late edit but it's miscom.mp3.

Edited by spaceeinstein
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  • 1 month later...
Well of course, why not?
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  • 1 month later...

As I couldent seem to get any form of sound into the sfx.ram with 'gta3audio', (when I eventualy found a non corrupt copy of it in the Switch Mod Pack), I opened the RAW file in Wavelab (a lot more fun ) but when I save and re-compress the file, Wavelab makes it 4Kb bigger, and so when I check the raw file with gta3audio each sample is out of sink, playing the game is very odd but very funny.


Got any suggestions. or even an audio extractor tool that works.



**edit Goldwave audio editor can open the RAW audio file and save it with no corruption.

Edited by King's
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Is there any tool to open sa sfx audio (Not the radio stations!)?


(For the Miscom.mp3 of sa)

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Can anyone who downloaded that file upload it somewhere?


I don't have San Andreas PS2, so meh.


Here's the instructions for using it from the GTALC Audio files ReadMe:

Download Nullpointers GTA3 Sound Tool at

Copy the sound tool into the Audio folder.

Run audext.exe and wait until the window closes by itself. This may take several minutes.

After it's finished, you should see thousands of audio files in the folder.


After you finished with everything, run audimp.exe.

Wait until the window closes by itself. This may take several minutes.

Start your game.

Edited by spaceeinstein
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  • 5 weeks later...

You can also use LithJoe's Audio Editor... Can be found Here


(Sorry, can't find a working link to NullPointer's tool, looked everywhere)

Edited by Camaro d00d
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revised list below use that version


Edited by [DMA]Blunted
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Wow, thanks. I will be using the names of the ped instead of doing your way.
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EDIT1 - identified PIG Security Guard's which were mislabeled as "surfer bodybuilder, Goomba & Goomba2"

EDIT2 - Identified alot of GTA3 ped's by TXD name (some gang dff's are dupelicate hence txd)

EDIT3 - Identified "Italian Guy & Mario" as being members of the Vercetti Gang


/////////////////////////////////////// GTA Vice City archive //


sfx00000 - sfx00007 = car horns

sfx00008 - sfx00014 = helicopter sounds

sfx00015 - sfx00020 = car doors

sfx00021 - sfx00022 = *unknown

sfx00023 = start car engine

sfx00024 = *unknown

sfx00025 = car tire spin 1

sfx00026 = *tank?

sfx00027 - sfx00028 = police sirens

sfx00029 = ambulance siren

sfx00030 = truck 'backing up' indicator

sfx00031 = mr whoopie

sfx00032 = open coach door (airbrakes)

sfx00033 - sfx00037 = tire bouncing, popping, flat, airleak

sfx00038 - sfx00039 = bullet trail

sfx00040 - sfx00041 = roller skates

sfx00042 - sfx00046 = footsteps

sfx00047 = car explosion

sfx00048 = bomb explosion

sfx00049 = molotov sound 1

sfx00050 - sfx00051 = Pistol

sfx00052 - sfx00053 = M4

sfx00054 - sfx00056 = Uzi

sfx00057 - sfx00058 = Sniper

sfx00059 - sfx00060 = Rocket Launcher

sfx00061 - sfx00063 = Rocket Fire

sfx00064 - sfx00065 = Flamethrower

sfx00066 - sfx00067 = Shotgun

sfx00068 - sfx00070 = M60

sfx00071 - sfx00073 = Tec 9

sfx00074 - sfx00076 = M4

sfx00077 = Reload Pistol

sfx00078 = Reload Uzi

sfx00079 = blank

sfx00080 = Reload Sniper Rifle

sfx00081 = bat swing

sfx00082 - sfx00084 = Minigun

sfx00085 - sfx00087 = SPAS 12

sfx00088 - sfx00089 = Colt Python

sfx00090 - sfx00091 = MP5

sfx00095 - sfx00096 = wood collision

sfx00097 - sfx00099 = *unknown

sfx00100 = dumpster collision

sfx00101 - sfx00106 = car collisions 1

sfx00107 - sfx00110 = metal collisions

sfx00111 - sfx00114 = fence collisions

sfx00115 - sfx00116 = *unknown

sfx00117 = *unknown (same as 097-099)

sfx00118 - sfx00121 = box collisions 1

sfx00122 - sfx00125 = box collisions 2

sfx00126 = *unknown (similar to 097-099 at faster rate)

sfx00127 - sfx00131 = grass collision

sfx00132 = *another dumpster collision?

