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The Official Girlfriend Guide

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These are all the girfriend you can meet in the game, where to meet them, and how to nab them.


Dating is NOT required for 100% completion.



The Girls



Denise Robinson

She's a gang girl that you meet in Los Santos when doing the mission, "Burning Desire". Simple enough. She’s into men with lots of sex appeal. Available from 16:00-06:00. When you get 100% with her you unlock the Pimp Suit which is then sent to your wardrobe.



Michelle Cannes

She’s a mechanic who likes a guy with some junk in the trunk, and lots of sex appeal; so spend some time fattening up before going to the Driving School in San Fierro to ask her out. She’ll be the one with the blue arrow on top of her in front of the water cooler. Available from 00:01-12:00. When you get 100% with this one, you unlock a racing outfit that is sent to your wardrobe.


Helena Wankstein

She’s a gun freak who you can find hanging out on the outside balcony of the Ammu-Nation in Blueberry, Red County. She likes the average man, you know, about 20% muscle and minimal fat, and of course, sex appeal. Available from 08:00-12:00 or 14:00-02:00.



Barbara Schternvart

She’s a cop in El Quebrados in the desert of San Andreas in the Police Dept parking lot. She likes her men like her co-workers: pigs, nice and fat, but don't come without some sex appeal and nice attire, she might eat you. Available from 16:00-06:00. When you get 100% progress with her you get to keep your weapons when you get busted and you unlock the Medic suit into your wardrobe, and possibly a police suit.


Katie Zhan

She's a nurse who can be found practicing Thai Chi at the edge of the golf course in the Avispa country club in san Fierro. She likes her men big and muscular with lots of sex appeal. Available from 12:00-00:00(midnight). Achieve 100% with her and you get to keep your weapons after getting wasted and you unlock the Medic suit in your wardrobe.



Millie Perkins

She works at Caligula's Palace (Casino) in Las Venturas. You can find her in the mission, "Key to Her Heart". Pose as a gimp with lots of sex appeal and you're a shoe-in for a date. Available from 02:00 to 10:00 or 14:00-18:00 (see Personal Experience for possible help with her).



Dating tips



Meeting Them

Two of the women you meet are through missions, but for the rest, you’re on your own. Go to the place where she is, she will have a blue arrow over her, and walk up to her, and follow the on-screen instructions (sorry I don't have any experience of what happens) you will be either rejected or accepted.


Sex Appeal

Every woman loves a sexy man, make sure you're packing lots of it if you want to date one of these women, but nice clothes (not something form SubUrban, but Didier Sachs), get a nice cut, get inked up, and of course, roll up in luxury. Cars make for a big portion of sex appeal, so make sure you don't roll up in something like a multicoloured Clover, and make sure it's not been in a few wrecks, try to drive cautiously after you jack the ride that you plan on taking to her house. Sex appeal works like this, 60% is clothes and 40% is your ride (goes by the last car you stepped out of).


Pick Them Up

To initiate a date, either you will receive a phone call, or you can go to her house, (the heart icon on the map) when she is available, and go into the red marker.


Surprise Her

There are 40 flowers scattered across San Andreas, pick up one and surprise her with it for extra loving. Use L1 to give her the flowers. Dildos have also been reported to work. I have heard of one being in the bathroom of the Los Santos Police Dept.


The Date

Okay this is it, the big moment. When she gets in the car, she will let you know what she likes and what she wants to do. You will have a variety of options, such as fast food, restaurants, clubs, bars, all of which will appear on the map. During the date you will see a message saying press L1 to kiss, if successful, you will add 1% to your progress with that girl, L1 also gives her flowers if you have them, which is another 1%. A successful date boosts your progress up 5% with her.


Pay Attention To Her

If you ignore her long enough, she will dump your ass, and then it's back to your right hand, you don't want that do you?



My Personal Experience



I have only gone on like 3 dates with Denise, and she likes doing drive-by's, and is down with any place you go to (bar, fast food, club, etc...).


But the game tells you everything you need to know when you start the date, so don’t' worry.


MILLIE PERKINS: Okay, the strategy guide was wrong on the time available for her in my game, I stood outside her house for a whole day, and she was available at 12:00 noon on the dot, not what the start guide said. So maybe it varies from game to game. She likes to eat at the Coq Restaurant, and I noticed she likes going dancing. Also, the Gimp suit IS NOT necessary to go out with her.


Insane props to The Untouchable for redoing the whole thing. I really apreciate it.

Edited by Rayo Puño
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my only question is....is it necessary? cuz if it isnt necessary to the storyline or opening up new things i dont want to bother with it just yet, I want to save it for later when im done with the story so I still have stuff to do in the game.

My experiance with Denise is that she seems to like going to the Ten Bottles bar the best. She hates going anywhere 'uptown' (so the hamburger joints were out). And taking her to the diner got a drink thrown in my face.


edit: Just a note. Denise almost always says she wants to get something to eat, but the bar works fine regardless. She even claims it was a good meal when you come out.


michelle never likes any places I take her.....anyone found a place she likes....also she hasn't been home for over a week in the game, is it possible that I pissed her off so bad that I can't take her out anymore? 

take her to Misty's, the bar near your garage.


anyone know where Katie and Helena likes to go?


EDIT: Katie likes to eat at the Diner that appears at Pier 69

Edited by chuck430
So can you get it on and crackin with these girlfriends like you can with a ho? Cause if so it might be worth it if not that bitch Denise is annoying and I'm just gonna kill her.

no, you have to date her b4 you can get laid, and after that im not sure if she heals you. but when you get her to 100% denise gives you a gift, not sure if it happens for the other girls....and you get the keys to their rare cars


My experiance with Denise is that she seems to like going to the Ten Bottles bar the best. She hates going anywhere 'uptown' (so the hamburger joints were out). And taking her to the diner got a drink thrown in my face.


edit: Just a note. Denise almost always says she wants to get something to eat, but the bar works fine regardless. She even claims it was a good meal when you come out.

Just a side note - most bars DO have food (wings, burgers, chicken strips and such)

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