sfx00133 - sfx00135 = box collisions 3

sfx00136 - sfx00140 = car collisions 2

sfx00141 - sfx00142 = blow up boxes

sfx00143 = gate collision 1

sfx00144 = car scraping (walls, etc.)

sfx00145 = gate collision 2

sfx00146 - sfx00151 = glass breaking

sfx00152 - sfx00153 = fire

sfx00154 = rain

sfx00155 = after rain

sfx00156 - sfx00157 = bullet shells dropping

sfx00158 = bullet penetrating ped

sfx00159 - sfx00161 = bullet hitting car

sfx00162 - sfx00164 = bullet hitting ground

sfx00165 - sfx00170 = fist fighting

sfx00171 - sfx00173 = katana blade

sfx00174 - sfx00175 = brass knuckles

sfx00176 = open garage

sfx00177 = eerie sound in GTA3

sfx00178 = detonate

sfx00179 = SFX audio adjuster

sfx00180 - sfx00265 = police radio

.....sfx00185 = north

.....sfx00186 = east

.....sfx00187 = south

.....sfx00188 = west

.....sfx00189 = central

.....sfx00191 = suspect

.....sfx00192 = last seen

.....sfx00193 = on foot

.....sfx00194 = in at

.....sfx00195 = dark

.....sfx00196 = light

.....sfx00197 = bright

.....sfx00198 - sfx00209 = numbers

.....sfx00210 = Vice City

.....sfx00211 = Vice City Beach

.....sfx00212 = Vice City Mainland

.....sfx00213 = Ocean Beach

.....sfx00214 = Washington Beach

.....sfx00215 = Vice Point

.....sfx00216 = Leaf Links

.....sfx00217 = Starfish Isle

.....sfx00218 = Vice Port

.....sfx00219 = Little Havana

.....sfx00220 = Little Haiti

.....sfx00221 = Prawn Isle

.....sfx00222 = Downtown

.....sfx00223 = Escobar International

.....sfx00224 = black

.....sfx00225 = white

.....sfx00226 = blue

.....sfx00227 = red

.....sfx00228 = pruple

.....sfx00229 = yellow

sfx00266 = *bike idle or hunter blades?

sfx00267 = phone ring

sfx00268 - sfx00278 = car engine at steady rpms

sfx00279 = engine echo

sfx00280 - sfx00283 = blank

sfx00284 - sfx00287 = motorcycle egine at steady rpms

sfx00288 - sfx00298 = car idling

sfx00299 - sfx00303 = blank

sfx00304 - sfx00307 = motorcycle idling

sfx00308 - sfx00312 = airplane

sfx00313 = car tire spin 2

sfx00314 - sfx00315 = boat

sfx00316 = boat travelling through water

sfx00317 - sfx00318 = boat splashes

sfx00319 - boat engine at idle

sfx00320 - sfx00323 = rain on car

sfx00324 = fall in water

sfx00325 - sfx00326 = crushing body (squish)

sfx00327 - sfx00328 = blow up boxes

sfx00329 = rocket ammo depleted

sfx00330 = rifle ammo depleted

sfx00331 = *collision?

sfx00332 - sfx00333 = jumping

sfx00334 = *high pitched electronic beep?

sfx00335 = gta3 timer

sfx00336 - sfx00337 = hydraulics

sfx00338 = sex in car

sfx00339 = keep uppy

sfx00340 = degenatron

sfx00341 - sfx00342 = dodo

sfx00343 - sfx00355 = radio tuning

sfx00356 - sfx00369 = icon noise

sfx00370 = timer

sfx00371 = blank

sfx00372 - sfx00379 = menu sound

sfx00380 - sfx00382 = radio static

sfx00383 - sfx00085 = engine sounds 1 (perennial)

sfx00386 - sfx00388 = engine sounds 2 (stinger)

sfx00389 - sfx00391 = engine sounds 3 (yankee)

sfx00392 - sfx00394 = engine sounds 4 (admiral)

sfx00395 - sfx00397 = engine sounds 5 (flatbed)

sfx00398 - sfx00400 = engine sounds 6 (bf injection)

sfx00401 - sfx00403 = engine sounds 7 (hotring racer)

sfx00404 - sfx00406 = engine sounds 8 (greenwood)

sfx00407 - sfx00409 = engine sounds 9 (oceanic)

sfx00410 - sfx00412 = engine sounds 10 (taxi)

sfx00413 - sfx00415 = engine sounds 11 (sabre)

sfx00416 = blank

sfx00417 = *ambient crowd bg noise (possibly in stadium?)

sfx00418 = blank

sfx00419 - sfx00421 = chainsaw

sfx00422 - sfx00424 = rc

sfx00425 = rc helicopter

sfx00426 - sfx00430 = blank

sfx00431 - sfx00433 = freeway engine

sfx00434 = freeway wind

sfx00435 = blank

sfx00436 - sfx00437 = faggio engine

sfx00438 = faggio wind

sfx00439 - sfx00441 = sanchez wind

sfx00443 - sfx00445 = pcj900 engine

sfx00446 = pcj900 wind

sfx00447 - sfx00452 = blank

sfx00453 - sfx00456 = hunter

sfx00457 - sfx00460 = blank

sfx00461 - sfx00464 = skimmer

sfx00465 - *elevator ding?

sfx00466 - sfx00469 = blank

sfx00470 = alarm

sfx00471 = *someone snoring?

sfx00472 - sfx00484 = vice background noise

sfx00485 - sfx00491 = insects

sfx00492 - sfx00495 = Malibu bg music

sfx00496 - sfx00505 = footsteps on grass

sfx00506 - sfx00515 = footsteps 1

sfx00516 - sfx00519 = jumping into puddles

sfx00520 - sfx00523 = footsteps 2

sfx00524 - sfx00713 = BMYBB (rapping homie)

sfx00714 - sfx00736 = vice port authority

sfx00737 - sfx00756 = vice police helicopter

sfx00757 - sfx00832 = oriental girl

sfx00833 - sfx00891 = oriental golfer

sfx00892 - sfx00972 = black man

sfx00973 - sfx01039 = spanish girl

sfx01040 - sfx01132 = street gang

sfx01133 - sfx01225 = street gang

sfx01226 - sfx01320 = diaz's gang

sfx01321 - sfx01417 = diaz's gang senior member

sfx01418 - sfx01513 = cuban gang

sfx01514 - sfx01653 = vercetti's gang

sfx01654 - sfx01723 = vercetti's gang mario

sfx01724 - sfx01773 = PIG Security Guard #1

sfx01774 - sfx01821 = PIG Security Guard #2

sfx01822 - sfx01873 = PIG Security Guard #3

sfx01874 - sfx01900 = vice undercover

sfx01901 - sfx01953 = white guy 1

sfx01954 - sfx01997 = white guy 2

sfx01998 - sfx02003 = guys hitting on girls

sfx02004 - sfx02032 = white guy 3


sfx02113 - sfx02370 = Cuban gang

sfx02371 - sfx02616 = Biker gang

sfx02617 - sfx02913 = Haitian gang

sfx02914 - sfx02941 = female screams 1

sfx02942 - sfx02985 = female grunt

sfx02986 - sfx03012 = female screams 2

sfx03013 - sfx03047 = male screams 1

sfx03048 - sfx03126 = male grunts

sfx03127 - sfx03161 = male screams 2

sfx03162 - sfx03194 = cuban paramedic

sfx03195 - sfx03227 = paramedic

sfx03228 - sfx03281 = FBI

sfx03282 - sfx03323 = SWAT

sfx03324 - sfx03477 = WFYG1 (girl with love fist tattoo on buttcheek)

sfx03478 - sfx03541 = taxi drivers

sfx03542 - sfx03602 = Rich White Lady

sfx03603 - sfx03661 = White Rollerskating Chick

sfx03662 - sfx03705 = White Body Builder

sfx03706 - sfx03805 = Crude Farting White Guy Wants Tommy To Rub Him?

sfx03806 - sfx03892 = White Yuppie Lawyer that Threatens to Sue You

sfx03893 - sfx03977 = Black Street Gang Member?

sfx03978 - sfx04051 = Smooth Talking Black Pimp

sfx04052 - sfx04125 = White Prositute

sfx04126 - sfx04214 = College Guy Say's "Watch the loafer's Square"

sfx04215 - sfx04312 = Confused Black Wine O Likes Singing Alot

sfx04313 - sfx04402 = Cuban Lady

sfx04403 - sfx04479 = Cuban Guy

sfx04480 - sfx04534 = Cuban Guy Speaking Spanish Gibberish

sfx04535 - sfx04622 = Cuban Guy speaks mixed English/Spanish

sfx04623 - sfx04671 = Cuban Homeless Lady

sfx04672 - sfx04714 = Cuban Guy

sfx04715 - sfx04790 = Mexican Girl

sfx04791 - sfx04834 = White Cigar Girl

sfx04835 - sfx04920 = Mexican Guy

sfx04921 - sfx05002 = Old Jewish Golfer

sfx05003 - sfx05075 = White Asshole, Threatens to Kill you for Money?

sfx05076 - sfx05110 = Either a Tired Body Builder or a Fatass?

sfx05111 - sfx05191 = Florida Hick Quote "Pretty Boy!","Shes My Sister"

sfx05192 - sfx05252 = Black Lady sings and burps and hiccups drunkenly

sfx05253 - sfx05323 = White Valleygirl Quote "Loser!" "I'm so sueing you"

sfx05324 - sfx05393 = Black Prositute Quote "You Insane Crazy Man"

sfx05394 - sfx05453 = Black Guy Quote "Damn Honey You Look A Hot Dish!"

sfx05454 - sfx05518 = White Guy Quote "Look what you did to my beautiful car!"

sfx05519 - sfx05579 = White Gay Guy Quote "Frankie Says Just Skate"

sfx05580 - sfx05677 = White Construction Worker "Crush Kill Demolish!"

sfx05678 - sfx05759 = Mexican Lady "Easy On the Giggle Cream!"

sfx05760 - sfx05838 = Mexican Guy "Watch where you step el stupido!"

sfx05839 - sfx05911 = Mexican Guy "Your life means nothing to me!"

sfx05912 - sfx05987 = Mexican Prostitute "Where you going Mr Lonely"

sfx05988 - sfx06039 = Mexican Restruant Waitress? "I Scratch your eye out!"

sfx06040 - sfx06116 = Fatass White Lady "Hey do you want me to eat you"

sfx06117 - sfx06194 = Black Preppie Lady "OMG Urban Problems"

sfx06195 - sfx06292 = Uppity Wigger Valleygirl "What's your major malfunction BITCH!"

sfx06293 - sfx06351 = Old Black Korean/Vietnam Viet "Are you Charlie?"

sfx06352 - sfx06438 = Black Dancer "You Ain't Got No Moves!","You Got Nerve Mister!"

sfx06439 - sfx06520 = Black Pimp "Let's go time is pimping money","The Hell Are You Doing!"

sfx06521 - sfx06616 = Black Guy "Yo you better watch yourself!","Man no you didn't!"

sfx06617 - sfx06708 = White Golfer "You'll hear from my lawyer and my lawyer's lawyer!","I own Clevland!"

sfx06709 - sfx06775 = White Guy "You Think I'm Crazy?","How do you figure standing there is a good idea?"

sfx06776 - sfx06853 = Black Dock Worker "Yo you in my way dog","careful dock's is a dangerous place","Yo Yo Yo Son!"

sfx06854 - sfx06822 = Mexican Lady "Didn't yer Mom Breast Feed you?","My Dad Paid Alot of Money for This Car"

sfx06823 - sfx06991 = Mexican Lady "Hey Look Yer Blocking The Road","Stay Away from me Playa"

sfx06992 - sfx07069 = Black Lady "You Bumbling Fool","May A Thousand Flamingo's sh*t on your Porch"

sfx07070 - sfx07131 = Southern Black Lady? "Did you even think about that one sugar?","Stop in the name of the law!"

sfx07132 - sfx07205 = Black Lady "I'm not talking to you buzzy","why you miserable son of a"

sfx07206 - sfx07270 = Mexican Lady "You Better Be Sorry","You Almost Hit Me"

sfx07271 - sfx07341 = Friendless White Lady "I wish I had those clothes","Just Kill me","I'm only a little girl!"

sfx07342 - sfx07425 = Fat/Smelly White Lady "Give me some money","The Smell Says Go Away"

sfx07426 - sfx07493 = Fat White Lady "that could have ruined my whole afternoon of shopping","I had to buy that outfit"

sfx07494 - sfx07558 = Old White Man "Where'd you learn to be so stupid","Someone should hit you with a brick"

sfx07559 - sfx07632 = Black Man "Well I never!","Damn Fool Crashed my Car!"

sfx07633 - sfx07703 = ped with white golf glove on right hand, pink tshirt & blue jeans

sfx07704 - sfx07770 = White Girl "You Jerk I'm Like So Stuck","My Boyfriend Ted is totally gonna mess you up"

sfx07771 - sfx07846 = White Lady "Hello? Hello?","I'm Late to my husbands funeral","Do you except donations?"

sfx07847 - sfx07921 = White Old Lady Golfer "This is the senors lane little one","Harry will be so upset"

sfx07922 - sfx07974 = Mexican Gang Member #1? "You Have Any Money","This Girl's a real tiger man!"

sfx07975 - sfx08062 = White Hick "Damn Fool!","The Lights on But No one's Home","Just Walk Away"

sfx08063 - sfx08165 = Surfer White Guy "This is way over my head man","Take a chill pill bro"

sfx08166 - sfx08231 = Older Black Jamacian Lady "Oh well that's the life","Oh no you crazy man"

sfx08232 - sfx08273 = White Southern Lady "Step off me","Your momma's a waste of makeup"."I'm searching for a wild time"

sfx08274 - sfx08385 = Old White Lady "I worked 79 years for that money!","I'm gonna get you, you little sh*t!"

sfx08386 - sfx08468 = White Lady "I'mma get severe PMS in about 3 seconds flat","You just bumped into the wrong bitch!"

sfx08469 - sfx08513 = White Cop "I'm calming him down","This is governement property"

sfx08514 - sfx08558 = White Cop "I'd chase you but I had too many doughnuts","Come on hit me I want to retire"

sfx08559 - sfx08693 = White Cop (largest sfx's) "You deserve this my friend","This is cop business sir!","I'm trained!"

sfx08694 - sfx09814 = tommy vercetti voices

sfx09815 - sfx09940 = tommy vercetti grunts



////////////////////////////////////////////// GTA3 archive ///


sfx00000 - sfx00007 = car horns

sfx00008 - sfx00013 = doors


sfx00017 = Start car engine


sfx00021 - sfx00022 = Police siren

sfx00023 = Ambulance siren

sfx00024 = Truck backing up

sfx00025 = Mr Whoopee

sfx00026 = Car alarm

sfx00027 = Open Coach door

sfx00028 = blank

sfx00029 = Car's wheels

sfx00030 - sfx00031 = Train

sfx00032 - sfx00056 = Footsteps

sfx00057 - sfx00060 = Jumping into puddles

sfx00061 - sfx00064 = Footstep on grass

sfx00065 = Bomb explosion

sfx00066 = Molotov

sfx00067 - sfx00068 = Pistol

sfx00069 - sfx00070 = M16

sfx00071 - sfx00072 = AK47

sfx00073 - sfx00074 = Uzi


sfx00077 - sfx00078 = Sniper

sfx00079 - sfx00083 = Rocket

sfx00084 - sfx00085 = Flamethrower

sfx00086 - sfx00087 = Shotgun

sfx00088 = Reload Pistol

sfx00089 = Reload Uzi

sfx00090 = Reload M16

sfx00091 = blank

sfx00092 = Reload Sniper

sfx00093 - sfx00097 = box collisions 1

sfx00098 - sfx00100 = *unknown

sfx00101 = dumpster collision

sfx00102 - sfx00107 = car collisions 1

sfx00108 - sfx00111 = metal collisions

sfx00112 - sfx00115 = fence collisions


sfx00122 - sfx00125 = box collisions 1

sfx00126 - sfx00129 = box collisions2


sfx00131 - sfx00135 = grass collisions


sfx00137 - sfx00139 = box collisions 3

sfx00140 - sfx00144 = car collisions 2

sfx00145 - sfx00146 = blow up boxes

sfx00147 = gate collision 1

sfx00148 = car scraping (walls, etc.)

sfx00149 = gate collision 2

sfx00150 - sfx00155 = glass breaking

sfx00156 - sfx00157 = fire

sfx00158 = rain

sfx00159 - sfx00166 - icon noise

sfx00167 - sfx00168 - bullet chells dropping

sfx00169 = bullet penetrating ped

sfx00170 - sfx00175 = bullet hitting car

sfx00176 - sfx00178 = bullet hitting ground

sfx00179 - sfx00184 = fist fighting

sfx00185 = open garage

sfx00186 = *unknown

sfx00187 = detonate

sfx00188 = static

sfx00189 - sfx00279 = police radio

sfx00280 - sfx00282 = helicopter

sfx00283 = phone ring

sfx00284 - sfx00291 = car engine (steady rmp's)

sfx00292 - sfx00293 = blank

sfx00294 - sfx00301 = car idling

sfx00302 - sfx00303 = blank

sfx00304 - sfx00308 = airplane

sfx00309 = car tire spin

sfx00310 - sfx00312 = boat

sfx00313 = boat traveling through water

sfx00314 - sfx00315 = boat splashes

sfx00316 = boat engine at idle

sfx00317 - sfx00318 = Dodo

sfx00319 - sfx00322 = rain on car

sfx00323 = fall in water

sfx00324 - sfx00325 = crushing body

sfx00326 = CD player

sfx00327 - sfx00328 = blow up boxes

sfx00329 = rocket ammo depleted

sfx00330 = rifle ammo depleted

sfx00331 - sfx00332 = *unknown

sfx00333 - sfx00334 = jumping

sfx00335 = *high pitched electronic beep?

sfx00336 = timer

sfx00337 = checkpoint collected

sfx00338 - sfx00339 = menu clickings?

sfx00340 - sfx00341 = hydraulics

sfx00342 = sex in car

sfx00343 = radio tuning

sfx00344 = *I forgot what it is

sfx00345 - sfx00347 = engine sound 1 (Perennial)

sfx00348 - sfx00350 = engine sound 2 (Taxi)

sfx00351 - sfx00353 = engine sound 3 (Cheetah)

sfx00354 - sfx00356 = engine sound 4 (Yankee)

sfx00357 - sfx00359 = engine sound 5 (Kuruma)

sfx00360 - sfx00362 = engine sound 6 (Flatbed)

sfx00363 - sfx00365 = engine sound 7 (BF Injection)

sfx00366 - sfx00368 = engine sound 8 (Banshee)

sfx00369 - sfx00371 = blank

sfx00372 - sfx00382 = menu sound

sfx00383 - sfx00385 = SFX audio adjuster

sfx00386 - sfx00388 = *unknown

sfx00389 = blank

sfx00390 - sfx00413 = GTA3 background noises

sfx00000 - sfx00007 = car horns

sfx00008 - sfx00013 = doors


sfx00017 = Start car engine


sfx00021 - sfx00022 = Police siren

sfx00023 = Ambulance siren

sfx00024 = Truck backing up

sfx00025 = Mr Whoopee

sfx00026 = Car alarm

sfx00027 = Open Coach door

sfx00028 = blank

sfx00029 = Car's wheels

sfx00030 - sfx00031 = Train

sfx00032 - sfx00056 = Footsteps

sfx00057 - sfx00060 = Jumping into puddles

sfx00061 - sfx00064 = Footstep on grass

sfx00065 = Bomb explosion

sfx00066 = Molotov

sfx00067 - sfx00068 = Pistol

sfx00069 - sfx00070 = M16

sfx00071 - sfx00072 = AK47

sfx00073 - sfx00074 = Uzi


sfx00077 - sfx00078 = Sniper

sfx00079 - sfx00083 = Rocket

sfx00084 - sfx00085 = Flamethrower

sfx00086 - sfx00087 = Shotgun

sfx00088 = Reload Pistol

sfx00089 = Reload Uzi

sfx00090 = Reload M16

sfx00091 = blank

sfx00092 = Reload Sniper

sfx00093 - sfx00097 = box collisions 1

sfx00098 - sfx00100 = *unknown

sfx00101 = dumpster collision

sfx00102 - sfx00107 = car collisions 1

sfx00108 - sfx00111 = metal collisions

sfx00112 - sfx00115 = fence collisions


sfx00122 - sfx00125 = box collisions 1

sfx00126 - sfx00129 = box collisions2


sfx00131 - sfx00135 = grass collisions


sfx00137 - sfx00139 = box collisions 3

sfx00140 - sfx00144 = car collisions 2



sfx00425 =

sfx00426 = Blank

sfx00427 = "How About A Nice Smoking Bowl Love" ?

sfx00428 = "You Better Shut Up"

sfx00429 = "For Goodness Sake"

sfx00430 = "You Ain't All That"

sfx00431 = "Forgot What They Do"

sfx00432 = Somber Melody

sfx00433 = Sound I can't Spell

sfx00434 = "Oh!"

sfx00435 = Somber Melody

sfx00436 = Sound I Can't Spell

sfx00437 = "Oh!"

sfx00438 = Floaty Melody

sfx00439 = Sound I Can't Spell

sfx00440 = "Oh!"

sfx00441 = Some Kind of Beat

sfx00442 = Alarm

sfx00443 - sfx00446 = Techno Beats

sfx00447 - sfx0455 = Blank

sfx00456 = Car Exploding

sfx00457 = Staunton Lift Bridge Alarm

sfx00458 = Pager SFX

sfx00459 - sfx00553 = Cop/Swat

sfx00554 - sfx00559 = FBI

sfx00560 - sfx00565 = Country Cop (Have no idea what ped this is)

sfx00566 - sfx00595 = Cops on Helicopter Bullhorn

sfx00596 - sfx00622 = White Dock Worker

sfx00623 - sfx00637 = Army

sfx00638 - sfx00652 = Army

sfx00653 - sfx00679 = All Types of Gasping

sfx00680 - sfx00686 = Old White Lady

sfx00687 - sfx00722 = p_wom1

sfx00723 - sfx00727 = Chinese Gibberish?

sfx00728 - sfx00777 = pimp

sfx00778 - sfx00860 = male01_nu

sfx00861 - sfx00867 = Spanked Up Mad Men

sfx00868 - sfx00884 = Black Guy #2

sfx00885 - sfx00899 = Italian Guy #1

sfx00900 - sfx00919 = Italian Lady #1

sfx00920 - sfx00993 = Medics

sfx00994 - sfx00997 = Pain Noises

sfx00998 - sfx01025 = Black Guy #3

sfx01026 - sfx01061 = f_wom1

sfx01062 - sfx01081 = f_man1

sfx01082 - sfx01101 = f_man2

sfx01102 - sfx01132 = White Lady #3

sfx01133 - sfx01162 = White Guy #8

sfx01163 - sfx01192 = Chinese Guy #1

sfx01193 - sfx01236 = scum_man

sfx01237 - sfx01272 = scum_gal

sfx01273 - sfx01302 = Black Lady #1

sfx01303 - sfx01334 = British Guy #1

sfx01335 - sfx01366 = White Guy #9 (Laslow)

sfx01367 - sfx01397 = fatfemale01_nu

sfx01398 - sfx01418 = White Guy #9

sfx01419 - sfx01440 = Gay White Guy

sfx01441 - sfx01459 = White Lady #4

sfx01460 - sfx01491 = female01

sfx01492 - sfx01527 = b_wom1

sfx01528 - sfx01561 = oldguy

sfx01562 - sfx01585 = stu_man

sfx01586 - sfx01609 = stu_wom

sfx01610 - sfx01644 = hood3 / hood4

sfx01645 - sfx01679 = hood3 / hood4

sfx01680 - sfx01710 = yardie2

sfx01711 - sfx01741 = yardie2

sfx01742 - sfx01783 = Black Lady #1

sfx01784 - sfx01807 = Country White Guy #2

sfx01808 - sfx01826 = White Guy #10

sfx01827 - sfx01844 = White Lady #5

sfx01845 - sfx01862 = White Lady #6

sfx01863 - sfx01894 = Chinese Guy #2

sfx01895 - sfx01928 = White Lady #7

sfx01929 - sfx01962 = Peutro Rican Lady #1

sfx01963 - sfx01993 = fatmale2_nu

sfx01994 - sfx02026 = p_man1 / male03a

sfx02027 - sfx02061 = hood3 / hood4

sfx02062 - sfx02082 = Black Guy

sfx02083 - sfx02110 = White Lady #7 (has shopping bags)

sfx02111 - sfx02138 = Pissed Italian Lady

sfx02139 - sfx02166 = Chinese Lady #1

sfx02167 - sfx02193 = columbian / columbian2

sfx02194 - sfx02220 = columbian / columbian2

sfx02221 - sfx02248 = Chinese Lady #1 (Again)

sfx02249 - sfx02270 = Chinese Lady #2

sfx02271 - sfx02308 = Women Gasping/Screaming

sfx02309 - sfx02331 = crimminal01

sfx02332 - sfx02350 = crimminal02

sfx02351 - sfx02381 = White Guy #11 (Harvard Preppie)

sfx02382 - sfx02441 = li_man / li_man_nu

sfx02442 - sfx02475 = triad2 / traid3

sfx02476 - sfx02505 = mafia

sfx02506 - sfx02535 = mafia

sfx02536 - sfx02565 = mafia

sfx02566 - sfx02589 = yakuza1 / yakuza2

sfx02590 - sfx02613 = yakuza1 / yakuza2

sfx02614 - sfx02641 = Gay White Sailor

sfx02642 - sfx02654 = cabbie

sfx02655 - sfx02667 = cabbie

sfx02668 - sfx02679 = Old White Man

sfx02680 - sfx02735 = pros_xblack

sfx02736 - sfx02785 = pros_x

sfx02786 - sfx02812 = Italian Lady #4

sfx02813 - sfx02840 = Old Italian Lady

sfx02841 - sfx02877 = Men Gasping/Screaming

sfx02878 - sfx02912 = fatmale01

sfx02913 - sfx02944 = fatfemale02

sfx02945 - sfx02968 = cas_Wom

sfx02969 - sfx02998 = chico / chico2 (diablos)

sfx02999 - sfx03028 = chico / chico2 (diablos)

sfx03029 - sfx03031 = Ammunation Clerk

Edited by [DMA]Blunted
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I think the Nullpointer's sound tool link is pretty dead, i need it...

Does someone have a link? Please

Thank you!

smile.gif aasmaukr

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Yea it's dead. Download Liberty City SFX Audio files v7 to get the tool which is combined with Liberty City's SFX audio files if you don't mind. It got specific instructions on how to use it.
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  • 3 weeks later...

sfx00344 in GTA3 is the sound that occurs when a message appears in the grey box in the top-left corner of the screen.

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Edited by spaceeinstein
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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

or better yet, will GTA3 Sound Tools work for

San Andreas?




thanks for any insight.



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  • 2 weeks later...

how do install the mod?????????????????????????????????????????????v 3

spaceeinstein please tell me!!!!!!

i want to know how to install the "all in one mod" v 3 for vice city...plzz

Edited by dudeman1234
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There is no archive for San Andreas because no one is cracking that yet. And it has just been releassed for two months so wait.
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plzz tell me how to install the All In One Mod v3 for vc!!!!!!

Edited by dudeman1234
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  • 1 month later...

Does someone now the correct import settings for the 9 files in the GTA SA SFX folder if imported in a audio editor like adobe audition?


"raw mono audio streams in Signed 16-bit little-endian Intel PCM

format at about 20000 Hz"


This info is from the Free SA radio tool, but this is wrong and all files sounds like mickey mouse, much too fast.

16000 is also still to fast, 11025 sounds to slow, has someone figured out the correct settings for the SFX files?

Or besser use another editor, which can handle them perfect?


P.S. Where are the sounds from maccer from the mission where cj drives him and his friend from the desert to LV?

I'm also interessted in all catalina sounds smile.gif


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  • 2 weeks later...

Does someone now the correct import settings for the 9 files in the GTA SA SFX folder if imported in a audio editor like adobe audition?


The following is a quote from a post by steve-m in the Music Files thread



FEET - 15k, 16k, 17k

GENRL - both 18k

PAIN_A - almost all 15k, 6 of them 8k

SCRIPT - all 8k

SPC_[E|F|G|N]A - all 12k

SPC_PA - all 15k



EDIT a day later: Note, after looking into the format of the SA SFX archives myself, those values are incomplete; they are based on only the first bank of sounds in each archive. So, you may find some sounds in each archive that are way off when using the above values. For instance, there are some sounds in FEET with 8k and 12k sampling rates and even one that runs at 44.1k


Edited by pdescobar
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  • 1 month later...
I suppose this is technically a double post, but the last one was over a month ago and I wanted to make sure this was seen. In the process of testing my SA Audio Toolkit, I've come up with the beginnings of a bank-based directory for SA's SFX archives. Should I drop it in this topic (it's pretty huge, given the sheer number of SA SFX) or create a new topic for it or put it somewhere else?
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